front wheel spacing

Started by Jerry Chafton, December 30, 2008, 04:30:18 PM

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Jerry Chafton

I need some help aligning the front wheel within the forks. The bike is a restored late 1974 HareScrambler Enduro.. I think something is missing in the wheel spacing. The front wheel is not centered perfectly within the forks, it is too far left. I am using a speedo assy on the right side but when I center the wheel the brake stay won't mount to the brake plate without bending. Also there was a washer between the brake plate and the left fork, I think that washer should be behind the axle nut.
The super dooper Penton manual was no help. It does not show the placement of the fork tubes in the front wheel diagram.

Randy Kirkbride

The backing plate goes against the fork leg. No washer between them. Are you sure you have the spacer (# in place under the backing plate? Also, the brake anchor does go on the inside of the tab on the fork leg. Hope this helps.

Jerry Chafton

Thanks Randy,
I thought that was right so I put the washer behind the axle nut. The builder had it on the wrong side of the fork tube. The brake stay is correct and yes I do have the spacer between the backing plate and the hub. Everything looks and works good but I have one inch of clearance between the top of the wheel and the left fork tube and 1 3/4 inch clearance at the right fork tube. Is that normal? I would have assumed the wheel would be centered between the fork tubes.


Make sure the hub is laced so that it is centered relative to the rim.If it has been laced off-center, you may have to redo it. Good luck.

Nelson Lingle
73 Jackpiner
71 DKW 125
Nelson Lingle
73 Jackpiner
74 Jackpiner
71 DKW 125


Hi Jerry, There are several different axles that will fit but the offset will be wrong.In the "Still....Keeping Track issue #41 on page 20 it shows the axle you should have if you have Cerianni forks. Overall lenght should be 9.75 long and the tapered part to be 7.25 long.I hope this helps! Happy New Year!!

Thomas Carmichael

1970 125 Six Day
1976 250 Hare Scrambler
Thomas Carmichael

1970 125 Six Day
1976 250 Hare Scrambler

Doug Wilford

On some models and I say that because I have forgotten which models.
You need to lace the rim to the hub off set 5/8"  This makes the wheel centered to the forks.
Have Fun!

Ernie Phillips

Could be a bent axle.  Loosen the axle nut and pinch bolts.  Slowly rotate the axle and watch the wheel move side to side.  When you get the wheel centered, tighten everything up.

Ernie P.
Chattanooga, TN
Ernie P.
Chattanooga, TN


Doug is correct on this, the wheel needs to be offset approximately 1/2" t 5/8" towards the speedo side to center the wheel between the forks.

Jerry Chafton

Thanks guys,
I think you're on to something with the wheel lacing. I do know the builder re-laced the wheels and I bet he laced it without the offset. I am off about 1/2 inch. I will double check the axle but I'm pretty sure it will be the wheel lacing.....
Thanks again...

Randy Kirkbride

Hi Rocket,
Wasn't the wheel offset only needed on the bikes with 32mm forks???


I don't believe so, I just laced a wheel for a friends 75 100 with 35mm forks and I had to have the offset.
I'll give you a call next week to see if the Penton Hotel is open in February.


Jerry - Its the wheel lacing, I started reading a similar thread a few months ago as my 175 is also off by about a 1/2" also. I centered the rim on the hub because I had never heard of the offset spacing.

Hope the 250 is doing well.
Happy New Years

Jerry Chafton

Hi Chakka,
Did you change any spokes or can I just re-lace the same hardware to an offset. Is the rear offset also? There seems to be very little difference in the gap at the rear swing arm.
The 250 is doing great, just prepping for some spring events when I return from Florida. Thinking about doing the Ark. event in May.


Just re-lace with the offset. I used the same hardware, spokes and nipples, just cleaned them up to get off years of accumulated gunk. The rear doesn't have an offset. Only front wheels on bikes with Ceriani 35mm forks. Glad the bike is in your good hands. I still miss it!
