AHRMA Cross Country banquet cancelled

Started by Paul Danik, January 31, 2009, 10:35:36 AM

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Paul Danik

Sorry to pass along the bad news but some of you attend these functions.

AHRMA ~ News Flash
For Immediate Release
AHRMA Cross Country Banquet Cancelled

AHRMA regrets to inform the Cross Country competitors that the banquet scheduled for
Friday, February 27, 2009 has been cancelled.

The 2008 Cross Country awards will be distributed after the Gatorback Cross Country event on Friday the 27th at the Gatorback facility.  Any competitor not in attendance at the Gatorback event will have their award(s) mailed to them by the end of March.

For those of you that have remitted payment for the Cross Country banquet to the National office, AHRMA will refund your payment immediately.   Any payments received after this notice is posted will be returned to the AHRMA member and will not be processed.  If payment for the banquet is included with an event entry and is made via a check, AHRMA will issue a refund of the banquet payment and will mail it with the event confirmation letter that is sent to the AHRMA member.  If the payment is done via a credit card, the banquet portion of the entry will not be charged to the member.

The reason for this cancellation is due to the difficult financial position that AHRMA is currently in.   The costs of renting the facility and for the  banquet itself would have far exceeded the revenue to be collected from those attending.

If you should have any questions on this cancellation, please contact David Lamberth
at 615-420-6435 or via email at [email protected].

Mick Milakovic

Not that I was ever going, or that it matters now, but how about a good-old fashioned cook-out at the track? Just kidding folks, but it does sound rather simple.......



Larry Perkins

The simple easy path rarely seems to be in the AHRMA mindset.

Larry P

Paul Danik

I think that last year they did have a tent set up at the track and did the meal and awards under the tent, I believe that Jack was the guest speaker.
I appreciate how hard Teddy and others are working at making the Cross Country series bigger and better and I give them credit for making the tough decision to cancel this event when the numbers went south. All I know about the cancellation is what is posted, I just didn't want to see folks show up to catch the presentation after the dinner and find out then it wasn't happening.


Jeff D

Teddy was going WFO to do the banquet up right.  Must have been given the "pull the plug" order by AHRMA higher-ups.  Originally had Tom White (White Bros Racing) scheduled as guest speaker.  When Tom had to decline due to family health issues, Teddy and I had contacted Dick Burleson about speaking at the banquet.  I won't be going to Daytona, but for those that worked so hard during the year to earn their awards, it is sad that the banquet had to be axed.

Jeff DeBell
Jeff DeBell


I'm glad they pull the plug on it if it helps ahrma survive.  Like corporations a lot of belt tightening is happening.  It's better than spending crazy money on lawsuits.  Hopefully actions like this will ensure the survival of ahrma and corporations that supply some of us with money to race these great vintage bikes.

Keith Taylor

Mick Milakovic

Don't get me wrong in thinking that I was trying to blame anyone, particularly Teddy, about the banquet.  These are tough economic times; I've cut our budget in more than one area to allow our family the best chance to enjoy our lifestyle and hobbies.  

I agree with Keith.  Do what is necesary to help things survive, and if that means a tent-style ceremony like last year, then that's great!  Congratulations to all of last year's participants and winners, and good luck this year,




Thanks guys for being so understanding. Yes, the plug was pulled at headquarters due to the expense of having the banquet at a fancy hotel in town. If I hadn't been so busy while this was happening, I would have tried to organize a track side dinner that I know we would have not lost money on. Heck, if there are any of you out there that want to organize it, let's do it!!!!

I am just now getting out from under an incredible work load and maybe this weekend I can see if any of my bikes run!!! Right now my biggest project is getting and testing out the new transponder scoring system for cross country. OK, I guess I won't be able to see if my bikes still run this weekend - rats!!!

The good news is that Tim and Polly Grow have volunteered to do the scoring for all three east coast events -Gatorback, South Carolina, and Broome Tioga. Since I am starting up the national series in California, I can't be at SC and BT and Tim and Polly will be the scoring crew.

I hope to see a lot of you at Gatorback.



A HUGE THANKS TO TIM AND POLLY GROW! :D its a big thing to assume the responsibilty of the transponder scoring.(especially considering that it is not well received by some of the ahrma hierarchy) they will do well with it. thank you teddy for making the transponders happen. for some of you that don't know it, the transponders came out of teddys pocket. i'll get on the yahoo cc page with a couple of posts to see if we can get some folks to bring some dishes for a CC get together, pot luck style.   lets race! the knee's gettin better.
chi jer[8D]

brian kirby

Tim and Polly deserve HUGE thanks for stepping up to handle the scoring.


'73 Berkshire