Shot in the Dark.......

Started by firstturn, March 08, 2006, 08:41:32 PM

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Since this is section for items wanted...I am going to build a 1960's go kart.  I am looking for a 60's complete rolling chassis (with or without engine).  I will buy it out right or trade Penton parts or a bike.  Let me know what you have or can help me find(I will pay a finders fee if it something I buy).  I especially am looking for a Moss, Exterminator or the ultimate a Cates Kart.  One, two or three engine OK.  Thanks for reading.  Please email me if you have any information or have a kart.

[email protected]

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


I like this response......

"Do ya really need ANOTHER hobby?!"

The answer is probably no, but it would be fun to build one.[:p]

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh



I saw a couple of karts on this site for sale.
You've probably been here.  The one listed as Karts for sale has two, but it sounds like they're already restored.  Now you have my interest.   Some of the old ones look pretty scary.  100mph with my butt 1" off the ground?  I'll watch you.  Skip
Skip Page
Tucson, AZ


  Thanks I hadn't looked at this for a while and there is one on there that I may check on.  I appreciate any and all input as the Go Kart may be a mascot for the POG.  Thanks again.  I will try to keep it under 90 MPH.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Do you think if you paint a couple of those extra 100cc Sachs motors that you have laying around yellow the vintage official will think they're 5hp macs?  Stick those on and you won't be going under 90.  Skip
Skip Page
Tucson, AZ



I can't help you. I sold the Kart I designed and built when I was 16 years old in 1958. I designed the frame as I was inspired by the Formula 1 cars of the day. I had dreams of being a formula 1 race car designer when I grew up. I designed a space frame using 3/4" Chrome Moly 16 ga tubing. I bought my own welding equipment and brazed the frame together ala Formula 1s of the time. I used a Saetta rotary valve engine (Italian) and blew away all the other karts with their stiff 2" diameter frames and McCoullach (sp?) piston port engines. All the other karts lifted a front wheel on the corners, but my space frame with it's low torsional rigidity kept all four wheels on the ground at all times.

It was hard starting though and the clutch was no good if I had one, I forget. So I started it by having my pit crew (high school buddies!!!) lift the rear of the kart in the air and we would back up my 1952 150cc NSU bike to it on it's bike stand and then rub the tires together with the bike in gear. Once started, we would carry it to the line and I would get in it with the guys still holding the rear wheels off the ground. When the flag dropped, they would drop the kart and we were off!!!! What wonderful teenage years I had. I didn't have time for drugs or tobacco, I was too busy racing my kart!! I didn't have much luck with the girls though, something about smelling like Castrol R.

This brings back the memories of another vehicle I designed with hard starting. I lived in Hawaii from age 14 to 16. During the summer when I was 15 I decided I wanted to build a motorized (of course!!!) boat to sail to Kauai or Mauai (I forget) from Oahu. So I found the design for a 9 ft pram in popular mechanics and built it and adapted it for an inboard four stroke engine. I again blew the clutch part of it (didn't have one) and in the water you couldn't pull the starter cord hard/fast enough to get it to start because of the direct drive shaft to the prop offered too much resistance. So again, high school buddies and I would lift the rear of the boat out of the water to start it, rev it up and drop it into the water and jump in quickly!!! We tried it out a number of times in the Alawai canal near Waikiki and it worked great. So now it was off to the other side of the island for the big trip to another island. We could see the other island from the beach so I thought it would be no problem to just go for it. Unfortunately at 15 I hadn't taken the time to find out that the roughest waters in the Pacific Ocean exist between these two islands!!! My buddy and I didn't get past the breakers when a big wave flipped the boat over backwards and landed it in the water upside down. Fortunately I had designed in a 3 ft by 3ft bulk head that captured air and kept the boat and us a float. We eventually got back to shore. I am not sure what we told our parents. The engine was ruined sucking in all that salt water. How did we ever make it to 21???

That brings up another story -----No,no,no that's enough!!!!!




What a great idea.  I can't ever see the word go-kart without having my heart flutter a bit.

My car mechanics are big into kart racing.  One has a Honda 125cc motorcycle engine mounted on the kart he's currently racing.  I think the thing is scary fast - races it out at Hallet Racetrack between Tulsa and Stillwater.  His name is Nadir, and his partner is Mike.  their work number is 592-1633.  They might know/have some leads/stuff for you.

Larry Seale
I choose to ride
Larry Seale
I choose to ride...slower and slower all the time


  Thanks for the lead.  There was a lot of Kart Racing in Texas and Oklahoma back in the 60's and 70's.  I want to put McCulloch engine or engines on the one I build.  Oh well something else to dream about.  I hope to see you at my old Friends race in Jefferson (Diamond Don's).

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Not sure if this be of interest to you, but there is an indoor cart track in Boston, Ma. "F1 Boston" designed after very popular facilities in Europe. This is a brand new first class place with two tracks that can be connected(I think that is when they bring out the twin two stroke engined carts), a great restuarant and bar that overlooks the tracks, large meeting facilities.I have only been there once and we had a BLAST, you must watch a quick video then fire suit, neck brace and helmet and off you go.  They give you a print out of all your lap times and everyone elses. These are real race carts and you pull some pretty good G's. I think they are builting an outdoor one on Long Island right also.  I highly recommend it, check it out
Now if you want some entertainment check this kart out 1100cc, 113 HP,298lbs //, I think that there are two videos of this wild Kart. Makes me laugh just watching it.


Dear Yam,
  Yes I have seen this type of facilities abound the country and in other countries.  Thanks for the info.  I know others have enjpyed this post.........still looking for the Moss or Cates Kart.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Thanks for everyones help.  Larry Seale actually picked up a Kart for me and Skip helped me locate some like minded old Kart racers.  To date I have four Karts, many engines and I just found 5 new engines (or ones built from NOS parts).  I appreciate the emails off the site also.  Thanks guys and if anyone else comes up with any old Karts or engines please let me know.  I will probably be listing more Penton items on eBay to help with this other hobby, but Pentons are and will always be my #1 interest.  Thanks again.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Did your kart racing in Texas include enduro karting? I did quite a bit of enduro karting in the mid-to-late 60s, including the Nationals at Green Valley Raceway in Dallas and Indianapolis Raceway Park. I lived in Houston and raced with Jim Akkerman. We did a lot of full circle crank work on McCullochs and West Bends. And developed the "slippy clutch" for use with the MarGay gearbox. Those were some fun times. Good luck with the McCullochs.

Nelson Lingle
Nelson Lingle
73 Jackpiner
74 Jackpiner
71 DKW 125


  I never raced Enduro Karts (in the 60's) and actually had moved on to cars by the mid 60's since my Brother was a drag racer.  I just sold one of the full circle cranks several months ago since I am going to stay as stock as possible since the Mac engines are not really that stable of a a engine base.  I had not heard the Akkermann name in a long time...that brings back some memories.  I will look in my library and see if I have any Kart Programs  from Green Valley...I know I have some 60's Drag Racing Programs from there.  Please email me off the site and tell me where you are living now.  Thanks.

[email protected]

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


I know this has nothing to do with Pentons, but with the help of Skip Page(POG MEMBER) I have actually bought 11 beautiful Old/New go kart engines from the 60's.  Check out Skip's post in December of 2005.  With his help I found a guy with a huge collection of Karts from the 60's.  I drove to Arizona and Skip and I went to visit the guy and bought more engines.  The point is that Penton People Help Penton People......Thanks Skip for the help.  And I actually delivered Skip beautifully restored 1971 Penton during this trip.  Look for a picture of his bike soon.  Thanks for reading this Non-Penton post and thanks Skip for all the help.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


I had a great time yesterday driving around the state of AZ in search or the holy grail.  It was just great to see the look on your face when you saw the go cart parts and collection.  It was like a kid in a candy store.  Thanks again for bring my bike over from TX.  Looking forward to a long friendship.  Skip

I'll post some pictures of the steel tanker soon and also get some photos to Randy for the calander.  One more thing Ron, just never ask me to look at her tatoos.
Skip Page
Tucson, AZ