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Messages - fasmith

Penton Talk / Hardbound Book of Penton Riders
September 09, 2012, 10:20:24 AM
Excellent idea.  Please do this!  I have many times - wondered about the life story of the riders here and the history of their personal bikes.  I usually ask but to have the info in hand - that would be something I would love to have.
Wanted / For Sale / Penton/ KTM 125 f/s
July 07, 2012, 03:53:26 PM
I am checking with a friend - he could be interested in buying it - it will be a day or two before I can talk to him as  he works swing shifts.
Penton Talk / PFO Closure tomorrow
July 07, 2012, 09:07:59 AM
Follow-up -

The PFO was closed successfully and the atrial aneurysm was also corrected successfully. I now have two pieces  of  titanium in my heart.   Procedure was performed in an hour and a half.  Recovery was a little difficult as the vein that the camera was inserted into - the bleeding was difficult to get stopped - took about 4 hours extra - the other vein was under control in 15 minues.   lots of bruising...  looks like I tried that stunt thing where you jump over a motorcycle as it comes at you at speed....except I forgot to jump and the bars caught me ...just ...right.  But a week later ... I am finally allowed to move about and get out the house.  The doctor - says in 3 to 6 months..  more like three months.. I will have another TEE procedure to check the occluder device and make sure it is staying in place and the heart muscle is growing over it. After that ...  I will be cleared for full activity...  riding again.....still can't ever scuba dive... which was on the bucket list...but I think I can get by without doing that.  I will also not have  to take any more drugs - I am off warfarin and on plavix now and  will only have to take that for three months and  then only have to take a aspirin daily after that.  I will so glad to be off the anti-clotting drugs.  

One thing I have learned  - do not ignore any messages that your  body sends you - as don't ignore signs that there is something wrong with your  heart, arteries, etc.  I ignored  the first TIA, it was the second one that caught my attention..and if I had ignored that one - well...  who knows.  But...  in the end - I didn't and my issue was fixed and I can resume a more-than-normal active life.  In the next year ... I am looking forward  to now being able to attend a lot of the events that you guys go to.  So..if something doesn't feel right - don't ignore it... see your doctor.  Might save your life.
Penton Talk / Shoulder surgery
June 27, 2012, 09:14:20 AM
Dwight .. man..   get it done.  and then PT then you will be back going in no time.  I know the surgery will go well.
Penton Talk / Will Stoner "practice stroke"
May 01, 2012, 09:11:35 PM
First - I hope Will has had successful surgery to remove any blockages.  I, myself, having had two TIAs last September - I can say that a TIA is not fun even if it only last approx. 15 minutes - It's a stroke - pure and simple - but thankfully only a very short amount of time that the blockage is there to affect you and thus a person can recover without any damage.  Thus it is a "transient event".  Still not a good thing to happen - but it is a warning shot that actually is a "good" warning shot that lets you know... Hey - uh .. you got problems and it ain't good to ignore the problems.
Now -after the surgery - to keep the blood flowing to the brain and also I would say that Will will be on a blood thinner possibly also to prevent future clots.  Has anyone touched base with Will?  I hope he is doing well.
Quotequote:Originally posted by Dwight Rudder

I crashed big time in last section, not that I was having a good day anyway. I got stuck twice, Got pole vaulted off the bike when I hit a 3ft. tree limb and it fliped up into the swingarm and tire. Got lost then got hung up in a hog wire fence. THEN, I was going good in last section when I hit a hidden stump in the sand and pine straw. I endoed and wadded up my Husky. I finally came to rest with the bike laying across my legs and me looking at skid plate. When I got out from under the bike I had red, black and white plastic strown for 20 feet and my clutch lever bracket was broken.  I had to ride the remainer of the section in first and second gear being careful not to stall the bike.  I am having to replace all the plastic on my bike except the headlight and front fender. It is either gouged, cracked, shattered or broken. I was lucky it didnt get the radiator or pipe. Me, I'm a bit stove up and bruised. Just not my day for sure.

Dwight ... I rode cleanup in that section... I think I saw the stump that got you... what told me that it was the stump was a couple of pieces of broken plastic on the ground just beyound it, the scar on the stump and the pretty nicely dug up ground where you and the bike met Mother Earth afterwards.   If it makes you feel any better - this coming weekend I am taking a chainsaw to the stump when we do our cleanup of arrows, ribbons and various other chores after the enduro.  Now hopefully you know that in my section - the third test - you may have noticed Allen and I painted every stump with orange paint to alert riders  - we walked the entire section just to get the dangerous stuff marked.   I feel bad that you got caught by one that somehow got missed in that section.
Penton Racing Talk / CORY WINS !
March 06, 2012, 08:48:38 PM
And congrats to Dwight also for a fine showing at the Sandlapper Enduro despite a crash that as he described it to me would have made me think twice about getting back on the bike.  And Dwight...quite honestly... you looked like you were hurting a bit there after the race.  I hope you are doing well.  

Freddie Smith
Penton Talk / Riding after a stroke and warfarin..
February 22, 2012, 07:35:24 PM
Quotequote:Originally posted by Lloyd Boland

Good to hear your are riding again.  Also glad to hear of the pending surgery to repair the septal defect.  You have clearly documented the risks though.  May I make a suggestion until the surgery, ride cautiously and just have a little fun, not too much, but just enough to keep your sanity so that there are not unforseen accidents that may delay or cancel the surgery.  You want to make it to the surgery date, so that you can go WFO afterwords. I say this only being concerned about the risks and the potential for future good outcomes.  Good luck and keep us posted.


Lloyd - I value your advice and I promise I will take it a little more easier as I venture out to ride again.  You are right - no need to tempt fate - or to do more damage than necessary at this point.  I suppose my mindset was and is - to not let the issues and the warfarin control me as to deprive me of what I truly love to do.   I was about to bust wide open to get back riding off-road.  The way I looked at it.. I needed to ride to see if I had a "fear" and I can say now I don't.  I do realize that a mishap could cause some damage - but what I figured out for me - was that - as in the case of the over the bars adventure..I jumped up and realized..Hey! I'm good! and actually was pretty darn relieved to have done it and not found myself frightened at the possibility of being hurt.   Of course - wearing all my protective gear and a little extra stuff... also helped.  It was like the time after I suffered an open tibia plateau fracture and tearing four of the ligaments in my right knee after a ugly high-side.  I rode a Honda CR500 at the time - and I was terrified of cranking that bike a year later after the injury had healed.  I just knew my knee would not hold up to the tremendous pressure you have have to exert on the CR500's kickstarter to boot that bike alive.  However... one day..I said I gotta try...and this was after 18 months of rehab and PT - I got on the bike and with much dreaded anticipation.....  I said here we go.  Let's see what happens.  And you know what.  Nothing happened...  not to my knee.  It took me several hard kicks to get it to crank, but my knee did not buckle or explode.  I was like.. well ..I'll be doggone.  I had been riding a CR250 and my KTMs - but had stayed away from open bikes..simply cause I thought I would not be able to crank them without hurting the knee and the bones that got broke.  The worst one to heal was the tendon that tore away from the patella.  It took a long time for it to heal after the surgery.

So... yes..I am taking your advice...going to ride ..but with the thing in mind to ride comfortable within reason... as truly I am not a fast rider by any means... and just enjoy the off-road riding in a more reserve manner so that come June - get that sucker repaired and get off the warfarin and then bring myself back to a normal riding speed for me.  

I think that taking the blood thinner does not mean you have to stop doing the things you love to do - such as riding off-road but I just know that I need to be aware that I need to cover all the bases so to speak to minimize the injuries that can occur.  Ironically - I have not taken a ride on my street bike yet.
Penton Talk / Dwight Rudder.... Cherokee Enduro?
February 21, 2012, 07:54:12 AM
Quotequote:Originally posted by Dwight Rudder

Yes, I rode.  Got 12th 50A+ out of 44 entries in class.  I tore a abductor groin muscle in the 2nd section.  Burned like hell. Fell over a few times because of it. It is just now turning most of my thigh black and blue.  Yes, I will be ready for the Sandlapper !
Be there Friday evening or afternoon.

I should have known you had rode.  Excellent on the finish. Most folks would have tossed in the towel at that race with the rain.  Ouch on the muscle.  I'll be looking for you at the Sandlapper.
Penton Talk / Riding after a stroke and warfarin..
February 20, 2012, 09:43:44 PM
Well it has been approximately two months since I started back riding off road again  - with this blood thinner in me -and the other issues I have - and so here is an update.  I am still alive and well and riding my butt off.  It's been an adventure. Four weekends in the woods - and I collected a multitude of bruises, cuts, scrapes, and other odd and end "what the h*ll did I do get a bruise there" items.   So let's see....  one major bruise - whacked my shoulder on a tree and it looked like I had been run over by a car.  All kind of colors.  Smaller bruises...  looked like someone whacked me with a whiffle bat - made of very heavy plastic.   Went over the bars once - bit my tongue then - I hit a pine lighter stump hidden in a bunch of pine straw.   So first of last week ..cause truthfully I was hurting - I limped around and had to open the refrigerator door with my teeth cause my shoulder hurt so badly and the fingers on my other hand were beat up too...I made a trip to my family doctor - who took one look and said "dear Lord.... why?" and I said ..I am a grown man and I love to ride to dirt bikes.  If you want to play - sometimes you gotta pay.  So.. the good doctor signed deeply and wrote me a prescription for a huge round of steroids to speed up the healing. And a bottle of painkillers ..which I did not actually need... Now I have taken the steriods before - to speed up the healing process and it was no suprise to me that after starting taking them on Wednesday - by Saturday...not only was I opening the frig door by myself - I could eat food again other than ice cream, mashed potatoes and grits as my tongue had actually healed and the swelling was gone in it too.  I also had an additional nuclear stress test at the cardio doctor office again - and my PRO closure is scehduled for mid June of this year.  The results of the test were good -- I guess if you can call seeing the PFO open and flap and the aneurysm flopping back and forth like a broken rear brake stay rod on a 1980 KTM - a good result .. well it was wild to see the video myself later in the doctors office.  Of course he asked if I had been taking it easy... and of course..I said no... and he said.. he knew it...he had seen my shoulder when I was getting the electrodes stuck on.  He is a good doctor however. He just shook his head.  I figure... you know... I gotta ride.  On the other side of the tracks... I did buy this piece of protective gear ... a EVS Revolt Roost jersey.... actually it is a under the jersey/flak jacket garmet that has foam padding that covers up the chest and also the stomach area - lower than the bottom of the flak jacket.  

So... all in all... I am ok..and riding in the woods - we have been working on the trail for the national enduro on March 4th and I can promise you that I was a little scared at first... but after I hit that first tree  - all the fear went away.  I said.. you know ..I can do this.  and I have been much better off in my mind since I have decided to ride.  I am not grumpy at home... which my wife says is good cause she was ready to shoot me when I was not riding.  

Penton Talk / Riding after a stroke and warfarin..
January 24, 2012, 07:11:51 PM

Lloyd -

I am not giving up riding.  Right now.. these days.. I feel good - the blood thinner - as other have said...  does make you bleed a lot more and I tend to bruise more.  This past weekend I had planned to help with working on the trail for our club's national enduro we are hosting in March... I was a little hesitant about riding.. but I said... man... I'll just make sure I wear my flak jacket, pants, boots and anything other protective gear I can put on...  just in case.  And you know happened?   Early Saturday morning as I walked across the wood deck out of the house to go to the shop to load up the bikes...  I slipped on the wet wood (it rained all night) and twisted my right knee and banged it hard on the deck which just so happens to have been repaired ten years ago (I tore all the ligaments along with fracturing the shin) and that sucker swelled up in ten minutes and hurt like a sonuvagun.  Ticked me off.   I was ticked off that I hurt myself worse walking and slipping than if I had hit a darn tree on my bike.  As I hopped back into the house....I made a mental note...  put on riding gear before even walking out the house.  The swelling has finally gone down as of today... it is sore but functional.  Turned all kind of colors... blue, yellow, red....  guess the bruising was due to the blood thinner.  

I'm riding this weekend. And any other time that I can also.  Come hell or high water.   Besides.... sand is soft.  We don't have rocks here in sandland in SC.....  Do have to watch out for those darn wet wooden decks.  

I do appreciate you guys replying back.  All the positive stuff makes me realize that this issue is not a reason to quit doing what I really love doing --> riding off-road.  
Quotequote:Originally posted by Lloyd Boland

Freddie, don't give up.  One of the pro ISDE riders had a similar thing happen a couple years ago, in January.  Had the heart surgery a few weeks later and still road the ISDE in Mexico for the US Team, and finished well.  I was told by my cardiologist not to ride ever again, but he misdiagnosed me.  I take over the counter omeprozole (prilosec)and it caused a condition called hypomagnesemia.  This causes cardia arythmias and PVCs.  After tons of tests, he said I had a electrical problem with my heart and it would just stop one day and not to put any stress on it, "No riding". FORGET THAT.  I did my own research and discovered several research articles on cardiac electrical problems and found research the PPIs (like Prilosec) cause PVCs.  You would think the cardiologist would know this.  I supplemented my diet with extra magnesium and low-and-behold, problem solve.  I councel all my patients now on the possible side affects of PPIs.  I have found 5 people with cardiac conditions related to PPIs over the past year that their PCP or cardiologist misdiagnosed.  Follow the doctors recommendations, but make sure you get accurate information and make an educated decision on any health care issue.
Lloyd Boland
Penton Talk / Riding after a stroke and warfarin..
January 18, 2012, 08:55:59 PM
I had a visit with the cardiologist today - basically after 3 months on warfarin and a couple of different tests (one being a treadmill stress test while wearing this gizmo thing and another TEE - the doctor says the PFO (the hole in the wall between the right and left atria of my heart) needs to be closed - it's "nice sized"  (he spoke of size in a term I did not understand - but he translated it to being "nice sized")  and the other factor being the atrial septal anuerysm that is there also.  Keeping my blood pressure low along with the warfarin is ok... but he is worried about me buying the farm to speak...especially when I announced - with the support of my lovely wife of 34 years - that I intended to continue riding off road regardless of this .. inconvience.   Needless to say..the good doctor just rolled his eyes and mumbled something about "damn crazy dirt bikers".  The other story here is there only one doctor in the whole state of South "By Gawd" Carolina who can perform this PFO closure surgery and I have to get in line now to get it done this summer.  I also want to say thanks for the replies.  In the end - I have oufitted my fanny pack with a QuikClot bandage package.  I did have a very profuse nose bleed last Wednesday evening....and after bleeding about a half of a red solo cup of blood - (yes I caught it in the cup to see how much I was losing) we took off for the local urgent care facility to get the bleeding stopped.  Funny moment was when the doctor who was packing my nose with cotton asked... how did it start?  I said... pointing to my wife ...."I thought she said stand up when she really said shut up...and here we are."  The doctor and nurse...turned ever so slowly to look at my wife...who is all of 108 pounds and is giving me this menancing look for no particular reason... other than she might have seen me trying to catch a glimpse down the pretty nurse's top.   Needless to say took a few minutes of uncomfortable silence before I realized that they were taking me serious and I had to explain the entire situation...blood thinner...etc.   It was kind of funny at first....  at least I thought it was.  

In the meantime....  for the next (roughly) six weekends - we are working on laying out the trail for the Sandlapper National Enduro on March 4th.  Good thing out of all this...I am not allowed near a machete to whack vines, trees, etc....  but am allowed to work a staple gun to put up arrows.  I don't mind that.  

Freddie Smith
Penton Talk / Riding after a stroke and warfarin..
December 31, 2011, 05:07:31 PM
Quotequote:Originally posted by tomale

I personally do not have to take any kind of blood thinners but I do have a close friend who does and has not been on a bike for nearly a year, it is breaking his heart, any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

Thom Green,Still crazy after all these years!
76' 250 MC5 (orginal owner)
74'250 hare scrambler (project)
74' 1/2 440 maico
78' 440 maico
72' cr125 Husky (project)
93' RMx 250 suzuki

I'll admit - this development has been quite a bummer in terms of the doctor saying... well... you have to be real careful to not sustain injuries at this time.  I know it sounds dumb, but I am going to ride - and thankfully... I suppose at my age... well..I really don't have to worry about any "high-speed" crashes... in fact it has been so long since I really crashed...I personally worry more about falling off a ladder than I do crashing in the woods.  But... there still exists the possibility of taking a fall and bleeding internally.  However, maybe one possibility is that the cardio doctor is offering the direction of having the surgury to close the PFO - and I would have the good possibility to discontinue the warfarin and only taking aspirin to help with clot prevention.  I am strongly leaning in that direction of the surgury. As far as cuts, scrapes, etc..which I do seem to get a lot ... there are several products available that you can carry that stops the bleeding - one is QuikClot Powder.   The aneursym will have to be one of those things that I will have to deal with eventually.  @ Thom Green - as to your friend ...I understand his thoughts...  and my wife said... if I had to quit riding..that would kill me faster than any darn crash and injury.
Penton Talk / Riding after a stroke and warfarin..
December 31, 2011, 04:46:32 PM
Quotequote:Originally posted by Randy Kirkbride

Give me a call sometime or email me your # & I can call you.
[email protected]  740-819-4481

Randy - thanks - I'll give you a call next week - when is the best time?  Evenings? Afternoons? Mornings?  

When you see 803-480-5662 pop up..that will be me.

Penton Talk / New Yellow
July 22, 2011, 10:22:36 AM
Awesome job on the bike.  Love the old pictures.... especially the motocross start - amazing amount of old bikes ....  and I was wondering -- that is a Suzuki RM125 - but is the bike that is on the truck also - looks to be a 1981 Suzuki RM250X model....???

And I just .. realized from your sig - that bike should be a 1982 RM250....  the first water cooled RM250.