North East get together??

Started by thrownchain, August 21, 2006, 12:27:12 PM

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You know what?? I'm not going to let this die. We've had a few people step up and say that a get together would be a good thing.
At this point in the year, planning for next year would be the way to go. What are some of the favorite races that are held in New England?? Are they vintage friendly?? We've got to put a calender together and see who can show up at what event. Don't sit back and let someone else do it, show a little pride and show us your area of the country. ;)


Dan is right........if Tucson Arizona and Texas can have a Chapter that meets you guys should be able to pull it off.  It is 800 miles from my drive way to Tucson city limits what would be your longest drive time?  Go for it Dan.[:p]

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Thanks Ron,
I can cover most of the NE in under 10 hrs. The meeting mentioned by Down East Pentons I could travel to in about 8 - 8 1/2 hrs.I'm about the same distance from Mid Ohio. So come on guys, here's a POGger from Tx that says this is do-able. Lets not disappoint him.[^]


  I like your spirit.  Just a FYI I also collect outboard racing engines and we have what we call dry meets(in the dead of Winter) where we just bring our favorite engine, in this case Penton, or one we need help fixing and have a meet.  It actually has helped a lot of people help other repair a problem on a bike that another member has already seen.  Just a thought.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


I don't care if we meet at a bike shop or bowling alley, just looking for a venue where we can get together and chew the fat, bench race, maybe a little inpromptu bike show, watch a race, what ever floats the boat. Could be someones favorite resturant, meeting area, you pick the place and put out the word.


I am on the road much of my time and was in Albany Wednesday and Thursday. I am the developmental guy for territory expansion for a large junk food distributor based in Maine. We have acquired companies all over Vermont, Plattsburgh, and Albany and will be expanding further this fall. I could maybe drag Raymond carcass west with me sometime if we can find a more central spot to meet sometime. Maybe Unadilla, Southwick or something next year? Just keeping this alive.


Downeast Pentons- Central Division
Downeast Pentons- Central Division


Unadilla or Broome Tioga are my backyard, Southwick is a possible. Lets keep working this.[^]


If you go back to a post from 7 3 06 from ricky racer, about the promoter at Budds Creek owns a never started 125 Penton. Maybe we could put together a get together there? Maybe the promoter could let us set up a compound for Pentons?? He sounds like our kind of guy. Someboby want to run with the ball, or give me a phone # to call?? Don't bail on me now.[:p]


I'm going to keep putting this back at the top until some kind of a solution comes up. Or until somebody tells me it's a lost cause.



How far are you from Albany? I will be there often this month and next. Any venue that I could tie in to a visit out there? Sure is nice  to be able to travel for work and get free room and board to have some fun.

Downeast Pentons- Central Division
Downeast Pentons- Central Division


I am about 3 hrs west of Albany.


I told you, I'm not letting this drop, somebody has got to have some ideas. Come on it's getting ready to snow up here,[ weather man said so ]. Are there any spring events that are any bodies favorites, or maybe early summer?? Any event would do, MX, cross country, trials, car show, county fair, something???????????????????????

dennis foley

dan, if your looking for something to do sunday. ahmra northeast has a race in lawton takes me a hour 20 minutes from dryden, there is always 3-5 pog members racing. start about 9 am. you can get directions off the ahmra web site or give me a call, 607-844-9819, thanks, dennis


Thanks Dennis, this weekend is already full, but if you could send me a list of "local" races I'd appreciate it.

dennis foley

sorry this the last race of the season for the northeast.