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Messages - The Webbers

Penton Talk / John Penton story........
November 27, 2010, 09:18:11 PM
" You are correct Sir "
I will remember you guys forever , talking with all of you and John will be a memory I will cherish forever.
Take Care,
Penton Talk / John Penton story........
November 26, 2010, 06:50:43 PM
This will be a must see for my son and I,as I named my son Penton after John and his motorcycle .
I met John back a few years ago at the Davenport,Iowa Antique Motorcycle Swap meet .
He has been a great inspiration to me from childhood .

Penton Talk / My Son Penton
September 09, 2004, 06:35:51 PM
Very creative writing :) , nice meeting you . I sure had a great time and will remember it forever. I just got my new American Motorcyclist and there is coverage of vintage days in it. I just quickly looked through it but will read the article as soon as possible. It looks like a great time and maybe I will see you guys there next year.
Penton Talk / Davenport Iowa Swapmeet ?
August 16, 2006, 10:59:33 PM
Just wondering if the Penton Owners Group will be at the Davenport,Iowa Antique motorcycle swapmeet this year ? I know they were there two years ago . I don't know about last year as I did not make it . My son is REALLY wanting to see John this year . If any of you guys remember two years ago, I am the guy that has a son named after the Penton motorcycle .
I know whoever was at the swapmeet that year will remember me.
Just curious as my son, Penton really wants to meet John .
Duane Webber
Wanted / For Sale / Wanted: Penton Restoration Project
September 06, 2004, 06:45:30 PM
Looking for a Penton restoration project for my son and I to do together. It needs to be as complete as possible but does not need to run. Kinda pushing towards the Wassel but will consider any model.
Duane Webber
Penton Talk / My Son Penton
September 06, 2004, 10:24:29 AM
This is my first posting on the Penton owners group. I have been here before and just been a lurker.
Here is a little story about myself, I have been around motorcycles all my life . I have had many during my life and currently have 8 running motorcycles .
In my late teens I was getting serious with my girlfriend and was going to the extreme of thinking about someday having children. One night while thinking in my college dorm room I started thinking about names for a boy if we were ever lucky enough to have a son. It didn't take but 2 minutes to make my decision on what to name him as I always had a love for motorcycles and Pentons. Then my wife and I got married in the fall of 1992 . A couple years later my wife and I were pregnant with our first child , it was a girl so we named her Brittany. On September 22nd 1997 we had our second child which was a boy and we named him Penton Jared Webber.

**** 7 Years Later****

I am walking around the Davenport Iowa Antique motorcycle swap meet and meet up with this guy polishing up his Penton . I talk with him a moment and compliment him on his bike. He tells me there is a display a couple of rows over that I would be interested in. About an hour later I see him pushing his bike up to the display and follow him right up. I tell him my story about my son and he says " Come over here, I have someone you need to meet . " I get introduced to John and can't beleive what is going on. I tell John the story and it makes my year as matter of fact a heck of lot longer than that :) .
I spend about the next couple of hours talking Penton history with all of the nice members around the display. Heck of a bunch of nice guys might I add !
I ended up getting a signed tee shirt,Book,sticker and brochure from John  . I couldn't wait to get them home to my son, only wishing he could have been there to meet John.
I get home and tell my son that I have a surprise for him and he will not believe who I met. He can't guess so, I finally let the cat out of the bag . His eyes light up and he thought I was kiddin him. Then he looked at the shirt,stickers and then started looking through the book. His favorite picture is on pg. 55 where John is going through the mud hole back in 69' .

Yesterday we took some pics of my son with his autographed items. He has his semi serious race face on and ready for competition. :D