Tail light question

Started by Rocketman, October 01, 2008, 12:09:56 PM

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I have a 1972 SixDays.  I have the small headlight and the taillight is missing.  I have seen 72's with the large CEV headlight and the large tail light.  Was the same tail light used with the small headlight?  I'm guessing that the bikes with the large lights came from the factory that way and the ones with the small lights were kits added by the dealer at the customers request.  Am I even close here?  Can someone tell me where I can see a picture of the light that belongs with my bike?  Also the title says it's a 73, but the serial # starts with a 2.  Were leftovers from one year typically sold as "current" year bikes?  Thanks, Russ

72 Six-Days
72 Six-Days

brian kirby

The only help I can add is I believe the new "year" started in July so any bike built from July '72 to June '73 were '73 models. Someone else may know for certain if there was a date cutoff for one year to the other.


'73 Berkshire Team  d-Con
//www.d-conproducts.com America's #1 Rodent Control Brand


I have always believed that the model year cutoff was August.  Anything after August was the next model year.  In most of the European countries, August is a month long vacation and/or shutdown, or so I have been told.


brian kirby

Actually, I had the month wrong, I think with the Pentons it was June not July. The reason I think this is if you look at the production year guide all the new stuff starts with June. For example the first CMFs start June '72 and the first 250 starts June '73. I would assume all new models would follow the same cut off, but thats just a guess.


'73 Berkshire Team  d-Con
//www.d-conproducts.com America's #1 Rodent Control Brand


That explains the serial # descrepancy.  I have a MA Title that says it's a 73.

I looked at any pics I could find fron the 40th/10th get together and couldn't see any pics that showed the tail light with a bike having the small dia headlight.

72 Six-Days
72 Six-Days


Over 175 views and nobody knows about the tailight question?  Can anyone help here?  Thanks

72 Six-Days
72 Six-Days

john durrill

 the Tail light in Bob's picture is the right one . Tag Tail light bracket we got on in the enduro kit at that time was a flat aluminum plate with a lip the light mounted to. It was held off the fender by 3? rubber mounts with 6 mm studs. The mounts are the same as the exhaust rubber mounts but smaller in size. Here is a picture of the flier Penton used for sales. Its not a good look at the tag tail light setup but its the best we could do. Somewhere i have the metal plate for one. I will try and find it and take a picture for you. Post it on here when i do.
 Best i can do . Sorry its not a good pic.
John D.

crash carden

Hello Rocketman, When I purchased my new 1973 Jackpiner back in the day it came with a factory enduro kit still in the sealed box. The head light in the kit was the large type CEV, but the tail light was the small type CEV like in the picture posted by Bob. All the Penton manuals I have seen show the small head light with the small tail light or the large head light with the large tail light. However I have always been told that Penton/KTM would put together what ever was on the shelf at the time and out the door it went. So I guess in my case thats what happened. As for the year model change over date line, I have always been told that happened in September. My Jackpiner has a frame stamped date of 9-72 but was titled as a 1973 bike. Hope this helps you out! [8D]
       Save a horse - Ride a Penton! :D Crash Carden
        PS: I still have this Penton!

Kip Kern

Rocketman  Check out the back of the parts manual associated to your particular machine.  Small headlamp = small ULO Moped taillamp.  Large Headlamp = large CEV taillamp.  Have Fun;)

Mike Berrington

Attached is a color brochure of a Jackpiner that has the rubber flap tail light system with the small headlight.

Also is there is picture of the reproduction version I created looking at photos and from well seasoned advise.



I hope this helps.

Mike Berrington
Waynesboro VA.
73 Jackpiner, 77 GS6 175
88 YZ250,  03 YZ450F
Mike Berrington
Waynesboro VA.

Doug Wilford

The early Pentons 68-71 had no model year.   When something needed fixing it was fixed, never to wait for a model year change.   1972 when the frame numbers contained the month and year of manufacture it made the model year closer (NO Set Month)  Bikes could be held up
in transit or even set on dealers floors for extended periods.  Or in a mixed container.  Head lights, all lights, the factory used what was available at the time.
Have Fun!

crash carden

Hello John D., It would great if you could post a picture of the metal plate for the tail light as I would like to make one up for my 73 Jackpiner. If you could would you add the measurements as well? Or hey better yet would you like to sell it? [:p] Thanks for any help, Crash Carden.


There is a CEV (large) tailight on Ebay right now that seems to have a metal plate support somewhat similar to the one pictured above, though it could be a support for the light only. It would prob work on your metal fender.
Mars Attacks!
68 Planetary/Lunar Lander (very sadly, sold with Gamma death-ray to the Italians)
78 400 MC5 also sadly sold
79 space rock shox bike

Larry Perkins

This comes up again and again.  Over the years I have seen this discussion 5-6 times.  Is there not a way to search archives to find this out or maybe it is all cool discussing it over and over.  There just is always a decent amount of dis-information.  Here is what I think pretty much is the straight scoop.

KTM goes on Holiday in August so anything with 09 or later month is the next year in actuality.  That is why you see what is believed to be 1971 CMF bikes that were built 10-71.

On most all equipment such as headlights and tailights there are certain things that were mostly used but not always as KTM and Penton both were infamous for useing what was available at the moment.  You often see a yellow or green gas tank that is red underneath and it is not because an owner painted them it is because there was an abundance of leftover Berkshire tanks, as an example.  Also just because it has a large or small headlight or certain kind of fender in a brochure does not mean all of them were that way.  Sometimes one was unavailable at the moment and another was used.  

Last of all the type of headlight and tailight was often dependant on if it came from Lorain mounted or was added at the dealer.  There were many dealers like the one I worked at that ordered all MX models and stocked enduro kits and a few big tanks.  If you wanted the enduro model we added the kit and tank and it was X amount more.
This is why some later models had Petty stuff and some had Falk and CEV or ZKW stuff.

Main thing to remember is there were patterns to all year models but not hard and fast rules.  It was all small production compared to the Japanese.

Okay that is my 2 cents worth and I hope it helps AGAIN.:D  LOL!

Larry P