ISDT Qualifier

Started by tlanders, April 23, 2007, 11:55:14 AM

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What a great weekend for Pentons!!! Rosemary took a great group shot of us all in front of the "PENTONS Built for Champions" banner. Will try to post it tonight when I get home. The Lillian Swamp Teams did a great job!! It was so neat to see a steel tanker get the hole shot in the final 5 lap MX and it was leading the Panty Cross race for a while also. My hare scrambler didn't miss a stroke all weekend, what a great bike - and it is the year of the Hare Scrambler!!!

It was a great weekend in general. The number of riders ended up only three less than last year, 70 guys came out for a beautiful fun filled weekend. I got emails from at least a dozen guys that were coming but something prevented them from doing so at the last moment.

I met with the Razorback Riders President last night and handed him all the money and they were happy with the results. Thank you everybody for buying tee shirts, it made the difference. Rosemary still has about two dozen left and we are selling them at $20 each or two for $30 delivered. If you want a Dave Mungenast memorial tee shirt with his picture on it at the 1971 Isle of Mann ISDT, please email Rosemary at [email protected]. I will try to also get a picture of this posted. Thank you Scott Brogan for your help with the graphics for the tee shirt. It's a beauty.

They do want us back next year and they are planning on building a new pavillion so we can have more of a banquet like experience on Saturday night. They are also going to build a REAL vintage MX track. They tried to build the track this year but the dozer they had broke down on Tuesday and they were not able to get it up and running again in time.

I saw an awful lot of happy faces. I sure had a great time!!!!



Thank You Teddy for ALL of your hard work on this event!!! It was a blast just like last year.:D

Thomas Carmichael

1970 125 Six Day
1976 250 Hare Scrambler
Thomas Carmichael

1970 125 Six Day
1976 250 Hare Scrambler


Hey guys, The Razorback Riders would love to hear from you on the event.  All those who have kudos for the Razorback Riders send them to Charlie Sparks: [email protected]

Pete Petrick
175 Jackpiner
Pete Petrick
175 Jackpiner
Slow but Good

brian kirby

I had a great time, with the highlight being Lillian Swamp Trophy team member Ernie Phillips pulling the holeshot in the second day motocross test on his '71 Steel Tank Six Day against a gate of big bore Post Vintage bikes and then pulling away for a convincing win. The crowd was going wild!

I got to meet a lot of the POG folks, thanks to Teddy for a great event, and Pete for helping at tech. Hopefully I will have a Penton of some type for next years event. I know where a 74.5 Jackpiner is that needs rebuild I just have to convince the current owner that I need it more than he does.

Team Captain
Lillian Swamp Trophy team.



Thank You Teddy for ALL of your hard work on this event!!! It was a blast just like last year.:D

Thomas Carmichael

1970 125 Six Day
1976 250 Hare Scrambler
Thomas Carmichael

1970 125 Six Day
1976 250 Hare Scrambler


Hey guys, The Razorback Riders would love to hear from you on the event.  All those who have kudos for the Razorback Riders send them to Charlie Sparks: [email protected]

Pete Petrick
175 Jackpiner
Pete Petrick
175 Jackpiner
Slow but Good

brian kirby

I had a great time, with the highlight being Lillian Swamp Trophy team member Ernie Phillips pulling the holeshot in the second day motocross test on his '71 Steel Tank Six Day against a gate of big bore Post Vintage bikes and then pulling away for a convincing win. The crowd was going wild!

I got to meet a lot of the POG folks, thanks to Teddy for a great event, and Pete for helping at tech. Hopefully I will have a Penton of some type for next years event. I know where a 74.5 Jackpiner is that needs rebuild I just have to convince the current owner that I need it more than he does.

Team Captain
Lillian Swamp Trophy team.


Ernie Phillips


Thanks for all your hard work in making this event happen.  Also a special thanks to all those behind the scenes that helped - Razorbacks, Saturday night meal, checkers ... the clean up crews that retrieved 2 team members.  It was great to meet The POG.

"Recall it as often as you wish,
A Happy Memory never wears out."  LF

Thanks for the Happy Memory.  I'll do my best to wear it out.  The Lillian Swamp teams will be back next year!

Ernie P.
Chattanooga, TN
Ernie P.
Chattanooga, TN


Hey guys,

The results are posted at . Have fun clicking and grinning. We will have bunches of photos posted soon. Follow the links at under Cross Country and then the event.



  Once again, you and Rosemary worked your tails off so that we would have a great event.  Thanks a million for a fantastic weekend.  Lots of Penton fun! :D

  Mike Husted
  Tulsa POG Chapter

PS. Always good to see Poggers again.  Got to meet the Swamp Team, Jim Tricket(sp?) and others.  Thanks guys.

jay cohen

I just checked the results for the ISDT qualifier.  Nearly every competitor was in a class by themselves. So, if you finished, you received a gold medal.  Now, this may have been discussed and argued here and also with AHRMA, so I don't mean to start a fight or open a can of worms here.  But, this doesn't make any sense to me.  Why not group a bunch of guys in one class only based upon ability and not engine size ?  I for one would want the competition, otherwise it's like a trail ride. I don't mean to be offending anyone and certainly  respect all of the work put in by the Landers and crew, but I just don't get all the zillion different classes with no competitors but only yourself.  I certainly wouldn't care if guys in my class were on much bigger bikes or much smaller bikes than me, as long as I'm with the same ability. Can someone explain the reasoning behind this please ?

brian kirby

The Qualifier is part of the AHRMA Cross Country series so it has to offer all of the standard AHRMA classes. Personally, I would like to see less classes, but we have what we have. The largest class had 10, many had 3 or less. You should have come out and added another entrant to one of the classes. In the end, most people are just out having a trail ride only a very few are really taking the racing part seriously. More than anything else this is a great chance to ride old bikes with great people and maybe do a little racing on the side.


jay cohen

Brian, I appreciate your perspective, now I can see it a little differently.  I would love to join you, I just wish they weren't so far away.



The MotoTally program defaults to the "Overview" class which only shows the top 25% of the riders in the class. Select a class and you will see all the riders in the class. Then select the view you want, Summary, Check Detail, or Score Card. I have asked Brian to show all the classes/all riders at once as the default. Maybe soon.


Dennis Jones

Jay, I was puzzled by the default scores myself at first. Having missed this event for the first time ever I was interested to see how my normal class went ( Historic Open Int ) and it only showed 2 entries. However when I clicked on it I found there were 7. I know all you guys had fun because it is a great event and it was very painful to miss it this year. Teddy and the Razorback Riders thanks for all you do.

Dennis Jones
Dennis Jones