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Messages - charlotte

Penton Talk / Motoplat Horror Stories
November 04, 2005, 05:28:44 AM
Dane is correct about bad starting is due to a bad earth, if you have this problem when the engine is hot it usually down to the out put source coil. Over the years of being warmed up and cooled down the enamel on the windings gets fatigued and heat is the biggest killer of insulation brakedown, you get what we in the trade call shorted turns which means a short fall in out put voltage. This is easily remidid by having the ignition rewound, and yes this can be done I have been rewinding Motoplat igniton stators for the last 20 years.
Hope this info is of some use.
Penton Talk / yet another motoplat question
November 04, 2005, 05:06:51 AM
Hi Mike,
Did you get your leads sorted out I rewind and referish motoplat ignitions and putting new leads on your stator is not a problem
