Rick Siemen - tough times

Started by tooclose racing, June 23, 2008, 06:29:03 AM

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tooclose racing

Guys - the following was posted at the vintagemx.com website.  I don't know about you, but DB and MXA were the "dirty" magazines stuffed under my pillow from 1972 to 1976 or so.

Ad # 3126522   June 20, 2008
From Stephen Gautreau....

Dear Friend,

I don't know if you are aware, but our old friend Rick (Super Hunky) Siemen has been facing some serious personal challenges lately.

SH recently found out that he has prostate cancer for the second time, and has been undergoing Chemo therapy. SH is now waiting to find out if the treatment was successful or not. As you may know, Rick has lived in Baja, Mex. for years, but recently had to move back to the US to get his medical treatment. Rick and his wife Tina moved out into the desert of Maricopa, Arizona, however, because Tina had to take a job to help with bills, they have had to move again. This time closer to town, to be near his doctor/hospital, so he could drive himself back and forth. The real estate market being what it is, Rick lost quite a bit of money that was earmarked for retirement and other things due to the moves.

I have been following SH's progress for months thru a friend of mine who is personal friend of SH and lives close to SH. A couple of weekends ago Rick's old friend Wes, (who was also arrested back in the day at the same time as Rick) gathered over a half dozen friends with trucks and trailers along with my friend and a few of the VMX community in AZ. to help move SH. SH being extremely weakened due to the chemo therapy was unable to help very much. My friend said Rick was quite humbled that so many strangers would turn out to help him move. Stephen mentioned to Rick that many in the vintage motorcycle community that had heard of SH's medical plight would like to help, if help would be accepted. SH said he wouldn't be offended or turn down any offers of help.

To be clear, Rick receives medical benefits from the US Navy, however he has lost quite a bit of money in the moves, and at his age, and condition (recent stroke, as well as prostrate cancer) he couldn't really afford to lose that money.

For those of you that grew up in the 'Golden age of Motocross' you may remember Super Hunky as the CZ, and Maico riding older brother that wrote of his adventures. Super Hunky gave us the straight scoop about the newest dirt bikes, which ones were worth the money, and which ones were junk. Rick also told us about waging a legal battle against the BLM and the Sierra Club to preserve riding land here in California. Rick was jailed, and almost bankrupt himself taking on the BLM, fighting to keep the Barstow to Vegas desert race going, for dirt riders everywhere.

The reason I'm writing this letter is that the vintage community has always helped out guys in need, and now Rick Siemen needs our help. It is time to give something back to Rick 'Super Hunky' Siemen for his 35 plus years of giving to us.

There are FIVE ways to help Rick, and each way the money goes right to Rick.

1. Go to his website SuperHunky.com and buy his books, CD's, posters and other collectible items.If you haven't read his book 'Monkey Butt' you ought to.

2. Buy Ricks 1970 Husqvarna 400 Cross. (being sold for Rick by a friend) http://www.vintagemx.us/cgi-bin/largephoto.cgi?C=cAXduhE6NovC8UAe

3. I know not everybody has a PayPal account but if you do, a donation can be sent to Rick via https://www.paypal.com/ Simply click on 'Send money to your friends and relatives'. Enter Rick's email address: [email protected] and follow directions.

4. Mail a donation directly to Rick Siemen. (this is his NEW address)

Rick Siemen
36607 West Cosa Blanca St.
Maricopa, AZ. 85238

       Mark Holloway
Oceanside, CA
Email | Website
Registered Since 9/27/2004 | 190 Posts   


Too Close, you only listed 4 ways, I take it the 5th way is pray?? Will do.


Poggers, here is a wonderfull email I rcd. from Rick...He is a bit down, but still has a gift of communication and wit... If you could, pls. send a warm thanks for all that he has done, and a few bucks would'nt hurt either..
Tom Brosius

 I want to say thank you.  Words sort of fail me at a time like this. So let me just tell you about the events that led up to here.


  In 1992, I moved to Baja (Rosarito area) after my last legal battle with the BLM.  I had pretty much had it with the lackadaisical response of the motorcycle industry to the land crush.  Wanting a little peace and quiet, Mexico seemed ideal.  Add to that, I could ride out of my garage and no black helicopters would swoop down out of the sky and cart my fat ass off to jail for the horrible crime of riding my dirt bike.


   For a long time, Baja was ideal.  I wrote enough to keep the fridge stocked with cold beer, and five gallons of pre-mix in the garage.


   Then a few things happened (stroke, knee replacement, so forth), no doubt a part of pushing 70.  I dealt with it logically; rode slower and worked out more.  I didn't count on prostate cancer and this meant a trip to the Vets hospital to get sliced open and get the bad stuff out.


   For two years, everything was OK, then a PSA test came in with some bad news.  The cancer had returned.  Options were limited and the VA docs said that I would need several months of radiation treatment to fight it.  


   During this time, the border was going nuts, with a three or four hour delay getting to the border being real.  The crime factor reared its head, and Rosarito went nuts, with shootouts, car-jackings, robberies and such being the norm.  It was at this point, that we decided to move to the states.  Yup, just about the time we put our Baja home up for sale, the housing market took a two-and-a-half gainer into the dumpster.


   We found a place near Maricopa (out in the desert, with 5 acres) and put a deposit on it.  The market continued its downward spiral and we were told that it was close to impossible to finance a manufactured home (new rules) without another $50k down.  Our deposit was lost. We found a regular home in the town of Maricopa and put the rest of our money down on it.



   I figured that we'd make a few hundred tips in our minivans to move and wasn't looking forward to it.  The radiation treatments had me weak as a drunk kitten.  Wonder of wonders, Stephen Gatreau and Wes Holmes teamed up and showed up with about 15 people, two 27-foot enclosed trailers and a bunch of trucks.  They moved the contents of the house and the garage in one frantic Saturday.  Stephen has a shop called SG Cycles in Mesa and Wes was my co-driver when I raced trucks in Baja.  These guys and the people who helped them, saved me thousands of dollars that I didn't have.  My sincere thanks go out to these great folks who I never met before.  The vintage dirt bike people in Arizona are truly amazing.


   In a few months, I'll be able to tell if the radiation worked or not.  If it works, I'll be able to do some low-level trail riding again.  If it doesn't,

I'll have some truly wonderful memories to take with me.


Rick Sieman

Maricopa, Arizona


Thomas Brosius


I just bought one his Magoo "visible Maico" posters on Ebay. I wish I could do more, but my wife and I have gone through some rough times lately as well. Rick has done so much for off-road riders in the past 40 years. I grew up reading his stories and wishing I could be like him. Here's to his fast and complete recovery :D


Rick also has several other items on Ebay - Monkey Butt Book - ebay item # 170230510832 is a must have, you can't laugh enough reading it, hope we can all help, he is one of a kind !!, regards, Mike G. from Jersey

Mike Gallagher, Camden County, NJ.- 69, 70 x 2 + 71, 125 Steel Tankers, 72 Berkshire, 72 x 2, 73 x 2, 125-6 Day's, 74-6 Day, 73 x 2 Jackpiner's, 75 - 250 H/S, 74 1/2 Mint 400
Mike Gallagher, NJ.
[email protected]


After reading about Mr. Siemen's need I purchased a copy of his book to support the cause.Received it in 3 days to my door.Haven't been able to put the book down.I wish him and his family the best.


I bought the Monkey Butt book and his From The Saddle cd's,they are great.God Bless Hunk,a true off road warrior.Pray for his full recovery.

ric emmal
Ric Emmal
Pentons Rule!
5 125 steel tankers
10 cmf 100/125
2 Mettco 125
1 Penda
2 jackpiners
2 harescramblers
5 Herc 7 speeds
1 Tyran 125
1 Ktm150xc
1 Honda crf450x
1 Honda sl70
1 Hon cr125 77
1 Yam pw80
2 Yam yz125d
1 Suz pe 175
1 Suz rm85
1 Mz250
3 Sachs/dkw 125
1 Hon cb700sc
1 Aprillia RC50
Most in progress..                      so many projects-so little time...

Mike Lenz

Emailed Racer X mag to mention something. This guy is one of my heros!


I caught the dirt bike fever after a ride on a mini bike in the California desert. Seeing my first Penton out in California a short time later led to a full fledged sickness. What really got me going over the point of no return was buying my first issue of Dirt Bike Magazine. I loved it it was like a group of guys setting around and laying it all out there and Rick Sieman was the ring leader. Saying what was real skinny on all things Dirt Bike. No BS at all. Didn't always like his opinions. One of my bikes he called "Budget Boredom", but I was always looking foward to that magazine hitting my mailbox each month.

When I decided to go to Baja last year, I emailed one guy only to see what tour group who to use. That was Rick Sieman.

Rick, if anyone can get through this it's you.

Rod Whitman
Omaha, Nebraska
1972 Six Day (Rider)
1972 Six Day (Project)
Rod Whitman
Omaha, Nebraska
1972 Six Day (Rider)
1972 Six Day (Project)


Ordered my copy of "Monkey Butts" today. While in Rehab in 2006 Thom Green and friend ( sorry Thom, forgot the name) brought in a copy to read, didn't get to finish reading it, so I had to have one.

All of you Pogger's are the "Greatest", I truly know. God Bless all of you. Rick we'll keep you in our prayers.

Dale Walter


Got my copy at Hodaka Days 2008 a couple weeks ago.
Paul Stannard / Strictly Hodaka, had Monkey Butt out front and center for you.


I just got Rick Sieman's book, "Monkey Butt" in and I can't put it down. This book will make you laugh out loud. A lot of short stories and if you came up in the early 60's on a bike some of the stories will hit close to home!!

Thomas Carmichael

1970 125 Six Day
1976 250 Hare Scrambler
Thomas Carmichael

1970 125 Six Day
1976 250 Hare Scrambler