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Messages - gram_lady

Penton Talk / Trail Rider mag cover shot!!!
December 03, 2003, 07:55:15 AM
This is my first try at this sort of thing, but I must answer the biggest misconception. If you grow up you are not going to be like me. Rocket has it right and all of this is his fault. Had he not sold me his Penton I might have ended up with a Husky. My thanks to all of you, for I would not be where I am today without your association. Lucky, maybe, but I believe what luck you have is of your own doing. The best example is of course Connie. I know Paul is going to ask how come I made the cover of Trail Rider. You simply have to pull the right chain Paul. I believe the up one has the brass link. Enough for now, have to get ready to leave for Amherst tomorrow.      

         Lets ride,  Young Ted
Penton Talk / C virus
May 07, 2003, 06:12:00 PM
Mike, Thank you for the virus warning.  I am a real beginner at this and need all the help and hints I can get.  Gram_lady

Penton Talk / C virus
May 07, 2003, 06:12:00 PM
Mike, Thank you for the virus warning.  I am a real beginner at this and need all the help and hints I can get.  Gram_lady

I am new at the computer and am sort of feeling my way around by trial and error.  Wanted to find the page that woould give us member messages.  Sorry I rattled your cage Mr. C.  Gram_lady

Penton Talk / Metering rod
May 04, 2003, 05:55:56 PM
Thank you John for the information on the lectron carb.  Your quick answer is really appreciated.  Gram_lady

Penton Talk / Metering Rod
May 03, 2003, 01:29:51 AM
What metering rod do I use on an electron  34mm om a 250cc? I will appreciate any help I can get.  I am desperate.

Penton Talk / E-Mail Messages
September 08, 2002, 09:18:09 PM
I want to find the page that is similar to a chat room.  Don't know how.