Started by Rain Man, March 01, 2004, 06:37:43 PM

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Tennessee Vol

  I will be needing a lot of help in the future as I am just learning all the vintage bike in & out's I am getting everything together and sorting through what I have-need.I can't wait till mid-ohio.But I can tell you one thing nothing is cooler than a penton.By the way if you or any others know anyone that needs a absoulte perfect mint unrestored 1979 Can-Am 250 Qualifier I have one that needs a new home.

And did I detect a little bit of envy of the way us southern folk speak our southern english.We shore can't help it if everyone likes the way we all talk ya'll are the ones that talk funny.As the line in the group Alabama song goes Southern Born and Southern Bread.:D

Bobby Joe Stults Jr-Now that is a southern name isn't it.
Bobby Stults


Could be good as "Billy Ray Bob", what the heck, you own a Penton, that's good nuf for me. Humor is a great thing, what a hoot!!!
Thomas Brosius

Jeff Reid

1972 Jackpiner
1973 Six Day
1973 Jackpiner

I am believer in the share 'em don't hoard 'em school of thought. I had more bikes than I could reasonably restore or enjoy so I sold them so others could enjoy them. I was pleased to see my old 250 on the cover of the latest newsletter!
Those of you with garages and barns full of Pentons you are just making it harder for others to join the hobby.

Jeff Reid
Jeff Reid


Okay count me in...I've got 4 Pentons. Have a 72 and 73 Berkshire, a 125 Six Day Steeltank and a Wassell Mudlark.
Dave McC


Jeff Reid,
  First, Jeff I agree with you on one side of the argument of selling bikes so others can enjoy the hobby and I have probably sold over 30 Pentons since 2001.  Understand that part of that was due to my illness and wanting to get the bikes in what I considered proper hands.
  Secondly, I have probably saved over 25 Pentons from being destoyed or thrown away.  The salvage yards are made to destroy frames i.e. cut them up if they don't have a title for the bikes they have in their yard, if they are complete.  I purchased two such bikes (Six Days 125) that had just been cut in half.  My point is if it wasn't for me and people like me who are thought of as hoarding Pentons, a lot of the Pentons wouldn't exist.
  Also, the area of selling bikes, I am now down to around 10 Pentons and I am still selling.  I will have to say that I probably spend four times the amount of money than I recoup from sales on "wild goose chases" and promises to sell me "the perfect original Penton".
  In closing, I do know people that have a lot of Pentons and that is their choice and I think it is fine.  On the other hand Jeff, I have purchased parts  that you had left over after you were finished with a restoration and I appreciate your selling the parts.
  Thanks for your "school of thought" and your input.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Ron & Jeff

if it werent for guys like you who have been buying and selling bikes for the past several years I would never have been able to acquire a Penton again. I thought until my brother told me about POG that aspect of my youth was gone forever. I am a benefactor of both sides of your buying and selling thanks to a fellow POG member, Rocket. Because  of what you guys have done i plan to buy several more Pentons and one day sell them to people who will really appreciate their heritage

Jeff Reid

I guess "hoarding" is a  relative term. When I lived in Indiana and offered some un-needed CZ parts (just Husky and Penton for me thanks)for sale I got a call from a guy who told me he had over 200 old dirt bikes in his barn! Every bike I could name he said he had at least one or more of and no, he didn't want to sell any. I just remember thinking- "no wonder I can't find one- this guy has them all". I know as a guy with a job, a home and a family there is a limit to how many bikes one person can reasonably deal with. All I'm saying to everyone is if you can't ride it or restore it, and it's a duplicate or triplicate in your collection consider passing it on to someone else who may be able to restore it and ride it so others can enjoy. The more Pentons in circulation the better for us all. It sounds like you are doing a great job helping to preserve the mark- keep up the good work!

Jeff Reid
Jeff Reid


  Thank you for point of view, and I hope that people of your integrty will continue to collect, restore, ride and keep Pentons as the preferred bike of the past, present and future.  I appreciated r dealing with you on ebay and hope to meet you someday in person.


Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh