Puch supplier?

Started by , December 06, 2006, 04:27:15 PM

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I donĀ“t know if this is the right forum, but when I saw a Puch engine in a Penton frame I decided to write. A friend of mine have a hard time finding gearbox parts (drawkey etc) for his Puch 125cc 6 speed ISDT 1970. Is there any suppliers of Puch parts over there[?]

Mats from Sweden
Mats from Sweden

Doug Wilford

Mats This is the Puch Supplier that I have used.  I am not sure if he has a web site.   Motor West INc.    3211 W.Senator Avenue
Milwaukee, WI   53216  Phone 414-875-8787 or 8788  FAX # 414-875-8791
Good Luck and have fun!

Thank you Doug! My friend was very :) about this and he will try to contact Motor West soon!

Mats from Sweden
Mats from Sweden