Ron Carbaugh

Started by paul a. busick, August 14, 2009, 12:31:01 PM

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  As usual you are correct and I am Honored to have you as a Friend.  You are a True and Proven Champion and I think you help everyone around you set their standards a little higher.  Here is how I answer your Mind over Matter.  Thanks for your words of Wisdom.

Persuading yourself that you can do something is a strong beginning. Next develop a sound plan and get into action. The longer you delay, the harder it will be to begin. Seldom is a plan perfect. If you have a clear vision of your goal and a plan that is flexible enough to allow you to deal with unexpected obstacles or take advantage of unforeseen opportunities, don't delay another minute. Just getting into action-even if you do have to make adjustments later-will help focus your mind and channel your energies in the direction of your objective.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Steve Minor

Brother Ron...Your words are inspiring! I printed them out and clipped them to my refrigerator door so that I can read them daily. I've got some personal goals that I need to address and I'm sure these words will guide me to success

Thank you

Steve Minor
Wilmington, NC
Steve Minor


Thanks Steve, but I will always remember the wise words of my Great Friend Doug Wilford...."words are just words until you put them into action".  
  I will never forget one early morning at a Reunion Ride, Doug and I were watching the people test their bikes getting ready for day one.  I saw a nice 125 Six Day and was explaining to Doug how this guy really loved the bike and had got a Gold on his first ride after not competing for 30 years.  Doug's comment..."If he a good Friend tell him to put the packing back around the muffler."  I did and the person was very appreciative and it did help the horsepower.  

Moral: No one knows everything, but some know a lot more than others..I think it is called Experience and you can't buy it.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Hey Texas- hope you're feeling better. With winter on the way and a "forced" vacation looming,I'm sure I'll be needing some guidance. I also think I need a few wardrobe tips, cuz I'm not looking as sharp as I could. I wonder how those shorts would look with long underwear!

jeff greenberg

Ron- First, I am glad you like the pics of Jon Leak. We miss him.
Even though we have not had a chance to meet yet (we will some day I hope) I feel like I know you at least a little just from what I've read in all the posts. Obviously, Lots of people love you out there. Just want you to know that Kathy and I wish you our best and keep you in our thoughts and prayers!


  Let me know when you are heading this way.  I have three and half more weeks of treatment and hopefully I will get a rest.

  Your pictures and the stories that Victor has shared about Jon are priceless.  It is people like and Victor bringing up the Penton History that makes this site so special.  Thanks for you thoughts and Prayers.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh



I pray for you often and lots more lately.  You have helped me so much, more than you know, seen me through some tough stuff, you are a true Champion to us all.  Keep the Faith.

Love ya.



Just an update since I get emails asking where I am at on my Radiation Treatment.  I am doing well and have two more weeks of treatment before they finish that phase.  I appreciate the thoughts and Prayers.  It is amazing the great emails and calls I have received and I know that people have their own problems to deal with daily.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Ron, I got to ask, do you and I have the same hair style now. Keep the faith Ron.

Rod Whitman
Omaha, Nebraska
1972 Six Day (Rider)
1972 Six Day (Project)
Rod Whitman
Omaha, Nebraska
1972 Six Day (Rider)
1972 Six Day (Project)


Lets just say I have been called Kojak with a beard.[:p]
Ron Carbaugh

Mark P

I've had that hairstyle for many, many years. I can ski and swim faster with it!


And you don't have to comb your hair in the morning....thanks Mark [:p]  Ready for the last two weeks.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Finished with the treatments and ready to get back in the shop.  Thanks for your many emails, calls and Prayers.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Ernie Phillips

FANTASTIC!!!:D[^][:p]:) -EP

Ernie P.
Chattanooga, TN
Ernie P.
Chattanooga, TN


Good deal, Ron.  I pray for the best for you.
