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Messages - Mike Wickstrand

Penton Talk / ISDT Website Photos
October 20, 2003, 01:38:37 PM
Glad the photos and video are appreciated. For those of you that are interested (and have a high-speed Internet connection or a lot of patience) I have posted a second highlight video that is about 10 minutes long (and less Wickstrand-centric this time). Most of the footage is from the Tannery Trail terrain test on Day One and also from a trail near Whitcomb Summit (behind the cabins) from the morning of Day Two.

I couldn't help myself though, I did need to include some Joel Smets/Alan Wickstrand grass track video towards the end - it's just too much fun to watch. [8D]

Enjoy - Mike

Penton Talk / ISDT Website Photos
October 17, 2003, 06:47:51 PM
Glad you appreciate the photos, it's too bad Andy and Mark are having problems with the video. I would make a couple suggestions: First, you will likely be waiting a long time if you are using a dial-up connection. Second, I would suggest downloading the latest version of Windows Media Player as this will likely solve the problems of hearing sound, but not seeing the video. The latest versions of Windows Media Player can be downloaded here:

I started the additional video last night and plan to get it posted to my site over the weekend – I'll post a note to this thread when it's out there.

Penton Talk / ISDT Website Photos
October 17, 2003, 10:46:56 AM
Speaking of photos, I thought you might be interested in viewing the photos (and video) from the ISDT Reunion Ride I have posted to my site. I just have one video up there now (Alan Wickstrand-centric), but have a bunch of additional video of just about everyone from the terrain test on day one and a ton of video from a Whitcomb Summit trail on day two that I'll be adding to the site over the weekend.

Enjoy - Mike

Mike Wickstrand