'Crome-Molybden Tubing' stickers

Started by Randy Kirkbride, December 05, 2003, 09:12:25 AM

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Randy Kirkbride

A pic will be fine if you can give me some measurements with it.

rob w

It would be my pleasure, thanks.


Randy, if you can't get it from Rob let me know and I will take a picture or send you a tank.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh



Do you still have "crome-molyben tubing" & the "Made in Austria" decals available and if so, how much per each?




Dennis D

If Randy doesn't have them I have a couple of sets that I bought for extras including the warranty disclaimer stickers that I would sell for what I have in them. Dennis D

Randy Kirkbride

John & Dan,
You both have mail.

I do still have the stickers.


Randy:  Has anyone ever been able to give you an original air filter oiling instruction sticker to copy from a steel tanker.  Type that went on round steel cover.   If anyone out there has a cover with said sticker I will pay to have it reproduced it you will loan it to Randy or myself.  Thanks, Ted Atkinson

Randy Kirkbride

Haven't done that one but shouldn't be a problem if we can get one to work with.


  That sticker has been under discussion and a lot of people feel it was actually came on a Husky.  If this is wrong please let me (us) know with some documentation (picture on brochure/test or something) so that I can do more research.  Any help from others would be appreciated.  I remember that dealers put tags on bikes that didn't come from the factory...anyway let me (us) know.

Ron Carbaugh
Kerrville, Texas
Ron Carbaugh