little burr 50th enduro

Started by p3mn256, October 02, 2006, 07:39:16 PM

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Great point Speedy.  Great to see you at the Reunion Ride and Great MX Special Test[:p].  Sorry to hear about your problems with the Police concerning towin two trailers.

Oh, Happy Birthday[:0].

Ron Carbaugh
Kerrville, Texas
Ron Carbaugh


hi helmut. i'm aware of the differences these type of events. i have raced all three. isde qualifiers, timekeeping enduros, and harescrambles.  my statement was meant to point out that ahrma currently has no facilities that i'm aware of to score a timekeeping enduro. i agree that the USA's  inability to score well at six day style events has to do with the fact that our enduros are not like those. that being said, it would still be a fun event, but again it probably would not be affiliated with ahrma but maybe some of those guys would like to ride it anyway. thanks for the post  chi jer

dennis brown

i'll be there with 4or 5 more riders ,will the head lights and tail lights and plates be legal? thanks

dennis l.brown
dennis l.brown


dennis . headlight, taillight , lic plate .  look legal   thats all we require   they don't have to work   and tag should be current but i not checking registration to see what it's registerd to .  we've got our sanction meeting this sat  i  will confirm dates and post more info here   next week.

steve barber
steve barber

rob w

 In a previous post you stated you're looking for past results, and winners of the Little Burr Enduro.
I found these in old issues of Cycle News

Columbus, OH. May 27, 1973 - Last years winner Bill Kain retired in the afternoon with throttle problems and Tom Penton crashed after 170 miles and withdrew with a dinged leg. But the hard luck story of the day goes to Jake Fischer (known in some enduro circles as "Crazy Jake") who ran his hour out by getting arrested. It seems that he did'nt stop for a stop sign, and the police arrested him.

Overall winner was "Buzz" Whitlatch.
Since I have the page open and it's handy, here's some class winners as well.

'A' Lightweight: Bill Uhl.
'A' Medium: Phillip Patterson
'A' Light/Heavy: Jack Penton
'A' Heavy: Jim Fogle

Columbus, OH. May 26, 1974 All the National Enduro Champions were here, Ron Bohn, Jack Penton, Doug Wilford, Buzz Whitlatch, Art Blough, Ken Keen, and they all ran into the Little Burr snag. Ron Bohn and Doug Wilford both hit checks early, and Jack Penton got a speeding ticket and lost more than points.

O/A : Dick Burleson
A Lt/Wt: Gary Wood (Pen)
A Lt/Med: Tom Karehbiel (Pen)
A Med/Wt: Tom Penton (Pen)
A Hvy/Wt: Jake Fischer (Hus)
Senior: John Penton (Pen)

Prattsville, OH. May 30, 1976

Overall: Vic Ely (Hon)
A Hi-Point: Jack Penton (Pen)
B Hi-Point: Scott Garnett (Pen)
125 A: Rick Partee (Pen)
175 A: Fred Bierhup (Hon)
250 A: Skip Olson (C-A)
Open A: John Bruch (Yam)
Senior: John Penton (Pen)

Steve, Thanks a million for organizing this vintage run, it's exactly the sort of event I look for most.

Bob Wardlow
Grand Rapids, MI.


thanks bob thats exactly what i'm looking for .  i now have a date  it will be on sat. sept 8 2007.  i will post more info as i get it.  Anyone knowing of any past winners please contact me we would like to get them down there for photo's and recognition of their wins.

steve barber
steve barber

Dwight Rudder

This would be an interesting event.  Will it be AHRMA sanctioned ?  Also you must see if it conflicts with the ISDTR that will be around that time period.  Will there be classes for Vintage as well as Post vintage?


Dwight Rudder
7 time ISDT / E medalist
8 time National Enduro Class Champion.


hi dwight    to answer your question  i don't think we will be ahrma sanctioned.  i think the isdtr is later in oct  not sure about that. as far as classes goes i could use some imput from you guys that would be riding it. since this a nonpoints paying event i guess anything is possible. please contact me at 614-891-1369 home or  614-582-7821 cell i would like to talk to some of you guys about this. you can email me with your numbers and i will call you if you would prefer. [email protected] thanks steve barber enduro riders assoc

steve barber
steve barber

Paul Danik

From what I have been told the ISDTRR will take place on Oct. 26,27,28, 2007.  This enduro sounds like a great time and a fun ride.  

Thanks Steve for all that you are doing.

Dwight Rudder

Sounding better all the time.  I would though consider making it a AHRMA event. I would suggest a 20mph speed average.  Easy to calculate in your head and a 1 mile free section between checkpoints. You could have mile markers on each mile for those who don't have working Odometers. You could get more entries if on the AHRMA Cross country calender. You could also use Start Controls for test sections for less time keeping.

PS: Mental note: Get Jackpiner and Six Day both ready. One for the ISDTR and the other for the Little Burr. :D

Dwight Rudder
7 time ISDT / E medalist
8 time National Enduro Class Champion.


  If you need any help on the Six Day let me are on your own on the Jackpiner.[8D]

Ron Carbaugh
Kerrville, Texas
Ron Carbaugh

dennis brown

steve, two friends of mine twice won the buddy class on a 360 8 speed husky i'll tell them about the event

dennis l.brown
dennis l.brown


Dwight:  My opinion, let's not turn an Enduro into another ISDT.  Time keeping is a part of Enduros, just like riding and just my opinion, we need more Enduros. Steve, put on an Enduro like you guys are so capable of doing.  More miles the better! I'll be there with my Puch. Ted Atkinson


What kinda Puch you got?



Puch 1974/5 MC 175 SD (Six Day). Also have same year MC 125 SD but will be selling it when 175 is done. Do you have a Puch?