The Farm at Chehalis

Started by Auto5guy, August 16, 2007, 08:18:20 PM

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Well the Farm was awesome again this year just like always.  This year had entrants from as far away as Australia.

Pentons were very well represented again this year.  I had my 74 250.  I saw a sunlight yellow 73 250 in the pits.  He was there last year.  I can't remember his name.  The Kauai brothers had their 74 250 there.  I think Gary Osborne had his six days with him.  Mike Borseth had a drop dead knock out gorgeous perfectly restored 73 Harescrambler for sale.  The Kauai brothers bought it.  I met a fellow named Terry from Atlanta with a very nice 74 250.  He said that it had at one time been built by Bobby Lucas.  

Speaking of Bobby Lucas, I got to meet him.  I swung by the track on Saturday to sign in and check out the course.  Near the barn used for sign in I noticed a Penton with an aluminum high point tank.  On my way out of the barn I gave it a closer look.  The number plate had "Bobby Lucas" on it.  I have never seen a picture of Bobby so I didn't know what he looks like.  Later when I saw a guy pushing the aluminum tanked Penton I thought that must be him.  I introduced myself and we talked Pentons, racing and life.  We walked the track as it was being laid out.  It was interesting to get Bobby's take on what lines would work best.

Bobby, you need to put some S12s on that 400 and come back next year for a serious go at it.  It was great to meet you.

Sunday morning came and it was time to race! Open age intermediate was the second gate of the first race of the day.  I got a good start, about 3rd into the first corner behind a Bultaco 360.  The next corner the Bultaco slows more than I anticipate.  I had to lock up the brakes to not hit him.  Oh no! The bike stalls.  I was still rolling fast enough that I went wide and clutched it back to life in the grass but I lost a spot.  I battled back and made my way around the new guy and the Bultaco.  The racing was very tight with four of us nose to tale swapping spots.  Had the lead briefly then was passed by a guy on what I thought was a Maico.  As much as I tried I couldn't real him back in and I finished second.  Or so I thought.  Later when I checked the scorer's sheet I learned that the Maico rider had been in the first gate and had crashed.  He wasn't in my race.  I had been too fixated on his rear wheel to look at his helmet.  I had won!  Hey my first moto win as an intermediate at the Farm.

My next race was race #12, 250 sportsman intermediate gate 1.  On the line I noticed my clutch pull was way too easy and it was dragging to much to put into gear.  Oh no.  It hit me.  I had forgotten to safety wire the clutch nuts after I had the dial indicator on it. Stupid!  I had to drop it into gear after the band was released.  I got a mid pack start and worked past a couple of riders.  Then I ran into Dale Jacobus on an Elsinore.  For two laps we had an epic battle.  We swapped spots at least six times.  At the checkers he came out on top.  That was some of the most intense racing I have ever done.  What an absolute blast.  The results page showed me with a 10th place finish but that had to be a mistake because I finished right behind Jacobus and the sheet showed him either 4th or 5th.

Back to the pits I go and pull the clutch cover off.  I spun down the nuts that were loose and safety wired them in like I should have done the first time.  I didn't have a dial to put on it so I just eyeballed it and of course it was dragging just a bit.  I finished with almost no time to spare for moto 2 of race 1.  

When the band snapped I got an average jump and the bike veered left a lane or two.  I shifted into third and the Penton seemed to just leap forward.  Everyone else just seemed to disappear.  Yes!  I had my first holeshot at the Farm.  Remember, this was the open age class so there were big bore CZs Maicos and Huskys on the line.  I held the lead for 2 laps.  As I tired I dropped back to third.  Big bore Husky mounted Bill Grubin was in second.  On the last lap I was desperately trying to get a spot back when I washed my front wheel out about 3 turns before the checkers.  The bike died and flooded.  Bike after bike went by as I tried in vain to get it lit.  When the Penton finally barked off I had gone from third to eighteenth.  Not smart.  With my first moto win third would have gotten me on the podium.  Oh well that's racing!

Moto 2 of race 12 I got a good start, top five.  Before the end of the first lap the bike bogged and died.  I kicked my brains out and it finally started.  A few more corners and it did it again.  This time I was all kicked out and it still wouldn't start.  One of the true unsung heros of the world, a corner flagman, gave me a push and off I went again.  When it died the third time I was near the turn out point so I just pushed it off the track.  It was acting like it was starving for fuel.  I thought maybe it had something in the carb.  I wasn't going to finish the race and that was my last race of the day so I put the bike up without trying to investigate it.  I spent the rest of the day visiting and bench racing with the greatest people on earth.  Vintage motorcyclists!  

Back at home I discovered that the base gasket had blown out.  That must have been my problem.  I have never had a base gasket make a bike act like that.  Usually they want to rev to the moon.  Oh well, you learn something new everyday.

Anyone who hasn't been to the Farm do  yourself a favor and find a way to make the trek at least once you won't regret it.


WARNING: The Surgeon General has determined that castor smoke can be hazardous to your health.  It is highly addictive and causes delusions of grandeur.
WARNING: The Surgeon General has determined that castor smoke can be hazardous to your health.  It is highly addictive and causes delusions of grandeur.


Great story Matthew. Way to go.

Doug Wade

Ernie Phillips

Matthew,  Sounds like you had a wonderful time!  Thanks for the write-up.

Ernie P.
Chattanooga, TN
Ernie P.
Chattanooga, TN

Big Mac

Matt - this was your red tank '74 barn find from awhile back? I'm guessing your '73 250HS is still with blown motor. Sounds like the '74 is a rip snorter on starts, very tough against open class bikes and the intermediates are no slouches at the Farm. I never got better than about a 5th even on the CZ 400.

You saw that Grubin bought the Preacher's Mint 400? He's wanting to make a seriously deadly racer and I think he may give up the Huskys. There's a guy who needs to move up a class.

Wish I'd been there to see the racing. Had my 82-yr old mother visiting and had to do the family thing. Great job and congrats on the moto win!


Jon McLean
Lake Grove, OR
Jon McLean
Lake Grove, OR



Yes that is the same bike you are thinking of.  It was running very hard.  I had a interesting time getting it race ready.  Whoever had been working on it previously needed thier tools taken away.  Seriously, there was some goofy stuff with that bike.

My 73 is still apart.  When it blew it ripped the rod in half.  I took the engine out of the frame and tranny oil came out of the crank area when I turned it upside down.  I just can't bring myself to split the cases.  I know it's going to be ugly.

I was standing right next to Bill and Thom when they were working out the deal on the Mint.  Grubin is only going to get faster when he moves from the Husky to the Penton.

With VDR returning to Woodland I hope you can make some races there.


WARNING: The Surgeon General has determined that castor smoke can be hazardous to your health.  It is highly addictive and causes delusions of grandeur.
WARNING: The Surgeon General has determined that castor smoke can be hazardous to your health.  It is highly addictive and causes delusions of grandeur.


Here is a shot of a Penton in action at the Farm.

I think this is one of the Kauai boys.¤t=ChehalisNationalPics379.jpg

Here is the same bike in the pits.¤t=VNCN0043.jpg

WARNING: The Surgeon General has determined that castor smoke can be hazardous to your health.  It is highly addictive and causes delusions of grandeur.
WARNING: The Surgeon General has determined that castor smoke can be hazardous to your health.  It is highly addictive and causes delusions of grandeur.


Here is a pic of my holeshot.¤t=MXCN0158.jpg


WARNING: The Surgeon General has determined that castor smoke can be hazardous to your health.  It is highly addictive and causes delusions of grandeur.
WARNING: The Surgeon General has determined that castor smoke can be hazardous to your health.  It is highly addictive and causes delusions of grandeur.


Here is Mike Borseth's Beautiful 73.¤t=VNCN0042.jpg


WARNING: The Surgeon General has determined that castor smoke can be hazardous to your health.  It is highly addictive and causes delusions of grandeur.
WARNING: The Surgeon General has determined that castor smoke can be hazardous to your health.  It is highly addictive and causes delusions of grandeur.


A good action shot of Terry from Atlanta.¤t=ChehalisNationalPics301.jpg


WARNING: The Surgeon General has determined that castor smoke can be hazardous to your health.  It is highly addictive and causes delusions of grandeur.
WARNING: The Surgeon General has determined that castor smoke can be hazardous to your health.  It is highly addictive and causes delusions of grandeur.


Hey Matthew & POGgers.....yes I made the trek from Atlanta to Chehalis (bike was shipped out, I flew).  I grew up racing in Washington in the 70s and early it was homecoming!!

It is one of the best atmospheres and tracks anywhere for sure.   I had my 74 250 Hare Scrambler.   I had my first go around in +50 Expert.  WOW, was that a fast crowd.  I rode my butt off and the stock motor Penton was pulling any 250 out there and holding it's own on open bikes!!  Full blown YZ250A were losing 1 length down the straight to the Penton!!

I rode as hard as I could and ended up mid-pack,   heck Chuck Sun was in the moto!!!  I did make an accomplishment, I caught my hero Bobby Lucas in the first moto on the last lap!!  It was a great event!!

Based on the 250,  I am the proud owner of a very nice Mint 400 now, and look out on the starts from here on out!!

As Matthew said, if you EVER get a chance,  try and attend this race...:D

Terry Gates
AHRMA racer/Penton-Ossa lover
[email protected]
Penton 125 Six Days (3)
Penton 175 Jackpiner
Penton 250 Harescambler (2 1/2)  Love 'em!!
Mint 400  Cant wait for first race on it!
Terry Gates
AHRMA racer/Penton-Ossa lover
[email protected]
Penton 100 Berkshire 72 - nice (on the way!!)
Penton 125 Six Days (3)
Penton 175 Jackpiner
Penton 250 Harescambler (2 1/2)  Love \\\'em!!
Mint 400 - sweet