Colour for steeltanker

Started by bandlum, August 04, 2007, 03:55:01 PM

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Hi guys,

I am restoring my 68 Steeltanker (V786), but I could not find the correct green here in Germany.

Does anybody know the colour for this bike? Is it still available?

Regards from Germany, Michael.

rob w

Hello Michael, That's sort of a toughie, I'm not sure if anyone's got that pegged yet. I think most everyone does their own thing. Even Kip, the master restorer, goes by whatever feels good. If it's close, and YOU like it, then you've done good. Maybe there's someone here that will step up to the plate and reveal their secret formula.
Good luck, good to hear from you.
Bob W


Hello Michael, giving consideration of your post, (all the way from Germany) it appears that you are attempting to restore a 68 Steel Tanker.
Your post denotes a simple? The POG forum always finds a way......

For your review, Kip Kern is prolly the best.

Limco 79835, may be the answer.
What we do not know?

If there was a patch, that you could take, to a local vendor?
Perhaps, an answer....

Secret formulae for a Penton Owner in Germany....

It is the same in USA

Keep Trying.

Good Luck, and keep us informed..

Tom Brosius
Mile High Pentons
Thomas Brosius


Thanks for your answers.

I try my best to restore the bike as original as possible. And there's a lot to do.

So look to my new post...