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Messages - ossaracer

Penton Racing Talk / RIP Danny "Magoo" Chandler
May 08, 2010, 09:54:27 AM
Sad to hear for sure.  I last saw him at the 2007 MXoN at Budd's Creek.   He was the most exciting, WFO racer I ever saw.

For those of you that don't have it or seen "The Story of Magoo" DVD go to  //  and BUY it.  It is an amazing story of a never say die racer, and a fitting tribute to the man and legend.  Some Penton 125 shots to....

RIP Magoo,  we love you......

Terry Gates
AHRMA racer/Penton-Ossa lover
[email protected]
Penton 100 Berkshire 72 - nice (on the way!!)
Penton 125 Six Days (3)
Penton 175 Jackpiner
Penton 250 Harescambler (2 1/2)  Love 'em!!
Mint 400 - sweet
SOLD!   Thnaks everyone,  see you at the track!

Terry Gates
AHRMA racer/Penton-Ossa lover
[email protected]
Penton 100 Berkshire 72 - nice (on the way!!)
Penton 125 Six Days (3)
Penton 175 Jackpiner
Penton 250 Harescambler (2 1/2)  Love 'em!!
Mint 400 - sweet
All my Penton was restored by Mike Ghallager who did a bang up job as you can see. The motor is a complete Doug Wilford re-do,  it has 0 hours at this time,  so need I say more on the motor.  This is a very nice restore, and period look earlier Berkshire.   I have too many racing projects, and so need to move this baby I am not using,  so someone else can enjoy it.   the stock pipe is particularly perfect,  hard to find.

I am negotiable on my price,  got other deals working to buy so need to give this sweet Berkshire a new home.

Jeff DeBell, yes you got me right  we split that pair of Yankees , maybe 2001?  I sitll have mine  not restored yet,  but soon,  soon.   Chicago Jerry is also a great guy, we swap and do buisness on Penton stuff.   The 250 I bought fomr him I race very hard, and it has held up well,  of course it's a Penton.

Let me know if any specific quesiotns on the Berkshire,  and hope someone will get it and enjoy it,  I love all my Pentons!

Terry Gates
AHRMA racer/Penton-Ossa lover
[email protected]
Penton 100 Berkshire 72 - nice (on the way!!)
Penton 125 Six Days (3)
Penton 175 Jackpiner
Penton 250 Harescambler (2 1/2)  Love 'em!!
Mint 400 - sweet
GREAT!!! I grew up in the Pacific NW and we were for sure bike crazy in the early 70s when land was plentiful and 'everyone' rode dirt bikes....some great shots there looks like Puyallup Raceway Park scene of the Trans-AMA 1971 - 1978  and SIR road Race  too,..  really brings back the memories of a fun, simpler the Sachs leading linker on there at least!!

Terry Gates
AHRMA racer/Penton-Ossa lover
[email protected]
Penton 100 Berkshire 72 - nice (on the way!!)
Penton 125 Six Days (3)
Penton 175 Jackpiner
Penton 250 Harescambler (2 1/2)  Love 'em!!
Mint 400 - sweet
I think Merlin is right on.   I joined AHRMA in 1995  when the Jeff Smith / Jim Redman incident happened at Daytona.  All I read in Vintage Views that first year was what a bad person Rob I was etc etc.yet he was a founder of AHRMAA! This thing has been going on for 14 YEARS!  

Cooler heads and egos should have prevailed and a simple apology at several junctures would have made it go away and we all could have moved forward for the good of the sport.  Instead,  unbridled ego's of a couple "leaders" have taken our sport and AHRMA reputation (to say nothing of the finances) in the tank.  Again  AMA is upping the stakes (with Rob I again outflanking the AHRMA attorney Bendelow)

If AHRMA does not take this last chance and suck it up put all thjis behind us once and for all, and apologize and let Rob I back in,  if the egos prevail and they take a hard line,  it will be a crippling blow to divorce from AMA and loose a huge revenue source and several AMA top shelf road racing tracks,  hence more financial losses and damage to the road race program which I also participate in.

I will watch and see,  in 4 short days,  does AHRMA do whats right for the sport and membership,  or allow the egomanicial couple guys ruin it?  Ill not bet on the outcome,  but it will speak volumes of AHRMAs future one way or the other!

Terry Gates
AHRMA racer/Penton-Ossa lover
[email protected]
Penton 100 Berkshire 72 - nice (on the way!!)
Penton 125 Six Days (3)
Penton 175 Jackpiner
Penton 250 Harescambler (2 1/2)  Love 'em!!
Mint 400 - sweet
Penton Talk / Modern Handlebars On Vintage Penton/KTMs
January 10, 2009, 02:14:09 PM
I use "Mini - High" Renthals.  They have more rise than the vintage Desert High.  For most old school Pentons (without using a riser spacer) the 3-4" rise is needed, the Mini high is the only bar with that mush rise.  they are also 31 3/8" wide so nit too narrow nor too wide to have to cut them.   My .0c  they are same size material so no worries getting sa "mini"  bar.

Terry Gates
AHRMA racer/Penton-Ossa lover
[email protected]
Penton 100 Berkshire 72 - nice (on the way!!)
Penton 125 Six Days (3)
Penton 175 Jackpiner
Penton 250 Harescambler (2 1/2)  Love 'em!!
Mint 400 - sweet
Wanted / For Sale / 250 MX Carl Cranke REPO pipe
January 08, 2009, 02:03:35 PM
Thank you,  I'll look at tose two guys and see what they currently offer and update....

Terry Gates
AHRMA racer/Penton-Ossa lover
[email protected]
Penton 100 Berkshire 72 - nice (on the way!!)
Penton 125 Six Days (3)
Penton 175 Jackpiner
Penton 250 Harescambler (2 1/2)  Love 'em!!
Mint 400 - sweet
Wanted / For Sale / Looking for MX tank
January 07, 2009, 06:31:47 PM
Got 125 toaster and slim-line newer 74 style MX tanks.   Trade for stuff??

Terry Gates
AHRMA racer/Penton-Ossa lover
[email protected]
Penton 100 Berkshire 72 - nice (on the way!!)
Penton 125 Six Days (3)
Penton 175 Jackpiner
Penton 250 Harescambler (2 1/2)  Love 'em!!
Mint 400 - sweet
Wanted / For Sale / 35mm Ceriani 4-sale
January 07, 2009, 06:29:03 PM
I would like to take the 35mm front end.  Cash waiting  building two bikes and could use the 35MM

Terry Gates
AHRMA racer/Penton-Ossa lover
[email protected]
Penton 125 Six Days (3)
Penton 175 Jackpiner
Penton 250 Harescambler (2 1/2)  Love 'em!!
Mint 400 - sweet
Wanted / For Sale / 250 MX Carl Cranke REPO pipe
January 07, 2009, 06:26:54 PM
who is repro'ing the Cranke pipe??  We need to get it to Circle F to get this measured and in produciton?? His 125 pipes are great,  we need sanme for 250???

Terry Gates
AHRMA racer/Penton-Ossa lover
[email protected]
Penton 125 Six Days (3)
Penton 175 Jackpiner
Penton 250 Harescambler (2 1/2)  Love 'em!!
Mint 400 - sweet
Wanted / For Sale / Carl Cranke 100 pipe
January 07, 2009, 06:24:37 PM
Id like to take that -  It is Terry Gates in Georgia.  Cash ready to go.  I am building a 100cc to race and really could use that piper well.  Can I call you or call me  404-388-8385  or  [email protected]  Or PM me and Ill call.   Thank you  give it a good home!1  Terry

Terry Gates
AHRMA racer/Penton-Ossa lover
[email protected]
Penton 125 Six Days (3)
Penton 175 Jackpiner
Penton 250 Harescambler (2 1/2)  Love 'em!!
Mint 400 - sweet
GREAT post!! Wow talk about talent in that race weekend...WOW

Danny LaPorte, impressive..he rode this past year at AHRMA Diamond Don's  borrowed YZ250A   he was beyond impressive...had a battle royale with Rick "Ricky" Jordan on a CZ400 ex Trans AMA rider from the day.

Terry Gates
AHRMA racer/Penton-Ossa lover
[email protected]
Penton 125 Six Days (3)
Penton 175 Jackpiner
Penton 250 Harescambler (2 1/2)  Love 'em!!
Mint 400 - sweet
Penton Racing Talk / 100cc --Who's In?
February 08, 2008, 10:33:23 PM
I have 3 125 Six Days....thinking about making #3 a 100cc to have yet another class choice.....anyone want to trade 125 top end, jug, head for 100cc set-up??

Terry Gates
AHRMA racer/Penton-Ossa lover
[email protected]
Penton 125 Six Days (3)
Penton 175 Jackpiner
Penton 250 Harescambler (2 1/2)  Love 'em!!
Mint 400 - sweet
I am going Penton 125 (Metco replica) Classic 125 Exp,   Penton 250 Hare Scrambler Sportsman 250 Exp.  Looking forward to it!!

Terry Gates
AHRMA racer/Penton-Ossa lover
[email protected]
Penton 125 Six Days (3)
Penton 175 Jackpiner
Penton 250 Harescambler (2 1/2)  Love 'em!!
Mint 400 - sweet