Barber Vintage Festival

Started by Doug Wilford, August 24, 2007, 05:11:20 PM

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Doug Wilford

October 19-21 2007  Birmingham, AL.   The Penton Owners
Group (POG) will have a display,   If you are planning
to attend and have a bike you would like to display please
feel free to bring it. We will need a few to make the display
worth looking at.  We also need some of the members to spend
some time in the display to answer questions and talk with
people.  Al Buehner, Doug Wilford and wife Dot will be
bringing down the POG E-Z Up and be in attendence for this event.
Any questions feel free to ask.  [email protected]
The next week end we will see you all with the POG display at the
ISDTRR (reunion ride) New Blaine, AR.
See y-all down ole dusty ;)


  I do not know if I have the time to make Alabama and the Reunion Ride since they are so close and a long drive.  I will make the Reunion Ride.  If I can I will try to do so and bring something to show.  Thanks for all you have done over the years to help Penton win Championships all over the World and continue to build the Best Sachs engines, in my opinion....sorry I know you use the word "rebuild" or "remanufacture".  Either way you are the best and thanks for all you and Dot do, and have done, for the Sport.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


.......if I'm not deployed to the middle east, Barber's sounds like a fun plan......if I'm able I may bring a "works" bike to display........
Quote: Thomas Jefferson, We are all born ignorant, some work to remain that way.
 Quote:Peter Villacaro, \\"it is impossible to teach those that wish not to be taught\\".

brian kirby

I will be debuting my loaner '72 Six Day (which will have a newly Doug Wilford built engine in it) at Barber in both CC and MX. I will also be riding the RR on it (provided I dont break it a Barber). I cant wait!


'72 Six Day (on loan from Ernie P.)

Doug Wilford

Vintage "Works" Bikes are always a good topic of
"jabber jawin"  Hope you can attend.
Have Fun!


  Thank you for serving our Country...I am honored that you shared with us and you will be in my Prayers.


Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Kip Kern

Can't make it this year but will have 2 spaces next year.  Wow, what a museum, a must see!  
The better half and I have a cabin rented on an island in S.C. the same date[}:)]


Kip,Enjoy the coast and the seafood!!

Thomas Carmichael

1970 125 Six Day
1976 250 Hare Scrambler
Thomas Carmichael

1970 125 Six Day
1976 250 Hare Scrambler

Ernie Phillips

Doug,  I'll be there and bring something (a fresh & dirty race bike?) to show as well as help out with the booth.  And, to echo others comments, thank you for all you do to keep these Penton's winning.  And, if it weren't for Al Buehner and his handy-dandy supply of parts, we would all be up the creek  -- so thanks guys!

Merlin,  Thanks for serving  ... be safe.

Ernie P.
Chattanooga, TN
Ernie P.
Chattanooga, TN

rob w

I'm trying to decide on this one. I was just looking over some of the 2006 photos from this event, and I'm wondering......?
Is the MX track at Barber, as LAME as it looks. ?
What I've gathered is that it's just a grassy field, with some narrow winding turns, and flat as a pancake.
If there's more to it than that, I'd seriously think about it.
If that's all there is....I'm not going to waste my time.
Thanks very much for your response.
Bob W

brian kirby

Here is the story on the '06 track. It was in a sloping off camber grass parking lot, and the pits were in the next parking lot up the side of a hill. There was a wide gully between them. The course was originally to go down in and out of that gully several times to give nice elevation changes and jumps coming out of the gully back onto the grass parking lot. They could not run it through the gully because it POURED rain all night before and the gully would have been impossible to get through. Even so, I liked the track, it was all off camber and was like the old grass tracks in Europe. I have heard (Dwight could probably give more info) Mr. Barber is considering building a permanent vintage MX track.

Having said that, the cross country course was the best I have ridden anywhere in the country. It was all typical tight SE trees on virgin trail that had not been ridden on before. Dave Lamberth laid out the course, and I could not imagine a better representation of good old SE "handlebar trails", meaning the trees are handlebar (or just less) wide.

I think you should go if you can find the time, dont let the pictures of the track keep you from going.


   Hey guys, I live about 60 miles from Barbers and plan on bringing
 my 1975 GS 125 that I bought there last year. Yes the track last
 year was pretty much flat and not much to it. I'm hoping that they
 make it better this year. I plan on being there all 3 days and
 will help with the booth.
     James Pearson  POG # 870

rob w

Brian, & James, thanks. Hope I did'nt sound too harsh, the topic of making 1968 grass tracks and calling it moto-cross makes me sarcismic. I don't think it really caters to the likes of the majority. There's no question in my mind that Dwight favors that terrain.
 I'm going to heavily think about making it down there, it would be a nice get away for my finale of the year. (no Reunion again this year)
 First I've got to get through Moberly...then we'll see.
 I would certainly like to hear more about what their plans are for this years track.
Thanks again, Bob W

brian kirby

No problem Bob. The course was laid out by Dick Mann, as many will know prefers scrambles/grass tracks. I would have preferred something more technical but it was what it was and considering the rain we got Saturday night I think it was the only thing they could have done. It was so wet several people got stuck on the muddy access path between the pits and the track so the gully was out of the question.

I know of one fellow that drove all the way from Oregon and when he saw the course Friday, he turned around and went home that afternoon. I cant imagine driving all the way across the country and going home just because the track was not to your liking.

I only live 4 hours so for me its the closest AHRMA national, but the CC course would make it worth the drive alone for me. I encourage everyone that has even a mild interest in CC to make the trip to Barber if you can, it will be worth the trip.


'72 Six Day (on loan from Ernie P.)

Lew Mayer

Looks like I need 28 inch bars for the CC. Reminds me of the old Eastern enduros. Thank God for bark-busters.

Lew Mayer
Lew Mayer