pipe won't fit

Started by Jay Saxon, September 26, 2001, 07:35:38 PM

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Jay Saxon

I finally found a pipe that I thought would fit my bike, but I cant get it to fit into flange on the engine. It's very close but contact with the frame in the area of the airbox prevents match-up. I've seen members identify bikes for penton newbies like me before, so I thought I'd ask if I bought right. I purchased a pipe for a '73 125 ISDT.

The serial # of my bike is 20958080 and the motor # is 7315726 type 1251/6b. Could someone please fill me in on possible mistakes I made in the purchase of the pipe?

Thanks for your help.



I always have to remove the head on my 125 to get the pipe on.  After it's in place, but not tightend down, I put the head back on.

It doesn't look like it will fit, but it does.


john durrill

Jay you might be able to loosen the air box
and get the pipe to go on. Some of them you had to rotate into the opening between the frame and air box ( after loosening or removeing the airbox screws)  to get them on.


Jay Saxon

I knew that I'd leave out information. I have removed the airbox completly and the pipe hits on the top frame rails and the head. I'm going to try Skipperclyde's remedy tomorrow night. I would like to know if different types of ISDT 125's used variations of similiar pipes.

Thanks everyone.


Paul Danik

Does the head have any fins cut to allow for the pipe?  Have you removed all of the rubber mounting blocks from the pipe and the frame to give yourself more room?  I ought to send my kid over, I tried for 1/2 hour to fit the pipe on his Piner and he just walked up and slid the thing in place.
Good Luck



Paul, you made my day.  Thanks


Jay Saxon

Paul, I'd send you airfare, but I wouldn't let my son fly right now. Would he take the bus? Yes, the fins on that side are cut. I tried lifting the head and it almost makes it but...no. I'm going to work now and take my frustrations out on THEIR machines. Thanks for all the help guys. It's NEVER easy!



Jay Saxon

GOT IT!! Thanks to Skipperclyde and John Durrill for their suggestions. Loosening the head and removing a rubber mount that I didn't realize I had left on did the trick. I removed the flange from the front of the motor, inserted it in the pipe and slipped it over the studs. Keeping the rear of the pipe high and not allowing it to contact anything seemed to help. I got frustrated at one point and walked away, then when I returned it slipped right in. Thanks again to the friendly Poggers for assisting a Penton maladroit.



john durrill

Jay if you do everything but loosen the head it should go on and off every time.
i forgot about the takeing the flange off ( well its been 29 years lol ).
i had to do that on my birkshire. you might not even half to loosen the air box next time.
glad you got it.
John D.



NOW Skipperclyde tells us to loosen the head!!! When I was trying to get my six day pipe on the other day, he helped me by holding the pipe as I flexed it to get it on!!!


john durrill

Jay if you still have your air box off, it would be a good time to check it for cracks or holes. They came from the factory some times with pin holes in them . I guess it was from traped air when the glass was laid up. We always coated the inside of the box on a new bike with some polyester resin . you can get it at a boat or auto parts house.
Mix up a little in a paper cup and paint the inside of the box. Just a safety precaution , but well worth the little bit of effort it takes. Make sure the box is clean of oil and grease before you do it though.


Jay Saxon


Thanks for the good advice. I have the resin. there is a snall crack in my airbox on the underside if the pipe cutout that I needed to fix, but the thought about painting the inside with resin is a good one.I'll bet you saved me some serious wrenching down the raod. Thanks


john durrill

Jay ,
you probable already know this but just in case. The resin wont fix a crack by its self.
You need fiberglass also to make it felable enough to give and not re-crack. If you dont know how  ask some one at a boat shop or someone that does Corvet body repair how much to grind away to get a good repair.
Hope this helps ,
John D.



tlanders is just upset, actualy it's more like whining, because I yelled at him saying:

"Heave-HO, and put your back into it laddie!!!"  

I must say it was quite effective.  The pipe is in place and ready to race this Sunday.

Edited by - skipperclyde on 09/29/2001  04:03:39 AM