partial cover from the '74 Keeping Track

Started by TGTech, December 24, 2006, 09:48:54 PM

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The partial cover that Bill (OK, Karen) has posted on the Home Page, reminds me of a really fun week end that one of the Penton dealers used to put on each year on the first week end of December. There was a dealer in Gladwin, Michigan called Gladwin Cycles, owned by the Keen family. Each year, they used to put on a two day ride with a Saturday evening banquet to show their appreciation of their customers. Being in the upper part of lower Michigan, it was usually a little snowy, and frozen, which made for a need for tires with sheet metal screws in the knobs.

During the Saturday ride, Leonard and an a couple of his friends, used to put on a cook out in the forest, at which we usually ate venison burgers.

It was a tremendous time and another of the wonderful memories I'll never forget.


Paul Danik

It is interesting to note that POG board member Barb Weisman created that cover drawing, along with several others. Barb also did the design that the POG used for its Featured Marque display at VMD in 2000 and she is also the creative genius behind "cardboard John", whom I haven't seen for awhile, it sure would be nice to see CBJ just to be sure that he is OK...maybe he will make the Feb. meeting at the Museum.

     Thanks Barb for your many contributions to the world of Penton.



Neat recollection, Dane.  Reminds me of when the "Dirt Works" gang - Toni Roach's old crew, used to go down to Big Valley Raceway - home of the historic Pirates Motorcycle Club - for New Years Day rides.  While a few lucky individuals had studded tires on their bikes, more of us used cordless drills to insert zip-screws into our standard knobbies throughout the day, as the screws constantly came zingin' off the tires (goggles were a must) while we rode.  And, the rest of simply struggled around on regular ol' tires, just a-spinnin' and a-slippin' and slidin' all over the place.  Note:  Big, torqey KTM's worked great no matter what the conditions, and I've got pictures of me doin' big wheelies in the snow (sans studs) to prove it.  Good times, they were.