Unpleasant Scenario

Started by Rain Man, May 24, 2006, 08:46:52 PM

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Rain Man

Today I attended a machine tool trade show in Springfiel Mass. and was trolling around the numerous Salesmen and Vendors with my Penton hat on.
    Some salesmen sees my hat  and ask what the penton means.. so I told him.  Well just a penny shy and a day late.. he tells me he put his 400 Mint in the dumpster last month !!!
  Boy did I make him feel bad...  This guy sells CNC controlled machine tools and couldnt think of searching   PENTON  on the internet.
  I dont think where really really reaching out to potential enthusiats and touching them.
   wow a 1973 Pentom Mint 400...  in the dumpster :(

 Down East Pentons
 Down East Pentons

Don Roth

Me thinks a smart fellow would be cruising those land fills in
the area, perhaps with some liquid refreshment to get past the
gate guard. One man's trash ......



Funny that you should bring up the subject, I have talked to several guys that regularly patrol the junk yards and scrap piles looking for bikes. Another guy I know goes looking at garage sales, especially if the whole household is being liguidated...Great idea but who has the time. On weekends as I am doing errands I try to check out a sale or two and I have found some really cool old tools. Another passion of mine but to this date no bikes I would want to take home.   I have to make time to work on my bikes, Not that I do not want to but family and work seem to take up so much of it...I am not sure how it works in other parts of the country but at least up here I know of at least 3 or 4 guys who have made a business out of buying junk bikes and either selling off the pieces or reselling them as they are. And there is a store that has two locations that have literially piles of parts.. my heart sinks everytime I go in there because I see all this good stuff laying in the rain and rusting... Most of it is street bikes so I do not feel as bad as I would if they were dirt bikes but none the less, it seems tragic....

Thom Green,Still crazy after all these years!
76' 250 MC5 (orginal owner)
75' GS400 (project bike)
72'sixday (project bike)
Thom Green,Still crazy after all these years!
74\\\' 1/2 440 maico
70\\\' 400 maico (project)
93\\\' RMx 250 suzuki
2004 Suzuki DL1000
1988 Honda Gl 1500
2009 KTM 400 XC-W


Know what you mean, guys.  Possibly due in part to their relatively small size and subsequent ease of storage, as well as relatively modest value, many bikes are simply pushed into a corner and forgotten.  In no small part the result of my propensity for sharing my old bike interest with anyone and everyone I come in contact with, I have over the years been the recipient of numerous bikes - free!  Of course, each and every one have been in a sad state and in need of total mechanical and cosmetic restoration.  But hey - they were free!  Hard to understand how or why most of them were allowed to deteriorate to the state in which I receive them, however.  I can't turn a one down, or turn my back on them, either.  They all deserve to be repaired and ridden - again.  And so, they literally, litter the place.  Welcome litter, indeed.

Rain Man

Its just disturbing to envision this beutiful Austrian racing machine getting bought up as scrap, shipped to Beijing and melted down and sold back to us as some consumers durable good.  Heck,  i'm running over the   durable goods in the trash dumped in the woods  :(. Another very long disturbing story...

  For awhile I was advertising in a local weekly and got enough response that I have 5 projects ahead of me.  
  I feel we should save them all... but again, time and money are the issue.
  For any of you  new enthusiasts out there, the Pentons are available, and patience is a virtue,  ya just gotta wear the hats and shirts and advertise a bit [8D]

 Down East Pentons
 Down East Pentons