Deadline AHRMA-AMA

Started by Larry Perkins, April 30, 2009, 08:02:50 PM

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Larry Perkins


I agree and good ideas but good luck getting AHRMA to do it.  They were 5 years allowing 100's to race.

Larry P


Quotequote:Originally posted by Dwight Rudder

I saw nothing that convinces me the a Rob I. was a founder. Just because it is mentioned in a article that was based on a interview with I. doesn't make it so. No more than Al Gore saying that he invented the internet.  Why do you think AHRMA kicked him and his sponsored riders out ?  Do you think it was for no reason or a minor infraction ? Nobody is twisting your arm to ride AHRMA events. Go ride another series and have fun.  Or, you can support the new AMA Vintage series which I am sure will be headed by Rob I.  This constant complaining and whinning is not productive but destructive to the vintage racing cause.  If you think you could AHRMA do better , run for office.  I think there are more in favor of AHRMA than against.  Time will tell.
Lets get back to riding and racing vintage bikes.

 I guess pointing out how AHRMA dropped the ball and asking you to substantiate your claim of Ianucci's cheating as well as your continued denyal Ianucci is a founder is whining, this is your best defense?  No wonder AHRMA was able to pick so many pockets for so long.

Quote: Thomas Jefferson, We are all born ignorant, some work to remain that way.
 Quote:Peter Villacaro, "it is impossible to teach those that wish not to be taught".
Quote: Thomas Jefferson, We are all born ignorant, some work to remain that way.
 Quote:Peter Villacaro, \\"it is impossible to teach those that wish not to be taught\\".

brian kirby


Rob I. did start AHRMA as his own for profit organization. Two years after that (in '88 I think) he, Dick Mann, and Jeff Smith merged AHRMA and various other small "vintage" clubs into the one large not for profit AHRMA that we know now. In one sense Rob I was the founder since his club had that same name, and in another sense, he and Jeff Smith did the legal work to convert it into a not for profit. Soon thereafter is when the trouble started, and twenty years later here we are.


'73 Berkshire


Rob I. also has the distinction of bankrupting AHRMA twice; once when he owed it and once when we owned it.

Racing the "FaltaNator" in 2009
Racing the \\"FaltaNator\\" in 2011?

Dwight Rudder

Quotequote:Originally posted by brian kirby


Rob I. did start AHRMA as his own for profit organization. Two years after that (in '88 I think) he, Dick Mann, and Jeff Smith merged AHRMA and various other small "vintage" clubs into the one large not for profit AHRMA that we know now. In one sense Rob I was the founder since his club had that same name, and in another sense, he and Jeff Smith did the legal work to convert it into a not for profit. Soon thereafter is when the trouble started, and twenty years later here we are.


'73 Berkshire

Makes sense.  I stand corrected to a point. So he invented the name but it took Jeff Smith and others to make it the larger organization that it is today after Rob I. bankrupted his own organization.
Too bad that some are getting personal here with their complaints and attacks. This should be a productive discussion and nothing else.

brian kirby

Correct. He is in a sense the founder, but its not like he created what we have today. What we have today came from many different organizations, one of which was his and they happened to use his club's name.


'73 Berkshire