Defending Wolfmanonapenton.

Started by terry, June 14, 2006, 08:19:21 PM

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I have stayed off this message board for a long time. Why? Because it seems that me and the wolfmanonapenton, we can't seem to do or say anything to please a certain few. I can personally say that wolfmanonapenton has been a great help with getting items reproduced. He never charged me any money for all the nice original parts that I have been getting made. Wolfmanonapenton and myself have nothing but pure respect for Mr. Penton and his wonderful family and also for POG. A certain few should get their facts in order before they attack the wolfmanonmapenton. He has only what is best for the great PENTON name in his heart. I will always be grateful to him for all his time,information and the parts. I will personally stand by him no matter what. He is related to a person who knows many of you very well. Maybe it would be wise to watch what you say about him. The future holds a new updated 4 stroke PENTON. Sometime in 2007. Wolfmanonapenton has also been a lot of help on this exciting project. He deserves all the proper respect for everything he has done for the great PENTON name. You can always attack me but leave the wolfmanonapenton alone. Who is in favor of helping us with the new PENTON project? We look forward to John Penton"s name on on a bike again. We also would be very happy if POG and all it"s members would endorse this project also. Including Mr. Ron Carbaugh in Texas and Mr. Worlow in Michigan. Lets do this right together and keep the PENTON name alive forever and get young riders and keeping John's dream alive with not only the old but also with the new. The PENTON prototype party will be in 2007. Guaranteed the wolfmanonapenton and his family will be there. Ihope all of you will also attend this great event here in New Philadelphia. Please contact me about more details and putting your order in for one the the new great quality machines.

Terry Everett
PENTON Motorcycles


Terry:  OK, I am curious, what can you tell me about this new Penton?  What engine will be in it etc...Thanks, Ted



I am not trying to put you in a corner, but is this another project like the Metzler tires and original cables?  Those sort of died and nothing was ever heard about those projects.  Whats up?



Do we really have to do this again? I have stayed out of all of this in the past, but to see it surface again is really sad. If anyone has something to post that is value added, post it. If it is lamenting about perceived injustices, it doesn't belong here. This is really juvenile.

Downeast Pentons- Central Division
Downeast Pentons- Central Division


Hi' Terry thanks again,its not my fault you did'nt want to spend the chunk of money with me on all those parts!As for all of those of you mad at me and him,you should'nt totally boycott a man who is for the cause!As for sure he does;nt want to spend money for parts that he can't move!So because of the total boycott and attitudes of some' thats what happened to some that was promised, as I don't have time to give each one of you the special service each of you were intitled too!So if you want to be mad at someone be mad at me!So a few of you need to see things at my perspective instead of always wanting someone to see things yours!:)!Enough,said,Go Penton Sportcycles "Bob!;)


to all concerned",I've talked to Terry and The prototype is "very high quality"and non compromise as the original!Mr Penton does'nt need to worry as Terry would never hurt his name with a non quality piece of junk![^]Bob"

Jay Jones

Hi Terry,put me down for two new pentons as after talking with you the other night,the price and quality can't be beat if there like you promise!I can't wait to have my 10yrs old son and me both racing new Pentons at the Nationals someday soon!thanks" Jay Jones:D

Jay Jones

:)Thanks Terry",I love the picture of that Prototype you sent me,what an awesome bike,let me know when you start orders? Jay:D


Terry:  Please send me a picture of the prototype also.  Ted  [email protected]



  The information that you've posted on your Web site, has me all excited about the new Penton too. Would you please send me a picture of the prototype as well? I want to look it over so I can see what accessories I can add, like bark busters, a steering dampener, brake rotor shark fins, and maybe some custom graphics too.


Jay Jones

It will come with all those goodies rite outa the crate!(supercool bike)look out ktm!Jay;)


Yeah Jay, but everybody likes to personalize their machines. You don't see very many bikes at the races today, that look alike.


Jay Jones

Justin,he tells me there will be a product line of accessorys for them as well with all the goodies resonable too!Jay


Terry,what an awesome bike,even better looking and lighter than the original prototype photo,nice extra touches!Great Job" a bike JP will be proud of! Wolfman Bob[^]


Bob can u post a picture someplace for us to have a look at .. Thks BT

Brian Taylor
Brian Taylor