Penton Restoration Group @ Yahoo

Started by swamp fox, April 08, 2003, 09:36:51 AM

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john durrill

 whats your yahoo id?
i can look and see if you in the list to be added as a member.



John, It is tmc3c2003, What is the web address again? I got thru to vinduro and vintage motocross. Thanks John for your Help!

Thomas Carmichael
Thomas Carmichael

1970 125 Six Day
1976 250 Hare Scrambler


Wasn't the original question about fuel? I have found a local store  that sell Union 76 race fuel. I use it straight with my oil and never seen better plug colors. Is this different than Cam 2 and how would i know if my motor was running Too cold.


john durrill

 here's the short cut.
 Guys , some how give me a clue your a POG member when you ask to join. i have two pending now that i dont have a clue who they are. Its just set up this way to keep people that would spam us to death with e-mail and porn sites out.
John D.

Edited by - john durrill on 04/16/2003  9:59:40 PM


RRHERMES,The way I could feel the motor was running cold was by riding it and then changing up a bit on the mixture. Are you running Straight race fuel? What Octane? I was running 107 cut with 93 in a Husky 430cc.And Yes we were talking about fuel first but the first line is a join group phrase.

Thomas Carmichael
Thomas Carmichael

1970 125 Six Day
1976 250 Hare Scrambler


John, Thanks for the short cut, I can always use those!

Thomas Carmichael
Thomas Carmichael

1970 125 Six Day
1976 250 Hare Scrambler


Thomas, The name on the pump reads Union 76 ,the official fuel of Nascar,. i think it is 104 octain and I use it straight adding only oil. I used to roadrace and found it at tracks that run Nascar events. I found it near a local drag strip.Rh



Rhermes, What size bike are you riding? I live close to a drag strip and the pump at the station close by is 97 octane,not saying anything about your octane rating,but the next time you gas up check the rating.I was running Cam 2 fuel and when I first started I ran it 4 gals of 107 and 1gal 95 octane and the bike didn't run like I had race fuel in it, then I went down on the mixture to 3.5 gal to 1.5 gals and I could FEEL the difference,Both times the plug looked perfect.You might have found the best combo already but sometimes more isn't always better!

Thomas Carmichael
Thomas Carmichael

1970 125 Six Day
1976 250 Hare Scrambler


Seems that you watch this board. Did you get my P.E. about the Restoration board?


john durrill

Yes i did B_D,
 i sent a reply. will resend it to be sure you got it.
John D.



Thomas, I have a 75 400  set up for Mx and just bought a 75 175 I intend to wse in the CC events. jetting was driving me crazy on the 400 until I needed fuel at the event at Casey Ill. last year.It was the union 76 and  i was able to get plug color after that. The pump does not have a octain listed but it says Compition 110 across the top.



Hi Rhermes, sounds like you hit the nail on the head with the 400cc,I too felt like my jetting was off a little with my Husky and that is when I started going with the race fuel.Plug color can tell you a lot,we also have another factor, and that is I was living in Charleston S.C. which is sea level at it's finest, so air mixture plays into the mix,I would be lite on the fuel with the 175 though! You never can tell, sometimes more is not better, but then again it might be the trick ! Good Luck ! let me know how it turns out!

Thomas Carmichael
Thomas Carmichael

1970 125 Six Day
1976 250 Hare Scrambler