Ability to communicate..

Started by DKWRACER, January 01, 2002, 08:54:58 PM

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Virus protection!!!  Our forum is one of the very best that I have had the fortune to work with. There have been episodes where viruses have migrated thru our mailboxes, for the sum of $29.00 I will step up to the plate and purchase a virus scanner so that I do not propagate a virus, even if it means reducing the price of something that I have to offer...can you help too!!!

Thomas Brosius

Doug Wilford

Good topic, as we all have become aware lately there are a lot of whackos out there trying to spoil our computer fun with virus's, worms and whatevers.  If your computer is over 6 months old you had better check your virus scan.  McAfees initial protection is only good for 6 months.  At this time the Norton Anti-Virus has been reccomended to me by several very knowledgable people.   Help keep this site clean, check it out and THANKS!!!



I have been using a free virus software, found at the following link :
It automatically updates with the latest protection.
Have been using it with my mail and it has saved me a few times now.


Adrian Goold #101

Doug Wilford

Thanks Adrian, Hats off to the bloke downunder.   Hope the fires are not in your area.



OUCH THIS ONE HURTS!!! I have now spent the last 30 minutes on Symantecs site exploring the issues of virus protection, on their site is a good selection of services offered. What is most beguiling is the fact that their most popular engine is in of itself being hacked!!! So I offer the following: there is no silver bullet in protection, in our discoveries, we may be forced to both LOAD and RELOAD Antivirus software in order that the engine itself does not become Wacked. The deviates that are out there are becoming very elusive in their methods, so beware!!!

Thomas Brosius

Don Roth

As a way to thwart propogation, you can add a 'dummy' addrees for both the first and
last users in your address book, this will
prevent your machine from spreading the worm.



i have managed to pick up two viruses in the past six weeks,first one my brother sorted,
the second made my hardrive throw its toys out of the pram, resulting in new hardrive.
i was running norton anti virus.



Fires are on the escarpment behind wollongong (where i live). We have been able to watch the fires at night.
Getting sick of the smell of smoke.


Adrian Goold #101