Spring Still....Keeping Track

Started by firstturn, March 19, 2009, 09:32:31 AM

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Thanks Al(Buehner) for another great Newsletter.  I especially enjoyed the Member Profile on Paul Art Busick.  Paul/Art is a great racer and a fun person to be around especially around any races.  He is a wealth of information and a excellent racer.  The racing pictures are excellent and one thing people may not remember is several years back paul had some major surgery.  He is one tough guy.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Nice of you to comment favorably on SKT, Ron.  Ditto on Al's contribution.  He is solely responsible for all the work, which goes into publishing each and every issue.  

Right-on also, regarding Paul Busick.  He is indeed a fun guy, and truly is a very skilled rider.  

One small example of Paul's skill came one night at a POG meeting.  I observed as Paul approached the parking lot on a street bike.  He braked hard for the right hand turn, virtually bottoming his bike's forks, then flicked it over far enough to drag the peg on the right side.  After carving a slot-car-sharp turn, with nary a bobble or twitch, Paul snapped the bike back upright.  The move was smooth and graceful, Paul making it look easy, with his butt planted square in the seat and a self-satisfied grin on his face.  

Sounds mildly impressive, right?  Well, consider this:  Paul performed this stylish move on an early-70's Honda CL125, with 3-inch-wide, oem, hard-as-nails tires.  Fun to watch, it was.

paul a. busick

Ted and Ron
 First off, thanks for all of your favorable comments and yes the checks are in the mail.

 As to the ride on the old Honda.  Perhaps you could have heard the scream or seen the look of terror in my eyes had I not been wearing a full face helmet.  It is truly surprising the manuvers that you can perform when the adrenaline kicks you into survival mode. Truth be known, the throttle stuck WFO on the old Honda as I began the turn.

 See you down Old Dusty,
 P.A. Busick ;)


Yeah . . . right, Paul.  That's like saying the throttle stuck on your PE when you and Brian(?) (the big guy on the XR650L) took off on the road sections of the BSA meet last year.  Even if I COULD have generated that much speed on my little 4-stroke Honda, I wouldn't have had the guts to chase after you guys.  You could easily give the sportbike guys a serious run for their money on those twisty back roads.  

Those guys think they're pretty hot, with their multi-cylinder, big HP, modern-engineered bikes, with sticky tires.  Let's see 'em try to keep up while running muddy knobbies, a decades-old chassis (the BIKE'S chassis that is - not yours, Paul), and all of 12 horsepower on tap.

Just remember, we're SUPPOSED to be staying below the posted speed limit on that run!  Of course - I don't know if they could catch you . . .

paul a. busick


The Ohio Valley BSA Club run will be coming up - the end of May.  Anyone interrested in a realy fun time, check out their site.  OVBSA will get you there.
Ted. Get one of your other bikes - CanAMs going for this event and give the little Honda a rest.  I can't wait.:D

See you down Old Dusty,
P.A. Busick


Oh, I've got the upcoming Reliability Run all covered, Paul.  I just put a new chain and rear tire on my '81 Honda CT110, so it's all ready to go!  I'll give you a run for the money this time!!!


Ted, Bink and I have the OVBSA ride in the book and we have will have two friends to add w/ a Husky WR390 and a PE250. What a great ride. Will  see you  there!

Click here to see Mars attack:
Mars Attacks!
68 Planetary/Lunar Lander (very sadly, sold with Gamma death-ray to the Italians)
78 400 MC5 also sadly sold
79 space rock shox bike


Mars Attacks!
68 Planetary/Lunar Lander (very sadly, sold with Gamma death-ray to the Italians)
78 400 MC5 also sadly sold
79 space rock shox bike


Ted, Bink and I have the OVBSA ride in the book and we have will have two friends to add w/ a Husky WR390 and a PE250. What a great ride. Will  see you  there!

Click here to see Mars attack:
Mars Attacks!
68 Planetary/Lunar Lander (very sadly, sold with Gamma death-ray to the Italians)
78 400 MC5 also sadly sold
79 space rock shox bike


Mars Attacks!
68 Planetary/Lunar Lander (very sadly, sold with Gamma death-ray to the Italians)
78 400 MC5 also sadly sold
79 space rock shox bike


Awesome!  You guys bring a lot of class to the event, with Bink's Pioneer and your Frontera.  It's a treat just to hear 'em run.  Note, we're working on trying to set up a POG presence there, this year.  We'll keep everyone posted.