Enduro series vintage class - great fun!

Started by Mike Stephenson, May 07, 2008, 07:29:22 PM

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Mike Stephenson

Perhaps this has been mentioned before (uh...I think I might have actually?) - but the Family Enduro Series has started a "vintage class" - no points, just bragging rights and a lot of fun.  

The events range from northern Indiana, up to Marquette Michigan.  As the focus of these events is kids, and riders new to enduro racing, the trails are not ultra technical, and the speed averages make them easy to have fun with, without beating the tar out of your pride and joy Penton.  Trails are usually a mix of tight event trail, with  public ORV trail. Some (the Mini Moose for example) are almost entirely event trail.  Most of the events run two loops of the same trail - loops ranging from about 15 to 30 miles in length, for 30 to 60 miles total in the events.  No timekeeping computers are allowed - just a odo/speedo, watch and route sheet.  The good old fashioned way!

First loop is done at 12 mph - a great chance to learn or fine tune your enduro timekeeping skills.  The younger kids ride only the first loop.  The second loop is usually at 18 mph.  

If you have kids or grand kids that ride - these events are perfect for the little riders to - put junior on his bike, saddle up the Penton and ride along with them!  Dont let the "kid" orienented nature of these make you think they are boring events for an adult - not the case at all.  I have had a blast riding them on the Penton, and for a number of years rode along with my kids on my modern bike and enjoyed them a great deal!

The next event is in Marquette Michigan on 6/14.  Here is a link to the schedule for the entire season:


I know of oh, 4 or 5 vintage bikes that will be doing the Pinecone in July (some of the course will likely be the same trail the Jackpine will run the next day. I think Young Ted will be doing the Jackpine on his Penton as well.  I would REALLY love to see a bunch of vintage bikes at some of these events - if we get enough of a turn out, the promoter is saying they may bump the class up from "exhibition" and keep track of points etc. in the series.

I will dig up the email address of the guy heading this series up and post it here so you can ask him questions. Or...I can help as best I can.  Young Ted is quite familiar with this series as well  (he and I rode the same minute at the Arbor Day event a couple weeks ago)


Mike Stephenson
Atlanta, Michigan
Penton Newbie - thanks to Young Ted!
Mike Stephenson
Atlanta, Michigan
Penton Newbie - thanks to Young Ted!

Tony Price


I'll cut and paste your post over on Vinduro.  There are quite a  few members who live in the region, and some who already do the Pine Cone.


Mike Stephenson


Thanks for the follow up on that.  I would love to see MANY Pentons at the Pinecone. In fact, it has recently been suggested by a Lansing Motorcycle Club member, that maybe we could do a special Penton display, maybe something of a Penton celebration of sorts. Maybe get John himself there!  Now that would be a scene - a bunch of Pentons, all riding underneath the big start line banner for the Jackpine (same start as the Pinecone).


Mike Stephenson
Atlanta, Michigan
Penton Newbie - thanks to Young Ted!
Mike Stephenson
Atlanta, Michigan
Penton Newbie - thanks to Young Ted!


Hey, any info on the Pinconning ride would be appreciated. I just got off the phone with my buddy in Lansing and he asked what I was bringing up to ride. Personally I'd rather ride vintage and would really like to ride my Six Day up the Jack Pine. In years past we have ridden parts of it. One thing I could not get over last time we rode in Michigan was how much some of the BIG hills have wore down. M55, and Ski Slope (St. Hellen area) hills we places we hung out for hours watch to see who made it and who didnt. Now they are mole hills. Guess trail conservation is a great thing.
 Please let me know date and time, Thanks TTPaul

Mike Stephenson


I assume you meant Pinecone, when you commented "Pinconning ride"?

Here is a link to the flyer for the Pine Cone:  Unfortunately I just realized it is the same weekend as AMA Vintage Days - but if you or others are not planning on Vintage Days, or looking for a ride, this would be perfect!


The Pinecone will start near Moorestown, MI - which is located between Lake City and Houghton Lake Michigan.

And here is a link to the series schedule.  Periodically it is updated as flyers are posted on line, so check back.


Here is the schedule remaining:

06/14/08 UP Sandstormers Mini Moose Marquette, MI
06/28/08 Buzzards M/C Baby Buzzard Harrison, MI
07/12/08 Muddobbers M/C Family Enduro Matthews, IN
07/26/08 Lansing Motorcycle Club Pine Cone Moorestown, MI
10/11/08 Grand Kankakee Trail Riders Family Enduro Roselawn, IN 11/01/08 Riders M/C Turkey Gobbler New Paris, IN

I am going to do a separate post on this next topic - but the promoter of the FES series, and Lansing Motorcycle Club member Mike Mauer Jr.  (some of you guys might remember Mike Sr. from his days of enduro racing back in the day), really is liking the idea of doing something "Special" Penton oriented at the Pine Cone IF we can get enough interest generated, and have a reasonable sense if there will be a sufficient number of Pentons on hand.  So - let all your riding buddies know! And, If anyone wants to ride the Jackpine (the day after the Pinecone) on their Penton instead of or in addition to the Pine Cone - please feel free!  I think there are a couple of other Michigan Penton owners planning on the Jackpine actually.  I would myself, except this years Jackpine will be my 17 year old son's first "big" enduro (He was a FES series class champion last year), and I promised to ride with him to help him out and provide support - dont think I can keep up with him if I am on the Penton!


Mike Stephenson
Atlanta, Michigan
Penton Newbie - thanks to Young Ted!
Mike Stephenson
Atlanta, Michigan
Penton Newbie - thanks to Young Ted!