Billy Uhl picture

Started by Paul Danik, December 17, 2007, 06:40:38 AM

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Paul Danik

On page 49 of the Jan. of 08 issue of American Motorcyclist is a picture of Billy Uhl on his Penton, surely a 100cc machine. I believe it was taken at the 1972 ISDT, maybe someone can verify that fact.  

     It is interesting to note, at least to me, how much that one picture shows. What caught my attention first was the hockey shin guards that Billy has on, then as you look closer at the bike a number of his ISDT preparation items can be seen. The silicone between the cylinder fins, extra clutch/brake lever attached to the frame, duct tape between the front downtubes,the position of the grab handle on his front axle, crash bar, the non-use of the front fork brace.  Actually I don't think hardly anyone used those fork braces where there was a chance to get any mud caught in it.

   It is nice to once again see Billy and his Penton get some exposure.


Rain Man

That is an interesting picture Paul, I saw it and recognized the name.  Does he post here on the POG website ??
 Just a reminder while where on the subject of American motorcyclists magazine this month. There is an Election ballot for AMA board of directors in this issue and I feel all you fellas from the North East should vote for William Haas to represent us.
 It sure would be nice to have this guy on the board of directors, you should see his resume of past dirt bike related extravaganzas, involvement and just plain ole volunteer work !!
 Any of you that have been involved with NETRA will understand .
 Outstanding !!

 Down East Pentons
 Down East Pentons

Paul Danik


   I am not aware of Billy ever posting on the POG website, but I have an email address for him and may have to give him a nudge...

   The picture of Billy in the American Motorcyclist was put in for Billy being a member of the Motorcycle Hall of Fame Museum Class of 2007. The POG board delivered a gift to Billy from the POG at the induction ceremony in October and Billy sent the Group a very nice thank you note.

   A quick story about Billy.  When riders would travel to Amherst, many times they would stay at a duplex about 200 yards behind JP's home, I think it was built as rental unit but ended up being a home for riders on the move, I personally spent a few nights there myself.  It seems that Billy had an extended stay and JP had hinted several times about needing a little help mowing the grass around the duplex. Apparently Billy didn't take the hint. Very early one wekend morning, JP filled a push mower with gas, started it up and pushed it under the bedroom window thinking this ought to give Billy the idea, but the mower just ran and ran till it ran out of gas.  When asked about it later Billy just laughed and said "Ya I heard the mower running".



Say Rainman,  could that be the Bill Haas from Rhode Island or I think he was from Rhode Island??????If it is, I spent a week or more at Daytona with he and Roger Crump who was a flat tracker and Bill helped Roger a lot with his engine work.  If that is the one , I would like to hear from him again as we have lost touch.  Al Born