
Started by OUCWBOY, December 08, 2006, 01:39:27 AM

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I just come in from sunbathing outside this morning. It is a toasty 39 degrees. Thinking about hitting the pool. I must tell youthat I was out standing in the sun with just a T shirt and it didn't even feel cold. Weatherperson says it will be in the 50's tomorrow. Better be careful, might get sunstroke.
Actually, I love this weather, because we have weather. I've seen more rain in 35 days here than you see in a year in San Diego!

Donny Smith
Paragould, AR
Donny Smith
Paragould, AR



I thought Okies were supposed to move TO California, not FROM California.  Didn't you get the memo?  ;)

Larry Seale
I choose to ride
Larry Seale
I choose to ride...slower and slower all the time

Dennis Jones

It warmed up to a balmy 44 degrees in the St Francis Mts of Southeast Missouri yesterdy so my wife and I hit the river with our whitewater kayaks. The ice bells along the shore and boulders were beautiful. I plan to ride a trials bike around the woods this afternoon,it is supposed to get to 48. Friday morning it was 9 degrees. The old saying around here is if you don't like the weather wait a day and it will change.
Donny, one of our companys route drivers is in Paragould every Tuesday if you ever need anything from this part of the country. We cover a 150 mile radius from Cape Giarardeau, MO

Dennis Jones
Dennis Jones


Welcome to the "east side" of the Rockies. Where the weather always changes and you've got to be ready for anything from -20 to 80, sometimes in the matter of a few hours.[up or down] Makes going for a ride an adventure and a risk at the same time. You'll get used to it and realize that the weather guy is usually just guessing.


Donny,I tried to get you to move to could have been riding with me and Bobby today in mid 60's!!![:p]

Thomas Carmichael

1970 125 Six Day
1976 250 Hare Scrambler
Thomas Carmichael

1970 125 Six Day
1976 250 Hare Scrambler


At least you guys over the water get some sort of seasons, Here in the U.K. all we get is high winds and rain most of the time. You daren't go out without your jacket even in the height of summer just in case :D Then when it is dry for more than two days, the government enforces a hosepipe ban as we're running out of water [?] [?] [?] [?] [?]



It was cold last week (20's), but it has warmed up here in Maryland.  In the 60's today.  I had to mow grass, can you believe that, Dec 14th and mowing grass.  I never had to do that when I lived in Calif.

Not complaining, I hope it lasts through Feb.

This calls for Suntan lotion on Sat. at the golf course.



Tony u SOB, Golf on Sat? Snow predicted for Sat. in Denver, lottsa birdies ur way, will be locked in the Penton Corral.
Tom Brosius [}:)]
Thomas Brosius


Hi Guys, guess what no snow on Saturday, but Mother Nature is wreaking in Denver. Started to snow at 6:15 Wed. morning, El Toro has been out twice in 6 hrs. 12 inches so far. Predicted by the gurus of weather, we are expected to get another 12 to 18 inches in the city by tomorrow afternoon. Perhaps a good time to clean up the old hard drive of c:/windows/temporaryinternetfiles...or go rent a movie.

How about some humor?
jeese, when I was born and came down the chute
I was so ughly, the doctor slapped my mom...doh [}:)][}:)][}:)]

or this

When my wife had our first son, she chimed, why Rod, we have a treasure here. I replied, great, now take out in the yard an bury him..ouch[:0][:0][:0]

Tom Brosius
Thomas Brosius



You probably do not want to hear this, but I played golf Sat. & Sun. in slacks & long sleeved shirt.  Temp was mid 60's.  I only had one birdie in the 2 days.  Mon. was even warmer, but I couldn't get away form the chores my wife had planned for me.

No snow in sight here and thay are saying Jan. looks like a repeat of Dec., but what do weather men know.

Sorry to hear of your heavy snow fall.  LOL
