Deadline AHRMA-AMA

Started by Larry Perkins, April 30, 2009, 08:02:50 PM

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Larry Perkins

It is 5pm West, 7pm Central, and 9pm East and no word on the AHRMA or AMA sites about the supposed meeting with Mr. Ianucci.  Looks like the deadline will pass before we know anything.  Perhaps not good news for AHRMA as it seems if it got worked out they would get it on the website quickly.  Maybe some info tomorrow.

Anybody else know anything from other sources?

Larry P


The wait is over.

Quote: Thomas Jefferson, We are all born ignorant, some work to remain that way.
 Quote:Peter Villacaro, "it is impossible to teach those that wish not to be taught".
Quote: Thomas Jefferson, We are all born ignorant, some work to remain that way.
 Quote:Peter Villacaro, \\"it is impossible to teach those that wish not to be taught\\".

tooclose racing

And the racing classes are......oops, gotta wait til the 4th.

Larry Perkins

They will have youth.  Thank goodness!  I look forward to hearing more.

Larry P

Ernie Phillips

I always felt like the AMA had the upper hand in this thing along.  The deal between AMA and  Rob I. stinks so bad that it was hush-hush.  Dingman and Rob I:  Are you proud of your accomplishments?   As disappointed as I am in AHRMAs leadership, I'm even more disappointed in Rob I.  Some people spend their whole life tearing up what others have built.   When it all settles down, it will be interesting to hear RI side of things  -- directly, not though some Internet forum.  

A one shot deal ain't no championship, no way, no how -IMO.  Race a series and qualify for one shot, winner take all – that's OK.  Rules?  What rules?  

Ernie P.
Chattanooga, TN
Ernie P.
Chattanooga, TN

Dennis Jones

I don't see anything about youth classes. It just says 12 year olds can race in up to 250cc classes and 14 year olds for other classes.

Next to AHRMA bashing that is the dumbest thing I have ever read on this site.

Dennis Jones
Dennis Jones

Larry Perkins


Is a 12 year old not a youth?  That is what I meant.  Those guys are who we need to keep the sport going.  Dumb is a relative thing.  It is cool to disagree but having a different opinion does not make one dumb.


There are all kinds of Championships.  I have a World Championship in BMX and it was a one day 30 second race.  My name is listed as the 1982 Cruiser World Champion in the books and I have a cool sterling silver cup to show for it and a number one plate.  The bad part is my Mother thinks it is a World Championship.  There just are all different kinds of Championships in my mind.  I consider mine pretty valuable.

Larry P

Dennis Jones

My choice of words may not always be the best but I said them and I will stand by them. If we lose AHRMA we as vintage racers have all lost the best thing that a vintage bike fan could possibly lose, the goose that laid the golden egg.

Do you want to be known as the World Champiom BMX Downhill Racer that ran over a 12 year old youth that panicked and fell down in front of you?

Dennis Jones
Dennis Jones


To all...but thanks to people like Ernie.

"I always felt like the AMA had the upper hand in this thing along. The deal between AMA and Rob I. stinks so bad that it was hush-hush. Dingman and Rob I: Are you proud of your accomplishments? As disappointed as I am in AHRMAs leadership, I'm even more disappointed in Rob I."

  You know Ernie that I was lucky enough to spend my first two years with Honda in Alabama, Western Georgia and the Panhandle of Florida.  I learned more about great local racers that cared less about the politics and more about racing.  I will say that your post is so well accepted from the old racers.  I always feel that the leaders (or so they think of themselves) are way off base.  It is a money deal and they challenge and use the little people.  I for years have helped people that couldn't afford to go racing first class, but with people like dingman and  stan simpson who really love themselves more than they love the grass roots people they just have fun with themselves.  I for one am disappointed in the entire ama experience and I am not happy that we give mr. simpson a free ride with a POG membership.  If he wants to read about our wonderful organization he should pay like the rest of us.  After all he brags about being a very successful person??  Also as far as the rob i he is a person who set put to destroy an organization  and did it as far as I am concerned.  Good job who cares.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Dennis Jones

Thanks Uncle Ronnie,

It's late, Goodnight

Dennis Jones
Dennis Jones

Dwight Rudder

Larry,  Putting a 12-14yr old on a vintage motorcycle does nothing to keep our sport going. Infact is bad for it. Most if not almost all 12 to 14yr olds have no concept of antique or vintage and no pride in them.  They think these are just old junk motorcycles and they ride them so hard they break.  If they destroy enough bikes then Daddy will buy them a modern bike.  But we vintage enthusisists will be less several bikes to restore and ride.  The only thing I would be for is maybe get a Chinese company to make a twin shock bike ( Vintage like ) and let the kids learn to ride that until they are old enough to appreciate a vintage machine.

Quotequote:Originally posted by Larry Perkins


Is a 12 year old not a youth?  That is what I meant.  Those guys are who we need to keep the sport going.  Dumb is a relative thing.  It is cool to disagree but having a different opinion does not make one dumb.


There are all kinds of Championships.  I have a World Championship in BMX and it was a one day 30 second race.  My name is listed as the 1982 Cruiser World Champion in the books and I have a cool sterling silver cup to show for it and a number one plate.  The bad part is my Mother thinks it is a World Championship.  There just are all different kinds of Championships in my mind.  I consider mine pretty valuable.

Larry P


Quotequote:Originally posted by Ernie Phillips

I always felt like the AMA had the upper hand in this thing along.  The deal between AMA and  Rob I. stinks so bad that it was hush-hush.  Dingman and Rob I:  Are you proud of your accomplishments?   As disappointed as I am in AHRMAs leadership, I'm even more disappointed in Rob I.  Some people spend their whole life tearing up what others have built.   When it all settles down, it will be interesting to hear RI side of things  -- directly, not though some Internet forum.  

A one shot deal ain't no championship, no way, no how -IMO.  Race a series and qualify for one shot, winner take all – that's OK.  Rules?  What rules?  

Ernie P.
Chattanooga, TN

 Ernie, Ianucci is the founder of AHRMA, there was no "somebody else". If you go to the AMA website and look around it sounds like what you propose (a series that culminates with a grand championship much like Loretta Lynn format) is the goal, this season it is not practical given the current short notice.

Quote: Thomas Jefferson, We are all born ignorant, some work to remain that way.
 Quote:Peter Villacaro, "it is impossible to teach those that wish not to be taught".
Quote: Thomas Jefferson, We are all born ignorant, some work to remain that way.
 Quote:Peter Villacaro, \\"it is impossible to teach those that wish not to be taught\\".


Quotequote:Originally posted by Dwight Rudder

Larry,  Putting a 12-14yr old on a vintage motorcycle does nothing to keep our sport going. Infact is bad for it. Most if not almost all 12 to 14yr olds have no concept of antique or vintage and no pride in them.  They think these are just old junk motorcycles and they ride them so hard they break.  If they destroy enough bikes then Daddy will buy them a modern bike.  But we vintage enthusisists will be less several bikes to restore and ride.  The only thing I would be for is maybe get a Chinese company to make a twin shock bike ( Vintage like ) and let the kids learn to ride that until they are old enough to appreciate a vintage machine.

Quotequote:Originally posted by Larry Perkins


Is a 12 year old not a youth?  That is what I meant.  Those guys are who we need to keep the sport going.  Dumb is a relative thing.  It is cool to disagree but having a different opinion does not make one dumb.


There are all kinds of Championships.  I have a World Championship in BMX and it was a one day 30 second race.  My name is listed as the 1982 Cruiser World Champion in the books and I have a cool sterling silver cup to show for it and a number one plate.  The bad part is my Mother thinks it is a World Championship.  There just are all different kinds of Championships in my mind.  I consider mine pretty valuable.

Larry P

 Dwight, with all due respect I think you are selling the kids short. I can tell you first hand the kids are for the most part very interested in the old bikes much like they would show interest in the old days of football or baseball if it interested them in the modern era.  I'm going to name drop (sorry) a couple of younger racers that you may recognize that showed genuine interest in the bikes themselves many years ago, Travis Pastrana, Davey Milsaps and Ernesto Fonseca. These kids are so much fun to be around, 12 or 14 years ago more or less they asked lots questions about the old bikes and blew me away with genuine interest. I also the pleasure of meeting (at the time YAMAHA suported) Brian Manley, he marveled at the utter simplicity of my Montesa and quipped it looked cool, I asked him if he wanted to try it and he said yes. We were at a local race without vintage classes so he took the Montesa out (instead of his new Yamaha) in the plus +30A modern and without ever swinging a leg over it before led the race by being so smooth and gentle it was a delight to watch. There was a small double jump on the track (the only double) and he refused to try to make it even though he could have easily (he "didn't want to break it"), I call that respect for the equipment. Brian was slated to race some AHRMA events with me in the upcoming year but had the misfortune of injuring his back and lost his ability to walk, of all things shooting a modern jump video like Crusty Demons or the like.
 These young racers impressed me and changed my view, I too like many had written them all off as being 1 dimensional, nothing could be futher from the truth.

Quote: Thomas Jefferson, We are all born ignorant, some work to remain that way.
 Quote:Peter Villacaro, "it is impossible to teach those that wish not to be taught".
Quote: Thomas Jefferson, We are all born ignorant, some work to remain that way.
 Quote:Peter Villacaro, \\"it is impossible to teach those that wish not to be taught\\".

Dwight Rudder

First of all those kids are much older than 12-14 even a few years ago. 12-14 year olds can't appreciate the vingage scene. There are a rare few but that is not the majority. I have seen it too many times when "KIDS" try to ride vintage bikes just like modern bikes.  Some actually try to break them on purpose because Dad will buy them a "REAL" motorcycle and not this "OLD JUNK".
You may have a different opinion but I think my opinion is more realistic and not just optimistic. (Sadly) I do wish it were otherwise.


 Dwight, with all due respect I think you are selling the kids short. I can tell you first hand the kids are for the most part very interested in the old bikes much like they would show interest in the old days of football or baseball if it interested them in the modern era.  I'm going to name drop (sorry) a couple of younger racers that you may recognize that showed genuine interest in the bikes themselves many years ago, Travis Pastrana, Davey Milsaps and Ernesto Fonseca. These kids are so much fun to be around, 12 or 14 years ago more or less they asked lots questions about the old bikes and blew me away with genuine interest. I also the pleasure of meeting (at the time YAMAHA suported) Brian Manley, he marveled at the utter simplicity of my Montesa and quipped it looked cool, I asked him if he wanted to try it and he said yes. We were at a local race without vintage classes so he took the Montesa out (instead of his new Yamaha) in the plus +30A modern and without ever swinging a leg over it before led the race by being so smooth and gentle it was a delight to watch. There was a small double jump on the track (the only double) and he refused to try to make it even though he could have easily (he "didn't want to break it"), I call that respect for the equipment. Brian was slated to race some AHRMA events with me in the upcoming year but had the misfortune of injuring his back and lost his ability to walk, of all things shooting a modern jump video like Crusty Demons or the like.
 These young racers impressed me and changed my view, I too like many had written them all off as being 1 dimensional, nothing could be futher from the truth.

Quote: Thomas Jefferson, We are all born ignorant, some work to remain that way.
 Quote:Peter Villacaro, "it is impossible to teach those that wish not to be taught".

Dwight Rudder

PROVE that he was the "FOUNDER".  He was just one early member and not FOUNDER.  He was kicked out for being caught numerous times outright cheating. Not exactly something to be proud of. Calling him "FOUNDER" is like calling Al Gore the "FOUNDER" of the internet.

Quotequote:Originally posted by Merlin

Quotequote:Originally posted by Ernie Phillips

I always felt like the AMA had the upper hand in this thing along.  The deal between AMA and  Rob I. stinks so bad that it was hush-hush.  Dingman and Rob I:  Are you proud of your accomplishments?   As disappointed as I am in AHRMAs leadership, I'm even more disappointed in Rob I.  Some people spend their whole life tearing up what others have built.   When it all settles down, it will be interesting to hear RI side of things  -- directly, not though some Internet forum.  

A one shot deal ain't no championship, no way, no how -IMO.  Race a series and qualify for one shot, winner take all – that's OK.  Rules?  What rules?  

Ernie P.
Chattanooga, TN

 Ernie, Ianucci is the founder of AHRMA, there was no "somebody else". If you go to the AMA website and look around it sounds like what you propose (a series that culminates with a grand championship much like Loretta Lynn format) is the goal, this season it is not practical given the current short notice.

Quote: Thomas Jefferson, We are all born ignorant, some work to remain that way.
 Quote:Peter Villacaro, "it is impossible to teach those that wish not to be taught".