Penton in the Alligator, 40 years later

Started by Paul Danik, February 13, 2008, 07:20:27 AM

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Paul Danik

The March 6th running of the Alligator Enduro will mark the 58th running of this prestigious event, more important to most of us is the fact that it will mark 40 years since John Penton on his then new Penton motorcycle along with his teammates ran this event.

We know for sure that at least one Penton rider will be entered in this years event carrying with him the support of all of us, that person is POG member Conrad Pfeifer. Conrad will be riding his 125cc Six-Day and will have his cousin POG member Dave Stype as his pit crew.  

Dave has been a Penton rider for many years and often told his younger cousin Conrad about the bikes and his desire to sometime ride the Alligator.  A few years back Dave had a medical situation to contend with, Conrad make Dave a deal to help him make it though his ordeal, "you get better, and I will ride the Alligator enduro with you". Sure enough Dave recovered, and he and Conrad did enter and ride the event but were unable to finish, this year Conrad is back. Dave had a bad get off just before VMD this year and still isn't 100% so he is Conrad's gas man.

Anyone who has met Conrad knows he is great guy that has more than enough determination and toughness to get the job done.

Good luck guys.


Dave Stype

We will be camping at the site of the Alligator Enduro during that week. We wanted to extend an invitation to any POG members who may be in Daytona for bike week to stop by and say hi.
Conrad has one of the POG banners and we will have it hanging at the campsite. We'll have a few bikes there. They always get lots of attention. I think the AMA breakfast is the same morning as the run, but stop by later in the afternoon for a cold one.  Dave

Dave Stype
Dave Stype


Conrad and Dave
I know you guys will do the Penton name proud !! Good Luck !!
Dave McCullough


I'll do the best that I can and try not to blemish the Penton name. Last time the race kicked my butt. I've been training this year so I won't pass out at the finish!

 Paul Danik was kind enough to come over to my house and help me prep the bike. How many chances do you get to have a ISDT medalist prep your bike??
That is part of what makes POG a great group.
Hope that anyone there stop by the pit.

I would also like to thank my sponsors....
Al Buehner-parts
Doug Wilford-engine
Paul Danik-crew chief
Dave Stype -pit crew
John Penton-visionary
(oh wife for putting up with the long hours in the garage)
Without you guys I would just be a spectator or a Husky!


Conrad Pfeifer
1972 Penton Six Days
Conrad Pfeifer
of Mars PA, Home of The Paul Danik Presidential Library


dennis brown

having owns 7 pentons over the years and all good bikes,and the risk of starting a small war. how many nat.enduro championships did husky win,and what kind of bike did john penton win the championship on

dennis l.brown
dennis l.brown


Hello Conrad,
Tried to reach you via e-mail and message returned, incorrect address.   Please contact me at [email protected], to try and meet up in Daytona.      Regards,   Nelson McCullough