AMA dismisses employees

Started by Paul Danik, December 10, 2007, 11:47:45 PM

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Ted,although I wear my helmet,The adage that some are too stupid and need protection doesn't fly with me.Ive seen my insurance increase with the wave of new old guy riders that want to pretend to be something that they never were.The problem is lack of training.These "bikers" rode as kids and think they can jump on a bike and be as sharp as they used to be.As more people disregard motorcyclist as they talk on their cellphones you better be on your toes.It used to be if you ran over a guy on a bike you better look out for his friends to give you a little lesson in respect.Now the average driver is not afraid of that guy that bought a brand new bike and only acts tough.Getting back to the AMA I might not agree with everything they fight for but as a group there's power and the powers to be over there should do what the members want.United we ride divided we drive.

Lew Mayer

I always wear a helmet but I hate to see our freedoms chipped away by those who think they know better than everyone else and want to impose their values on everyone else.
I'd like to have my own freedom of choice and let those who do not choose to wear a helmet, be weeded out by natural selection.

Lew Mayer
Lew Mayer


Lew:  In theory I agree, but who pays for the medical costs?  The rest of us.
Frosty:  I totally agree that training is a big part of it.  However< I think your mistaken if you think its OLD guys.  We sell Honda and Harley-Davidson.  Young guys 16-20 buyint 180HP sport bikes are a BIG part of the insurance problem.  Japanese manufacturers making these sport bike are part of the problem.  I remember when bikes were lucky to run 100mph now we can double that.  Do you think that's needed?  But I don't care how much training you have or how long you have rode or the type of bike you ride, someday we are going to crash and the helmet could save us.  Seat belts are mandatory in most places but I don't see the AAA fighting to repeal those laws.  My point is the AMA spends a huge portion of OUR money to fight something that SAVES lives. I would love to see a membership vote, with head injury statistics in front of them, on this subject.  Is the AMA supporting the members wishes?

Simply put I can not support an organization that does not support saving motorcyclist lifes.  Ted  (0 wrecks on street) (lost count in first year offroad)


Ted,In my state (Indiana) minors under 18 have to wear a helmet.If a dealer is selling a motorcycle that will do 200 mph to a minor and not requiring a helmet or training course that should be criminal.The reason I joined the AMA was because of the helmet threat.Just as I'd be opposed to a law that states that I can't wear a helmet I'd have a problem with a law that mandates one.The deal with the AAA not doing anything about the seatbelt laws is people that drive cars aren't as organized as a group as motorcyclist are.In closing I'd like to remind everyone that training is the answer.I'd rather learn how to avoid the accident.I guess I couldn't sell bikes because the first kid that dies because of me selling the young person too big of a bike for them to handle would tear me up inside.Making money selling bikes involves responsibility.I too would like to see a poll concerning the AMA's stand on helmets.I write this not to have a verbal battle with anyone but to show that the AMA means different things to different riders.It still seems bad to let people go around the holidays.Merry Christmas.