E bay Pentons

Started by thrownchain, February 02, 2007, 08:42:07 AM

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In Ky,  '74 Jackpiner project  item # 230086373713

In Ohio,  '74 Berkshire project  item # 230086566730

Yes I have bid on both......;)

Larry Perkins

Could someone please tell me why we have to have the daily "This is on ebay" report?  Here is a miracle of an idea-Each day get on your computer and type in ebay.com.  Then type in PENTON in the search box.  It is a miracle because most all this stuff will appear.  Are you all so busy that you can't watch ebay or Craig's list yourself?  Vintage takes a bit of work and if you don't want to put in some effort then it should be someone elses reward.  This is not aimed at you Thrownchain your post was just at the top of the list.  It just gets as old as "What color is the crevis between the third and fourth frame tube supposed to be?"

Larry P



Jackpiner?? Berkshire?? I thought you were a Six Day man. Whats up with that?

How many Pentons have you purchased off Ebay? Did you have them shipped or did you pick them up? I'm not real trusting on long distance sales unless I know the seller.

Rod Whitman
Omaha, Nebraska
1972 Six Day (Rider)
1972 Six Day (Project)
Rod Whitman
Omaha, Nebraska
1972 Six Day (Rider)
1972 Six Day (Project)


Ok guys, sit back and have a cup of coffee.
I put up the post because not every one goes to E bay on a regular basis. I don't go on craigs list very often either, and I sure as hell don't cover the whole country looking for Pentons. So when someone posts one on here, I may not be interested in purchasing the bike but it gives me an idea of the prices that are being asked.
I pulled an ad out of E bay. 81 250 KTM, it would not show up under Penton or KTM,  why?, It was in the Maico section. But I figured if someone here was interested in it, I should let them know where it is.
Rod, yes I have 4 six days bikes. 3 off E bay, one off the site. My personal preference is to pay cash on delivery. I've picked two up' and two were delivered at least part way to me.
As for the Berky and Piner, I would like to own at least one of each of the three sizes under 250. So I'd like a Berkshire, a Six Day and a Jackpiner. I've already missed out on a couple of the smaller bikes.
But I'll keep looking. As for long distance buying, I'd trust a fellow POGger alot farther than a regular citizen. Hope this clears up any problems.
                 Thx    Dan  "thrownchain"


I also saw the KTM on the maico section of ebay. Wasn't looking for maicos, I was looking for carb parts. I never look at craigslist, enjoy seeing that someone does. Never have bought a bike off of ebay would rather buy them person to person. The only ones I ever had shipped were the two 250 pentons I just bought and I bought them off this site.

Steve Clay
76 250 Penton/73 Harescrambler
76 husky 250 WR
2002 Aprilia Futura
71 Honda Trail 90
Steve Clay
76 250 Penton/73 Harescrambler
76 husky 250 WR
2002 Aprilia Futura
71 Honda Trail 90


Being new to POG, and not having owned a Penton in 35 years, I appreciate the open dialogue and information that is available on the site. It would be nice if only POG members could see the data, especially regarding bikes and parts for sale, not sure if that is possible or practical. I think we all want to buy bikes, or parts for the least amount, and when the number of individuals bidding increases due to the information on the site, the price does go up, but I always have a choice, and that is not to pay more than what I think is fair. The choice for me is this, do I want more "bargains" or more "information", and I choose the information that fellow POG members are willing to share, and if my bid does fall short, or I miss a bargain, then hopefully another POG member is the winner.


Hey thrownchain, thanks for the auction info.

I don't agree with the objections. Where's the harm in at least attempting to keep these exceptional machines in the hands of true fans by making the occassional POG message posting announcing availability? If you're one of those folks who's lucky enough to find that 1 in 100,000 barn deal, and don't desire any outside help, then you probably don't want to click on the message forum that reads, let's say, "E bay Pentons"?[:0]

Was anyone upset over the message announcing the recent surprise auctioning off of old number V 001?[8)]



Just for fun I went to the search area of this site and put in ebay.
You know what I found??  64 PAGES of postings with some reference to ebay in them. Then for more fun I went back to the first posting it listed, from the year 2000, and guess who's name showed up?
                   Larry Perkins.

      nuff said.


Its a open forum!!:) No one says you have to read all posting.[:0] Just don't not click on it.:( It's that easy !![^] What color is that any how?:(open forum-open forum-open-forum ;);)


Larry, sorry about the jab.   This site was put up so people can find information. We've had new people coming to this site and asking where they can find a Penton. We always tell them watch this site and E bay, among others. So if I come here and put up a post that there is a bike on E bay, they are more likely to go there to see it. I'm not telling anyone to buy anything, and if you don't need that info, don't use it.
As for the the joy of the "hunt" for the parts you need, then anyone who looks for a part on this site should be told "happy hunting and good luck". But that's not how it works here, at least for most anyway. People are going to ask for parts, paint codes, tuning specs, and if someone here has the knowledge it will be passed on to them.
And more than likely, more people than just the one who asked may need that info.
There are alot of people that have been on this site alot longer than me, and have helped out numerous people over the years. I'm just trying to carry on that tradition. If you don't need or want my info don't use it, but if you do or know someone that does, by all means help yourself.
It's funny that the minutes of POG meetings always seem to have an E bay update, what was sold and for how much, so E bay indirectly is a part of this group, good or bad it's there.
It's like the membership, some own to show, some to ride, some to race, some own one or two, some a whole garage full, but everybody had to start somewhere. I've been here a little over a year, I've met alot of good people, most on the site, a few in person,[ including Larry] and if someone asked me why I joined I could say it's because of the people in this group, you guys are all helpful and I consider you my friends.          Dan[^]


Now I know why my stuff aint moving up. You all can't werk ebay?:-)Opps, forgot the happy face;)
  Dan, feel free to post my E-Bay bikes and parts on POG.;)
         Pakala ;)


I don't know why your stuff ain't movin up, but maybe this will help.

Ebay item # 110086738074   Iron barrel Sachs motor  125/5A   if your looking for this item there it is, go for it.[xx(]


Thrownchain and to all concerned especially all new comers to POG. Don't let the negative comments of this one individual discourage any of you from using the vast resources of this site and the good people you will meet here. If you are so inclined, do a search of that praticular persons name you will notice a pattern of negative comments, sarcasm, name calling and even threats of physical violence. (Club any baby seals lately, Larry?)[:X]


Hold up there General, Larry's good people, he just drives on the other side of the question. If this board didn't bring up a controversy once in a while, it would get a little stagnent. We've all got our own opinions, and we're entitled to them. Larry's not wrong and neither am I, or you either. So we move on with our projects and enjoy them the way we want to.
