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Messages - crash carden


    :D Thanks for all who were interested the bike is SOLD! :D

Wanted / For Sale / 1973 Penton HareScrambler 250cc
April 19, 2012, 09:43:31 PM
Hey Kip, Thanks for the cell #, I will give you a call tomorrow,  Crash.
Wanted / For Sale / 1973 Penton HareScrambler 250cc
April 15, 2012, 11:38:24 PM
Hello Kip, Good to hear from you. Yes Mary and I are fine, hope you guys are doing well. I will give you a call as I have a deal for you that you may not want to pass up :D. This bike will look great next to your Jackpiner!!! This will match your Piner better than a 175 Husky ;) Later dude, Crash.
Wanted / For Sale / 1973 Penton HareScrambler 250cc
April 14, 2012, 04:23:34 PM
Hello Fellow POGers, Its spring and this 1973 250 HS would look great with you on it!! I thought I would give everyone one more shot at this fine machine! I don't think you will find a nicer original 1973 250 HS on the planet :D! Buy it and have fun this year!! I need cash for my new custom built drum set [8D] comming soon. Thanks for looking. Later, Crash.
Wanted / For Sale / Mint 400
March 16, 2010, 01:08:04 AM
Mike, No problem, now that I look close at the pictures in the ad it does look like it could be painted,its so shinny and clean. But its not! Heck I might hit "Buy it Now" myself ;) Nope better not this one has to go! However Mike good job of checking it out. Thanks again for looking and thanks David for posting the ad here. Later dudes, Crash
Wanted / For Sale / Mint 400
March 16, 2010, 12:22:22 AM
Hello, Yes I ment to put 520 chain and it is now corrected in the ad[:o)].Thanks for pointing that out, I must be brain dead [xx(]. NO the carb is NOT painted silver! Thats is a carb that Kip Kern worked his magic on! And it looks as good on the inside as well! :D Kip is GREAT! Like the ad says carb like new! Heck the whole bike is like NEW! Thanks for looking guys, Later,Crash.
Penton Talk / Misc. parts
February 02, 2010, 12:21:17 AM
Hello Thom, Parmabike sells repops of the red oil cap on ebay. Here is the item number for his current listing #270460856492. He has the listing title as {1968-76 Penton KTM hub Red Grease Fitting}. In case the listing # does not pull it up on ebay you can type in the item listing title. Hope this helps you out,good luck. Crash Carden
                      Save a Horse ride a Penton! ;)
Hello guys, Just thought I would let you know that Wallgreens Drugs photo department can transfer old movies 35mm ,38mm film and VCR tapes to CD. They can also add a sound track as well.Its about a two week turn around,and for a reasonable price. Once you get the master copy done they can burn extra copies cheap [^] Hope this helps you out. I have a lot of old films my dad took back in the day,and to me they are priceless! :D Nice looking Berkshire Victor!!!
   Later,Crash Carden "Save a horse ride a Penton" [:p]
Penton Talk / Jackpiner Restoration Project
September 29, 2009, 03:21:17 PM
Hello Kevin, [8D] Cool story on the Jackpiner. Thanks for the feedback on the CEV tail light,. Yes please email me when you locate it, [email protected]   Thanks for your help, Crash Carden
Penton Talk / Jackpiner Restoration Project
September 28, 2009, 11:59:31 AM
Hello KJ Donovan, WOW!!! You have done an excellent job on your Jackpiner! [8D] I also like the tires you have put on it. I am guessing those are dual sport tires? I was reading your picture captions sounds like someone set this Penton out for the trash man? Glad to see you saved it and brought it back to its true glory. I also noticed in one of the before pictures what looks like one of the small black metal CEV oblong tail lights mounted on a rubber flap. I am looking for one of those tail lights for my Jackpiner and I see you have mounted a larger tail light on your finished bike. Would you be interested in selling the old tail light? Great looking bike! :D Crash Carden Go Penton!!
Wanted / For Sale / Many Penton project bikes
September 10, 2009, 10:13:36 PM
Hello Bob, Do you have any pictures you could post? I am looking for a 125 sixday,however I would like to see them all! Thanks for any help, Crash Carden Go penton!!!! P.S. I have a van big enough to hual them all!:D
Penton Talk / Happy Birthday Mr. Penton
August 21, 2009, 09:51:43 PM
Yes,Happy Birthday John Penton! Thank you for your vision for a better dirt bike. When it comes to dirt bikes Penton's are all I own and all I ride! I bought my first Penton in April of 1973,a new Jackpiner and I am still riding it!
Thanks again John Penton....You Da Man!!! [8D]
Wanted / For Sale / Sale - '81 250 KTM parts
July 20, 2009, 02:39:01 AM
Hello Bob, Does this model have 5 or 6 speed gear box?
Dennis, Nice bike!! Great job and a great story. Crash Carden
                                 Go Penton! [8D]
Wanted / For Sale / 1975 Penton 400 for sale!
July 14, 2009, 02:51:23 PM
Hello Bob, Thanks for your kind words. Yes I call it my after diner mint 400. The color is truly a soft mint green,but for some reason the pictures made the color look a bit darker than it is. Hope to see you at Mid Ohio VMD. Later,Crash :D