ISDT movies

Started by Paul Danik, December 11, 2008, 09:25:50 PM

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Paul Danik

If I may I would like to explain a little about the films that Penton Imports made of the 1973, 1974 and 1975 ISDT events. From what I know Matt Weisman was the creative genius behind the creation of these movies.  The movies were 16mm with sound and narration, state of the art at that time. The 1973 USA event was on it's own reel, while the 1974 and 1975 events were put together on another reel. The 1974 event took place in Camerino, Italy while the 1975 event took place on the Isle of Man.

   I do not know how many copies of each movie were made, Penton Imports would keep them on hand for dealers and other groups to borrow for showings, possibly at open houses, banquets and such.
Awhile back the POG had the 1973 USA event put onto DVD, we have had it for sale and have sold quite a few. The plan was to put the later events onto DVD at a later date and offer them for sale, but then the problem arose... Where are the movies?

   Quite awhile back who ever had the 16mm copy of the Italy / Isle of Man movie made a VHS copy of it and sent it to me for safe keeping. We have a need at this time for the movie and fortunately tonight I searched for and found the VHS copy.  My reason for posting this is to ask that anyone who thinks they may have one of the original 16mm copies of the 74 / 75 event to please look for it as we would like to have it transferred to a DVD.  We can work from the copy that I have, but we would like to find one of the original movies if possible.



Paul Danik

I just finished viewing the 1974 Italy and 1975 Isle of Man ISDT movie,  I had forgotten just how neat these movies are.  It stated at the end that Matt and Barb Weisman were indeed the producers and editors of these movies, THANKS Matt and Barb......

The movie is old, and it does show, but that sort of adds to the experience.  I have found a local firm who will transfer the VHS to a DVD for us and I am heading there shortly.

In discussing the movie with Jack Penton this morning we came up with the idea of having a special showing of this very exciting movie at the next POG meeting, 7 pm Thursday January 8th, 2009 at the KTM building. The movie is just over 1/2 hour long.

Don't forget your popcorn.



I have one of the original reels somewhere in my stash. I believe Matt told me many years ago it was unedited. Always wanted to have it put on a VHS format.I am not sure which ISDT is on it.

David Duarte loomis, Ca.
David Duarte loomis, Ca.

Paul Danik


   If you have an unedited reel of ISDT film that would be awesome.  We have a connection who has offered to help with conversion of any footage that we come up with, a professional connection.

   If you get a chance to look for the film it will be appreciated, who knows, maybe you will find a short version of the early Steel Tanker airbox that you need for your Steel Tanker project in your stash.



Hi Paul,
I am in cold,rainy,and windy La Buffadora Mexico. I will be home next week and look for the film.I have not seen it since i moved three years ago. Who knows what else i may find while digging through my barn.
I will keep you posted.

David Duarte loomis, Ca.
David Duarte loomis, Ca.