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Messages - Mitchell184

Hi Guys
Thanks for all the kind words re: Moto Retro. (Especially you, Ted! ;)
Hope you've all gotten a chance to see a copy. And for those who've subscribed, thanks!
I, too, have heard Cycle News is kaput, which is a shame. Of course, its absence may open up opportunities for someone else.
Hope y'all are having a great summer...
Penton Talk / Just in, Moto Retro Illustrated
December 09, 2009, 12:33:41 AM
Thanks, guys, for the kind words!

I spoke to JP and Jack in Vegas and we all agreed I need to get to Ohio for the story.

When I gave JP a copy of the magazine during the concours, he held on to it and wouldn't give it back. I had more copies in my van, so I let him have it. It was pretty funny ;)

Anyway, hope you're all keeping warm. Talk soon,

Wanted / For Sale / '74 250 Enduro for sale
December 29, 2005, 11:46:06 AM
Hi Guys

Just a short note to tell you all that I sold the '75 250 yesterday to Victor Monz, who looks healthy as a horse, btw. (Go Vic! ;)

Best of luck to everyone in '06.


Mitch @ Motorcyclist
Penton Talk / Victor Monz
December 15, 2005, 10:19:48 AM

Best wishes for a speedy recovery!

Wanted / For Sale / '74 250 Enduro for sale
December 11, 2005, 12:18:24 PM

Thanks for the advice, and the story idea! (I'll think about it for Dirt Rider.)

What I need to know from someone who's unbiased (aka not interested in buying it) is what it's basically worth (barring any huge unseen engine problem, which I don't think it has). I mean, is it a $250 bike, or a $500 bike, or more? I honestly haven't a clue. I'm not trying to make big bucks on it, but I'd hate to sell if for $250 if it's worth twice that. Anyway, any help you guys could provide would be appreciated.

Best regads,

Mitch Boehm
[email protected]
Wanted / For Sale / '74 250 Enduro for sale
December 10, 2005, 12:34:12 PM
Hi Folks

I'm pretty clueless about the ins and outs of Penton machinery (which is bad cause I grew up racing mx in northern Ohio in the '70s and lived just 12 miles from the Pentons!), but I've somehow become the owner of a fairly ratty 250 Enduro. It's probably more parts bike than restoration candidate, but that'll be for you to decide. I gave the POG Webmaster the frame numbers and he confimed it's a '75 model. The frame number is 54 507 85662.

[email protected]

A gentleman - and POG member - named Ted has the pix and info too; he's apparently trying to see if he knows anyone who's interested. But I thought I'd toss the hook out in the forum to see if I get any bites. The bike is in Los Angeles.

Thanks much!

Mitch Boehm
Motorcyclist Magazine
Los Angeles, CA
[email protected]