New Web, New Look

Started by Kip Kern, January 06, 2002, 08:25:14 AM

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Kip Kern

Congrats on the new look of the site, I like it!


don howard

Very nice web page,looking good guys. Once again fine leadership at POG.  Don Howard


Larry Perkins

I'm gone for one day and come back and the good just gets better.  EXCELLENT page change.  Who did this?  Step forward and take a bow.


Paul Danik

Our own Doug "webbie" Wilford has been working overtime on the new look and registry. Great job Doug!!!


Big Bob

Love the new website. Hell of a job,Doug.


Mark Annan

I love the new site features!!  The regesrty should be very helpfull.  Thanks for getting it up and running Doug.

Are we going to see some pictures from the Reunion Ride in the Photo section?


Doug Wilford

Thanks guys and gals, but the host to our web site did all the work, he is the one to put in all the extra hours,etc.  Thanks go to Dale Lute!!   All I had to do is feed him what you all want and he worked his magic and Taa-Daa there it is.


Larry Perkins

Martin Oliver

Great web site.  I have learned so much from reading the forum and just checking in from time to time.  I checked in after the holidays and WOW!!! what a great look.  I am proud to be a POG member.
Martin Oliver

