E bay Pentons

Started by thrownchain, February 02, 2007, 08:42:07 AM

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Larry Perkins

It is a free country and all can do as they please.  The difference is I just wanted an explanation of why the constant ebay report?  It gets old and I don't know why people can not work a little themselves.  Some members want to do no work to find the parts and bikes and also want everything for free.  Doesn't seem right.  

The things I have posted here for sale on ebay were mine and in my opinion that is what the for sale section should be for.  I have probably sold more Penton parts on ebay in the last 7 years than most anybody.  I have given loads of advice and revealed many speed secrets to these great machines.  There are knowledgeable people that constant repetition bores and therefore they don't post or read as often.  That is everyones loss.  

General Bay-don't even start with me again.  I was not poking at anybody and stated that. I was just trying to understand.  You of all people should know if you rattle my bush I will be brutally honest and call a jerk a jerk.  The scammers that were plagueing our site that caused the baby seal comment were jerks and good riddance.  If you have a problem with me I have told you before I am always willing to settle it.  I thought we were done.  If you need more I am always available.  I have better things to do but would accommodate.  It would be easier to be civil but your call.

I have no objection to ebay posting by the seller and I totally understand posting one that is out of place on ebay.  I just don't see why they should be posted willy nilly when they can easily be seen on ebay by anyone with a computer with a couple of key punches.

As always you guys can do what you want.  It is America.  I am just stating my opinion and trying to understand.  From the explanations it seems the main reason is to help the lazy.  I realize that whatever the reason it is with good intention.  I am just telling you that for one long time member it seems redundant.  My opinion and if I think it I will usually post it. It might make more sense if everyday every Penton, KTM, and Sachs part that was on ebay was posted here.  More severe but perhaps that helps you see my end of it.

Larry P

Larry P


Someone here must be PMSing[xx(]

Larry Perkins

No.  Someone just expressed an opinion about something that bothered them and they were trying to figure out the motivation behind the aggravation.  Your comment relates to stupidity and does nothing to solving the issue.  That is pretty much Jerky.  Perhaps the Lazy comment brought it out of you.  Sometimes a duck is a duck.  Don't jab unless you expect it back.

Larry P


I don't know if you can call the random posting of E bay items constant or not. It would be ludicris to try to post every Penton item off E bay here. If I see something on E bay that someone here is looking for, I'll post it to help out.
If V 001 had been sold in a more "private setting" than E bay, do you think we could have had the impact on the seller that we did?? It could have disappeared and not be seen again.
Tell you what, if you can get 1/2 the active members to drop me an E mail [that's a majority]and request I not post anymore, then I won't, but until then, I'll use my discretion and post what I think may be relavent to other POGgers. Let them decide if they want it or not.

Larry Perkins

It seems ludicrous to you for every Penton part to be posted here and I agree. To me having over a dozen bikes posted here just in the last month from ebay and Craig's list is also ludicrous.  They are on the computer for anyone to find with ease.  Sorry it bothers me it just doesn't seem necessary except to the lazy.  

Thrownchain, I tried to let you know the objection I had was not pointed at you, it was just in general.  I think you try to help people alot.  At least you tried to explain it and that was what I really asked for.  So many of you guys don't try to explain the other side you just get all defensive when anyone doesn't like the direction the POG site has gone.  It frustrates me from time to time and I am just vocally honest.  I am not the type that loves something so much that I am delusional enough to believe all is peachy keen.

I realize I frustrate and piss off other members with my questioning from time to time.  The knowledge of that would never make me just be a sheep and be quiet if I think things are not as good here as once was.  Don't take me wrong in so many ways the POG site is FAR better than several years ago but there are bad parts too.  The repetive questions that come that could easily be searced on the website and this issue of easily found merchandise and bikes are just two of those bad parts.  I have worked hard at most everything I ever accomplished in life and never like it when I think the lazier get an easier ride.

So I get miffed by this and when I say anything about it or question it there are those that get defensive and don't try to explain their point of view.  It is an easy fix of course.  I can totally ignore those posts but knowing lazy people are reaping the same rewards as ones that hustle will still bother me.  

So the real fix is me not visiting here so I am not irratated and you guys get to do it in the way that makes you happier.  The only bad part to that is in all reality I need some of you guys more than you need me, but for all concerned I will have to live with that.  I did it once before and all would have been fine for all but I got very sick and I needed your company.  I will try to stay well and you guys try to have fun.  It is easy when no one questions anything and Pentons are involved. Like my Mom always says, Have the very best of lives!

Larry Perkins


Jeff D

I don't care if you agree or disagree with Larry, you just gotta love this guy's brutally straightforward way of doing business!  I'm having a hard time typing because I'm chuckling to myself so much!
Larry, don't stop frequenting the POG site...you are a wealth of knowledge, experience, technical know-how, parts, etc.  POG needs guys like you here.  The evilBay and Craigslist references seem to be made with the best of intentions...to keep Penton stuff "in the family"...certainly not to tee anyone off.  
OK, play nice now!

Jeff DeBell
Jeff DeBell


Thank you Larry for being honest and for being the person you are..a Great Friend.  This is a open forum and I am alays happy to see your posts.  I hope you are recovering from the dollar loss of you home and business during the recent Winter Storm.  You are in my Prayers.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


I like seeing the Ebay posts. If it is about a bike I have seen, I move on.
I also like to hear from Larry. This is the spice that makes things interesting. I would prefer avoiding the resurfacing of the old dirt. Larry has stated pointed opinions, but the dirt in the past became childish and malicious. Just my opinion.

Downeast Pentons- Central Division
Downeast Pentons- Central Division

Rain Man

Yankee ingenuity tells me the more time I spend on this computer, looking at e bay items, reading posts from fella Poggers and answering  E-mails>>> and putting in my 2cents worth,     is equal to less time I have rebuilding another Penton Crank, also training for the up coming riding season,(I'm ready) or studying prints and schematics and decifering "how the heck does this thing go back together"   and run,.. correctly.  
  Time seems of a very precious commodity lately, and this computer.. it can eat up all kinds of time, especially  "rebuilding time"
 and most important, the invested time that dosen't cause you any unneeded stress or undue duress. (oh [:0] my heart)
  Have you spent any of your free time wrenching your penton this Weekend ??
  As Larry states, The vintage ride "it don't come easy" and there are many of us Poggers that spend countless hours rebuilding these 35 yo left in the weather, beaten and neglected.... Pentons.
 My bikes are ready to ride/race/ and display,
are yours?

 Down East Pentons
 Down East Pentons


Ray and whoever else needs to know, no I haven't wrenched on my Penton recently. Due to a change in my employment status, which is also why I couldn't make the Ohio meeting, I've been trying to get the "jap" projects built and sold so I have some money to play with. I 'm also in the parts gathering, and information gathering stage. That way when I do start, I can go from start to finish with hopefully not too many side trips. I hope to have at least one ready for M/O and would like to possibly bring two. Hell I may bring one just to ride around the grounds. To all the people in the North East, stay warm, and we''ll see you down the trail.   Dan


Larry, I consider you my friend and it was a pleasure to finally to meet you in M.O.As thay say"I like your style"There is no guessing with you!:D

Thomas Carmichael

1970 125 Six Day
1976 250 Hare Scrambler
Thomas Carmichael

1970 125 Six Day
1976 250 Hare Scrambler


 I just thought you might be having a BAD day..since I saw that you jumping on some other poor fool for posting in the wrong section..but you need to refrain from that rambling on and calling people names..oh and by the way..I jab pretty good..while I can't compare to your motorcycling & bmx championships:

I do have one that I'm proud of:
1979 U.S. Army Light Heavy Weight Boxing Champion, FT. Jackson - Columbia,South Carolina:D



You are more than welcome to post ebay listings on here.  The beauty of the message board is that Larry can easily choose not to read "Ebay" topics.

For those of you that are unfamiliar with Larry's rants, negativity, and name calling, as well as his oscillating view of Ebay postings, I encourage you to search the message board and form your own opinion.  Here's a great example from as recent as 5 months ago to get you started:


Kent Knudson
Kent Knudson
Kevin Brown
Gary & Toni Roach
James & Adam Giddings


I remember reading that post, made for a fun conversation.
Thanks for the support.    Dan


Pakala. I see your motor is moving on up.......