Mr. Penton's birthday?

Started by rob brown, August 19, 2017, 10:21:52 AM

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rob brown

I would really like to get this Budds Creek Happy Birthday banner to Mr. Penton. If anyone knows a good address, or can accept it and get it to him at the meeting, I would very much appreciate the help. Just text me if you wish.


Paul Danik

Hi Rob,

   If you are still in need of some help in getting the banner delivered let me know, I would be more than glad to be of some assistance.

[email protected]


Dale Fisher

Photos from the meeting taken by Ohio Ted.

In his words "amazing atuff comes out at POG meetings".

Rob Brown's Buds Creek birthday banner.

Cycle news board with an area painted over.

Actual banner from the '68 Inter-Am race, held near Dover, Ohio.

Dale Fisher
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