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Messages - Richard Beck

Penton Talk / POG/FMFMX/Marc Biro Apology
January 27, 2002, 09:50:12 AM
Donny, your public apology shows that you are a man of character and reinforces my apperciation to you for the copy of the Sachs engine manual you gave me last fall. Thanks again.

Penton Talk / I have 2 wheel bearing questions
January 11, 2002, 08:24:03 PM
To remove the wheel bearings use a long punch (a common screwdriver will work) to reach through the opposite bearing and find the small ledge that the junction of the bearing's outer race and interior spacer makes. With a hammer strike the punch around the outer race of the bearing. Continue driving the bearing out untill it drops out. After one bearing is removed the interior spacer will fall out and the other bearing can be removed by the same method or by removing the interior cir-clips and driving the bearing out by punching the outer race. Any bearing removed by hitting the inner race should be replaced.

Hope this helps.