Reunion Ride ballcaps

Started by Jeff D, October 17, 2006, 10:54:46 AM

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Jeff D

Once again I will have ISDT Reunion Ride ballcaps for sale at the ISDTRR next weekend.  If I have any left over after the event, I will post a sale notice here.  If you aren't going but want to guarantee yourself a hat, have one of your buddies pick one up for you.  They will be $15 at the event.  Post-event they are $20 to cover costs of a box and shipping.
All I do is cover costs on the hats.  Every cent of profit is donated to local charities.  This year I will be splitting the proceeds between the local rescue squad (who saved Kevin Lavoie's life 5 years ago) and an organization called Mary Beth's Angels, based out of St. Louis and named after Mary Beth Ricken who lost a prolonged and valiant struggle against brain cancer (similar to Dave M) at the age of 15.  I coached Mary Beth in soccer during elementary school.  I have never met a braver or sweeter young lady.  She truly was an angel when she walked with us on earth.  
Anyway, I realize 15 bucks ain't cheap for a hat, but remember your hard-earned money is being returned back to the community that is hosting us.  The way I look at it, it is a small way for us to say thank you for having us at the Reunion Ride and at the same time helps some worthy organizations in the community.  Leaves a good taste in everyone's mouth I hope!
See you there.
Jeff DeBell

Jeff DeBell
Jeff DeBell

Steve Minor

Jeff....I'll look for you and get one for sure.....

It's a great cause and if it's the same quality as the one's last year, it's a great hat and great looking too.....

See ya there

Steve Minor
Wilmington, NC
Steve Minor

Paul Danik

Those hats are always top notch and it's for a great cause.  Thanks Jeff for making them up, I will be wanting to get a couple from you at the ISDTRR.


Jeff D

I promised I'd offer any leftovers for sale here.  Unfortunately for those who were unable to attend the Reunion, I sold completely out of hats by Saturday night.  The good news is that I was able to donate a thousand dollars back into two area organizations, the St. Francois County Ambulance District and the Mary Beth's Angels Foundation in Saint Louis.  I made both donations in memory of Dave Mungenast and stated that neither would have been possible without the support of his many friends at the ISDT Reunion Ride.
To those that bought hats from me, thank you for helping a couple of good causes in Dave's memory.  To those who missed out...wait til next year!

Jeff DeBell
Jeff DeBell