Be Careful on the Street

Started by desmond197, April 28, 2006, 10:03:29 PM

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Today I saw a fellow rider lose his life in what would have been a minor accident at low speed. An 80 year old woman driving a Tahoe center punched a motorcyclist making a turn. The guy was wearing no helmet,jacket or boots. I saw the whole thing and the Police were there in less than 2 minutes. The rider of the sport bike was DOA trapped under the Tahoe.

I think from now on my Ducati 748 is going to stay in the garage or for track days only. The plates are coming off my Husky 250 WR as well. I have a 6 year old and it is just not worth it any more. The woman that hit him was cluless and should be charged with manslaughter. She was in to mental capacity to be driving.  The rider was also to blame no helmet no other protective gear. These idiots that got the helmet laws repealed should have seen what I saw today.

I pray for the riders family and friends. Sorry for the rant guys


Desmond,You've opened a can of worms with this one.As a street rider and an officer of ABATE of Indiana I take exception to the statement that the rider was at fault in any way, as long as the law in your state doesn't require helmets.My point is I would never want a law that requires me to wear a helmet anymore than a law that tells me I can't wear a helmet.The thing you have to consider is choice.You have the choice to ride with any safety equipment you think is proper not the goverment (they do such a good job in all the other aspects of our lives,right?).As far as you putting your bikes away because of the accident that you witnessed I hope you will reconsider.Sure the sport of motorcycling has its risks but I hope you won't give up street riding because of what you have seen.I hope you take away from this a better understanding of the risks and be careful out there.As stated in your post the lady was clueless.I hope you gave the police that statement and are going to follow up with the upcoming legal proceedings that are bound to happen.The real crime here is that the family of the lady that caused the accident didn't take her keys away before this tragedy.I'm sure that this isn't the first time that Mom made a driving mistake.In closing I'd like to remind everyone to be careful out there.With people in such a hurry and talking on cell phones it's not going to get any better.Get involved with the AMA or any M/C rights group in your state.We can not expect drivers to get any smarter but we can be.The choice is yours.By the way I WEAR a helmet because I want to not because anyone tells me I have to.Just my two cents worth,Frosty


I am with Frosty on this one, Desmond.  Although I'll always be a dirt rider at heart, I've ridden street bikes for the better part of three decades now and have no intention of surrenduring the pleasures associated because of the inherent risks.  I've had more close calls than I could ever count.  However, 99% of those have come while at the wheel of my big, airbag-equipped car, and I can assure you that in most cases I would have been just as dead, regardless of the number of wheels under me.  Certainly, to eyewitness a tragic accident makes one rethink priorities.  My wife is a rider as well, which lends an additional, critical concern for me.  What would I do if something happened to her?  Incomprehensible.  However, she and I have considered what we want from life, and sitting on the sidelines aint it.  When I think of the family and friends I've lost who never even swung a let over a bike, it makes me all the more determined to go for it.  And as Forest Gump said, that's all I've got to say about that.


Hi Guys, I had made a post about this and then recanted but I have to put my 2 cents in so here goes. I had a lady in a Chevette turn across in front of me and after all was said and done there was a totaled Chevette and my 550 Honda.  I was left with both lungs punctured, 3 ribs broken and my left arm bone poking out of my skin. First things first, in the state of S.C. you don't have to wear a helmet but you do have to wear a seat belt in a car!! DUH?? If it wasn't for my full face helmet I would be DEAD!!!Remember the egg on drugs commercial??With more cars on the roads,cell phones,everybody in a hurry I for one will never come back to the city streets on a bike and I have been riding 41 years.When I was a kid of about 5 yrs old I sat between my father's arms on the tank of a Harley 74 from Charleston S.C. and rode to Evansville IND.My father,mother and I didn't have a helmet on but we are talking early 60's.There wasn't so many cars on the streets and no CELL phones.My father and mother ride a Honda Apencade to this day and my father says you have to ride like everybody is trying to kill you, and he also says if you have a $25.00 head get a $25.00 helmet. Talk about ranting,I am sorry guys but I see guys getting killed all the time when they aren't wearing a helmet.I know that this is a very debated topice and people feel pretty much firm one way or the other, but as far as I'm concerned, please guys you have got to wear a helmet.

Thomas Carmichael

1970 125 Six Day
1976 250 Hare Scrambler
Thomas Carmichael

1970 125 Six Day
1976 250 Hare Scrambler


Here goes more worms,My state has the "you got to wear a seatbelt but you can ride a m/c without a helmet law".Let me tell you why.People in cars don't care about the laws that are shoved down their throats.Not the same with motorcyclist in my state.When they started the seatbelt law it was to be that a ticket for noncompliance was going to be a secondary offence.Meaning that if you got pulled over for speeding they could also write you a ticket for not wearing a seatbelt.In the state of Indiana now, the local police set up road blocks to ticket non seatbelt wearing motorist.By the way police cars are exempt from this law.Too binding they say.This from the guys that are inforcing the law.I don't think the trust the goverment to take care of you attitude is the route to do.If wearing your helmet or any other thing makes you feel better I'm all for it and I respect your opinion.But please don't tell me I have to.Remember, Fascist That Seatbelt.

Dwight Rudder

There is no reason at all for a Policeman to be exempt from wearing a seatbeat.  I wish they could explain, " TOO BINDING" .  I thought that is what seat belts do to protect you.  As for Helmets,  Everyone I know, I mean EVERYONE,  laughs at motorcyclists who dont' wear helmets. I don't mean a trip down the block and back. BUT someone out in traffic riding with the car idiots.   The classic statement I heard about not wearing a helmet or those jokes they call skid lids or "Novelty helmets" that don't have DOT approval (and I don't mean the illegal "DOT" STICKER ), " Let them do as they please and rid the gene pool of idiots " .  My life has been saved several times on motorcycles by wearing a helmet and wearing a seatbelt in cars, twice, AND by wearing a helmet in a major airplane crash.  There was no law saying that I had to wear the helmet when Cropdusting but I had a $300 Camil Helmet on, back in 1977.  I ripped my wing off on a tree.  I spun into the ground , as speeds of at least 130mph.  My head hit the framework of the cockpit and I was blind for 3 days.  My collarbone was broken from the impact by the seat belt.
WEAR A HELMET, Don't be a statistic.

Dwight Rudder
7 time ISDT / E medalist
8 time National Enduro Class Champion.


Dwight,I'll agree with you on the novelty helmet issue.I wear a Simpson full face in cool weather and a Shoei trooper style in hot weather.DOT or Snell certification is the only way to go.I didn't want to ruffle feathers but when a fellow rider wants to give up riding because of an accident that he witnesses that upsets me.After going back to and reading the first post over I don't think all the safety equipment in the world would have been much help.When a Tahoe is parked on top of someone its not going to be good.Hey,who would of thought 10 years ago Goldwings would have an air bag.As the bikes get better the drivers need to be more aware of us.I'll bet you a dollar to a donut that more people are killed on bikes this year than in years past.Why,with the price of fuel so high the 40-60 year old rider that hasn't been on a bike in awhile will get his permit and save a few dollars on fuel.If you want to ride safer on the street take one of the MRF (Motorcycle Rider Foundation) courses.You'll be surprised of all the bad habits that you've picked up over the years.The best thing that has come from this dialog is maybe it will open a few eyes on the subject and get some of you the proper training that could save your life.I hope that this is taken for what it is, just my opinion.


I took the plates off the bikes on Saturday. That is it for me. I called my friend up in VA and gave him my 66 Ducati 250 and 62 HD Sprint. I am keeping my Ducati 748 and HD CRTT. Riding has changed a lot in the last 30 years. Higher volume of traffic, Cell phones, DVD players in cars, 250 HP mini vans and the general attitude of people. I like the race track better anyway. I am more of a dirt bike guy at heart. Thanks for the responces.


I never like seeing people get hurt on street bikes...I had to lay my down over the years to slide under a car or something.

I do like my new Harley and suppose when my times up God will call.

I hit the pavement after a Denny's Grand Slam breakfast with a heart attack in a quiet parking lot and that was walking in my new Reebocks.

I enjoy each day and value the two wheel fun I've had all my life.

Good Luck and Good Judgement to all.



Hi Folks,Looks like you've brought up an interesting topic that hits a 1998 i bought the then new vfr800 honda(great bike!).I was living in the S.F.bay area at the time and rode in commute traffic every day.Also road tested bikes i had worked on after servicing/repairing them at my job.I moved to tucson arizona in 2000.Before i left the bay area i had been on the sunday morning ride route one monday(less traffic)with my girlfriend on the back.After a wonderful ride up famed highway one along the pacific coast up to the point reyes lighthouse we headed home.on the way back a cbr rider pulled in next to me and signaled me to go faster(we were already at a comfortable 70 mph)-my girlfriend on back and common sense dictated to let him go.A few miles up the road his bike was lying in the fast lane of the freeway and one of his shoes was laying on the ground(tennis shoes-he'd literally been knocked out of them).he was on the other side of the center divider-the impact had sent him into oncoming traffic in the fast lane.the next day i read in the paper he had died.A car had changed lanes and didn't see him or mis-judged his high speed.My girlfriend never got on my bike again.After a year of close calls in tucson due to amazingly unaware drivers i sold the vfr and said NO MAS! to the street riding as much as possible and got a new 520 ktm for off road and retired the old xr.The problem was i still had to road test the bikes i work on.There is no helmet law in arizona,but i always wear one and the speed limits on some parts of interstate 10 is 75 mph,and i think 85 in some places.routinely i see the usual cellphone using drivers but also women applying their makeup,guys reading maps,books,newspapers,etc. and the other day i saw a guy with his face up close against the rear view mirror-you guessed it,he was shaving.i was used to seeing this in the bumper to bumper traffic of the bay area but not at the 85-95mph freeway speeds the arizona drivers pace their selves at(if you are going 75 mph on an open freeway you get passed,honked at,flipped off,etc. for going too slow).As time went on i realized there is no real escape from these foolish drivers and i still have to road test the bikes i repair.And there is always the guy who says his bike wobbles at 140 mph and wants me to ride it at that speed to find out what the problem is!Of course being a guy with at least half a brain left i avoid the 140 mph road teast at all costs and tell him we can go to the racetrack and try to diagnose his problem there.All i can do is wear a GOOD helmet,try and think,look,and anticipate what these drivers will do(and usually if its a bonehead move they WILL do it)and especially watch for the guy who will turn left in front of you on a divided road.I've seen or heard about so many riders who have gone to the big motorcycle heaven in the sky(with no cars)by idiots turning in front of them and had many close calls in this same scenario.I guess what i'm saying is the risks are always going to be there but we can do our best to reduce them by being smart about how we ride on the street.That said,the last time i rode my crf-450x(which is street licensed)i got pulled out in front of 3 times on a 5 mile ride to work so its been sitting ever since.Not only did it make me think about the injuries i mght face,but also the bike is financed and i have minimal liability insurance(full coverage is outrageous)so if a car wrecks me and drives away i'm stuck with making the payments on a wrecked bike and a possible broken body as well.So i'm a bit more careful now-you just have to be.Fortunately i have a shortcut thru the sandwash by my house which takes me most of the way to work and lets me ride a frontage road the rest of the way.So i will ride to work again(can't avoid road tests anyway)but CAREFULLY! and always with my helmet,and remembering knobbies don't stop all that well on the street.Be safe guys and think ahead,that's about all we can do.Sorry to ramble-but i had to stick in my more than 2 cents worth,it hits close to home!.....Ric

ric emmal
Ric Emmal
Pentons Rule!
5 125 steel tankers
10 cmf 100/125
2 Mettco 125
1 Penda
2 jackpiners
2 harescramblers
5 Herc 7 speeds
1 Tyran 125
1 Ktm150xc
1 Honda crf450x
1 Honda sl70
1 Hon cr125 77
1 Yam pw80
2 Yam yz125d
1 Suz pe 175
1 Suz rm85
1 Mz250
3 Sachs/dkw 125
1 Hon cb700sc
1 Aprillia RC50
Most in progress..                      so many projects-so little time...

Lew Mayer

Let me start off by saying, I wear a helmet on the road. Do i want the government telling me I have to? No. Our freedoms of choice are taken away from us, bit by bit, by people other than ourselves who think they know what's best for us. I would hate to give up that freedom of choice to others.

Lew Mayer
Lew Mayer


Frosty, et al: There are so many emotions that can capture a moment of freedom....When you sling ur leg over a bike, what are you/we in control of?.....Somethings do happen, and there are many that the AMA is concerned about, and understand.....Last year, I spent over 7k miles touring some of the finest real-estate in our country, without incident......But am I in control of others who cannot see? No!.....keep riding, and lend your support to the AMA. Laws should be re-written, to protect our lives from people like the Senator from the Dakotas.......One of the great things about our Country, are not just our is our honor [:p]
GN...Tom Brosius
Thomas Brosius


Lew,I agree totally that helmet use should be a matter of choice.When i see all these new "bikers" wearing there doo-rags on their new hogleys i just shake my head.It's just common sense to wear one-we all know that.But having "Big Brother" tell us we have to is another way of the government taking away choices.Still like riding 2 strokes?Me too,but the epa has decided we shouldn't so they'll soon be extinct if they get ther way,even though the technology exists to build clean burning 2 strokes.We'll have to protect our Pentons like the government protects the spotted owl.When Pentons are outlawed,only outlaws will ride Pentons!Guess that will make us an outlaw biker gang,eh?Cheers,Ric

ric emmal
Ric Emmal
Pentons Rule!
5 125 steel tankers
10 cmf 100/125
2 Mettco 125
1 Penda
2 jackpiners
2 harescramblers
5 Herc 7 speeds
1 Tyran 125
1 Ktm150xc
1 Honda crf450x
1 Honda sl70
1 Hon cr125 77
1 Yam pw80
2 Yam yz125d
1 Suz pe 175
1 Suz rm85
1 Mz250
3 Sachs/dkw 125
1 Hon cb700sc
1 Aprillia RC50
Most in progress..                      so many projects-so little time...


Seems to me that any law that is supposed to protect you from yourself is just plain old stupid. Think of how arrogant one must be to come to the conclusion that they are so much wiser than you that you must not be allowed to have a choice. They MUST make the decision for you. I've never understood people like this. Some folks just can't mind their own business.:(
James Jorgensen
Red Bud, Michigan
74 1/2 Mint Enduro
74 1/2 Mint MX
74 Scrambler 250


Quotequote:Originally posted by sixdazed
[We'll have to protect our Pentons like the government protects the spotted owl. When Pentons are outlawed,only outlaws will ride Pentons!Guess that will make us an outlaw biker gang,eh?Cheers,Ric

ric emmal

I will give up my Penton when they pry the throttle from my cold dead fingers.
