Cross Country Scoring

Started by tlanders, September 27, 2007, 05:29:45 PM

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It's been a great year so far and I have been blessed with people willing to man the laptop at all the AHRMA cross countries (mainly Chris Sayler) except for Casey and Barber coming up next month. Does anyone know of anyone going to those races that might have a wife/friend/teenager going along with them that would work the laptop during the races? Even if one of you races the PV could score the vintage race and one of you that does the vintage could cover the PV race - that would work. We all love seeing the lap times and the program immediately figures up the yearly totals, so it a great service to the riders that we get this covered. Please call me at 314-479-1612 if you can help or know someone who can.

Thank you,



Thank you for your response. Becky Hayes and Deb Stillwell covered Sugar Camp for us, Becky Hayes will cover Casey this weekend and Jason Holifield will cover Barber. Brian Jahelka, the MotoTally programmer will be covering the ISDTRR for us.

Thanks again for your willingness to help, I had numerous emails. What a great group.
