Started by Larry Perkins, November 09, 2001, 10:26:57 AM

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Larry Perkins

Actually Jeff I did not find out how it would be scored until after the event.  I had asked people from day one when it was announced as an AHRMA cross country how it would be scored and was told it would be decided soon.  I asked multiple times.  I even got jumped on for asking you here on the POG.  

The night before the ISDT reunion it was announced that it would be covered at the riders meeting but come that time it wasn't or I somehow missed it.  Apparently some riders knew before the event but not me.  I would have tried to point out to someone the flaw in the idea which has caused this misfortune.

I had a great time and I think most did.  That does not take away from AHRMA's bonehead idea and lack of thinking it out previous to deciding the event would also be an AHRMA cross-country.  The event was contrary to scoring and time outlined in AHRMA's own rulebook which apparently can be changed mid-stream.  Please don't take this personal it was not the event.  It simply boils down to AHRMA cross country and a two day are two different things and with two different principles.  I will ride it again next year but not as an AHRMA cross country.

I stand by my first statement.  Congrats to Ted but Chad in my eyes won the title.  Chad is a good kid and probably doesn't care but I was never good at not pointing out what I thought was unfair.

None the less I LOVE ALL YOU GUYS.  Ride On!


Jeff D

I don't know the best way to combine the ISDTRR into the X-Country series, but Dick Mann made the decision and I'll tell you from personal experience that what he says generally goes.  It is obvious that there was some serious miscommunication (and not just about the scoring) and there are several camps of participants who have differing viewpoints on what the ISDTRR should be and how it should be run.  It's been a learning curve each year, and I wish we could take the best components of each year's Ride to make an outstanding event that nobody would take issue with.  There have been a lot of great ideas tossed around here and on the Vinduro page, but there's no ISDTRR committee other than Bugsy to do anything about them.
I am going to propose to Bugsy that a steering committee be formed and at least some basic guidelines put down in black and white so that if a club wishes to do the ISDTRR in the future, they will have something to go by other than "he said, she said, etc." from past years.  My vision of the steering committee would include Bugsy (since he is the only founder left & AHRMA trustee), Dave Mungenast (industry horsepower, ISDT vet, vintage enthusiast), a POG member (perhaps Paul Danik or Doug Wilford...ISDT vets and avid vintage dudes), a Vinduro member (to represent the less competitive side, but also loves gorgeous old bikes), and perhaps an additional rep from AHRMA.  I am going to propose this to Bugsy in writing and see where it goes from there, but it's pretty clear that if the event continues to grow as it has, some sort of organization will be needed. To date the event's flown by the seat of its pants.  Luckily it's been pretty successful, and in spite of each year's shortcomings, people keep coming back for more.
If the steering committee proposal flies, I'll post something here so people can make their ideas/opinions known to whoever is in charge.
Just out of personal inquisitiveness, does anyone know how many entrants were signed up for X-Country points?  I was thinking maybe 30% or so, but have no real idea.  Not that it matters much one way or another..I was just glad so many really cool bikes were there, regardless of who brought 'em!
Lookin' forward to next year already!

Jeff DeBell
Jeff DeBell