AHRMA Perhaps Not Shooting Straight

Started by Larry Perkins, April 16, 2009, 09:34:15 PM

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Larry Perkins

I thought you guys might be interested in What AMA CEO Rob Dingman has to say about the AHRMA fiasco in progress.  Me thinks it might shed some light on what seemed like a bad AMA move when it might be a bad AHRMA move.  If this is all correct and it seems it is then AHRMA is lieing to us.  Here is the link.  It is interesting reading.


Larry P

Tom McPeek

Something strange is going on inside ahrma. We the members need to toss all of them (Geoff Smith, Dick Mann and cronies)and get back to racing. The more I read and understand it is Ahrma that is the problem. Correct me if I am wrong.  Thanks Tom

78 KTM250 MC5,74.5 Jackpiner 175 , 75 Husky 175 GP
74.5 Harescrambler 250MX, 74 YZ360A & 250A  ,85 IT200, RM100,250,400

Larry Perkins

Now on the AHRMA website they have amended their spin on the info of the 15th to reflect what the AMA has said.  Janiec says it is just a misunderstanding to what they said yesterday but it just looks like they got busted and then changed their story.  What they stated yesterday has been eliminated from the website and this new spin is dated like it was done on the 15th and not the 16th.

Larry P


Job well done Rob Iannucci/AHRMA. There's a reason why people are creating new vintage racing serie's all across the country.


it really sounds like AHRMA has stuck their foot in their mouth. i would really like to know how intent they are on paying the money by the end of this month. 'me thinks they won't'. :D

Ambr Milakovic
"Black Beauty"
Ambr Milakovic
\\"Black Beauty\\"

tooclose racing

Geez..I just replied on another thread - I've been in NYC with my family and I'm just catching up.  I'm curious..or very naive.  Is this going to come down to a financial settlement between Ionucci and AHRMA?  Right or wrong  - AHRMA cannot be in any position to offer that remedy.  It's funny - I read a recent interview with Ionucci in which he comes off like he has moved on from motorcycles into something else entirely.  His racebikes are just sitting somewhere while he pursues his new/latest passions.  Having said that - he's a laywyer, right?  Man...have fun in the snake pit, AHRMA.

brian kirby

Mr Ianucci does not want money. He wants his membership reinstated and he wants Jeff Smith to step down from all official positions within AHRMA. I am not hopeful that this dispute will be settled positively because I do not believe AHRMA will EVER give Mr Ianucci his membership back.


'73 Berkshire

Tom McPeek

Send Ianucci his membership and then send Smith packing along with all his friends that continue to want to keep his sorry a$% so we can get back to racing vintage dirtbikes !

78 KTM250 MC5,74.5 Jackpiner 175 , 75 Husky 175 GP
74.5 Harescrambler 250MX, 74 YZ360A & 250A  ,85 IT200, RM100,250,400

Dwight Rudder

Is it just me or does anyone else think that the AMA's Mr. Dingman might be lying ?  That is not a fair interview as American Motorcyclist Magazine is owned by the AMA.  Something smells.  Dingman says that the AMA isn't telling AHRMA what to do but the main holdup is that they want AHRMA to reinstate Ianucci who has cost AHRMA and it's members a hell of a lot of money.  I say if Ianucci were to appologize about his actions and refund the money AHRMA has lost because of his actions, then hold a member vote to see if we even want him back in AHRMA.  I don't think I would be so quick to want to get rid of Jeff Smith and Dick Mann as they have the best interests of AHRMA at heart even if we don't always agree. IMO,


I and many other volunteers have poured out our hearts to help create the opportunity for us to ride a national vintage motorcycle  racing series. I have enjoyed working and riding with so many wonderful people that are involved with AHRMA. I am saddened by all the acrimony.

I believe that it is in our best interest to do the only thing we have the power to do and that is to pray for Dave Janiec, and for him to be successful in resolving the issues when he meets with Ianucci next week. I truly believe this is a spiritual battle and your prayers can make the difference.



Quotequote:Originally posted by Dwight Rudder

Is it just me or does anyone else think that the AMA's Mr. Dingman might be lying ?  That is not a fair interview as American Motorcyclist Magazine is owned by the AMA.  Something smells.  Dingman says that the AMA isn't telling AHRMA what to do but the main holdup is that they want AHRMA to reinstate Ianucci who has cost AHRMA and it's members a hell of a lot of money.  I say if Ianucci were to appologize about his actions and refund the money AHRMA has lost because of his actions, then hold a member vote to see if we even want him back in AHRMA.  I don't think I would be so quick to want to get rid of Jeff Smith and Dick Mann as they have the best interests of AHRMA at heart even if we don't always agree. IMO,

 If anyone needs to appologize it should be former chairman Fred Mork and Jeff Smith, they are the ones that chose not to settle this whole mess, Mork could have said no to funding and stopped it . They are responsible for wiping out AHRMA's treasury by NOT figuring out how to settle things long ago. Mork and Smith blew the treasury that belonged to the members (maybe they should ante up with the membership?), Ianucci used his own money. Who in their right mind would do battle with Ianucci out of their own pocket to save AHRMA, simple, not anyone, yet Mork and Smith wiped out the memberships money without a second thought.  Ianucci outflanked the self centered people at the helm of AHRMA once again, don't be surprised if this becomes the last gasp for AHRMA as it once was and reduce it to a joke at best.

Quote: Thomas Jefferson, We are all born ignorant, some work to remain that way.
 Quote:Peter Villacaro, "it is impossible to teach those that wish not to be taught".
Quote: Thomas Jefferson, We are all born ignorant, some work to remain that way.
 Quote:Peter Villacaro, \\"it is impossible to teach those that wish not to be taught\\".


I think Merlin is right on.   I joined AHRMA in 1995  when the Jeff Smith / Jim Redman incident happened at Daytona.  All I read in Vintage Views that first year was what a bad person Rob I was etc etc.yet he was a founder of AHRMAA! This thing has been going on for 14 YEARS!  

Cooler heads and egos should have prevailed and a simple apology at several junctures would have made it go away and we all could have moved forward for the good of the sport.  Instead,  unbridled ego's of a couple "leaders" have taken our sport and AHRMA reputation (to say nothing of the finances) in the tank.  Again  AMA is upping the stakes (with Rob I again outflanking the AHRMA attorney Bendelow)

If AHRMA does not take this last chance and suck it up put all thjis behind us once and for all, and apologize and let Rob I back in,  if the egos prevail and they take a hard line,  it will be a crippling blow to divorce from AMA and loose a huge revenue source and several AMA top shelf road racing tracks,  hence more financial losses and damage to the road race program which I also participate in.

I will watch and see,  in 4 short days,  does AHRMA do whats right for the sport and membership,  or allow the egomanicial couple guys ruin it?  Ill not bet on the outcome,  but it will speak volumes of AHRMAs future one way or the other!

Terry Gates
AHRMA racer/Penton-Ossa lover
[email protected]
Penton 100 Berkshire 72 - nice (on the way!!)
Penton 125 Six Days (3)
Penton 175 Jackpiner
Penton 250 Harescambler (2 1/2)  Love 'em!!
Mint 400 - sweet
Terry Gates
AHRMA racer/Penton-Ossa lover
[email protected]
Penton 100 Berkshire 72 - nice (on the way!!)
Penton 125 Six Days (3)
Penton 175 Jackpiner
Penton 250 Harescambler (2 1/2)  Love \\\'em!!
Mint 400 - sweet

Dwight Rudder

Do you really think caving in and kissing Rob I's arse is the wise thing to do ?  I don't nor does a lot of other AHRMA members. Rob I, started this whole stink with cheating and then he tried to steal AHRMA members and racing just so he could have a series he could get by with cheating in ?  I wish everyone would realize that AHRMA is trying to do the right thing and quit whinning.  The AMA is not the good guy here and nor is Rob I. Let get back to racing Vintage motorcycles.

Larry Perkins


I think more and more AHRMA members see it differently and we too would like to race.  The thing is AHRMA is continuing to lose money and without the Mid-Ohio payday and the way they continue to run people off they will not survive long term.  Their days are numbered without the AMA and the AMA will be around long after AHRMA is out of our vocabulary.  Many are ready for the next step in Vintage racing whoever brings it.  You can bet it will not be AHRMA for change is something they seem to have trouble doing.

Larry P

Dwight Rudder

Change ?   Vintage racing is about the past.  Do we need change ?  If you want change then there is Modern racing.  I try to do both. But to think AHRMA is out to screw everyone is crazy. Who is making money here? Sure isn't AHRMA.  The AMA has shown everyone that is what they want and could care less about the racers.  Do you think that Rob I. has everyones best interest at heart ?  I don't.  I think that he is out only for himself and has made it his hobby to screw everyone else.  Why ? Because he can.  
What changes do you really feel are needed with AHRMA ?  Run for Office in AHRMA if you think you need to make changes. Larry, You and I have been friends for years but I don't think steady badmouthing and complaining about AHRMA is productive.