Home Page Photo Quiz - October 2009

Started by Admin, August 29, 2009, 12:42:17 PM

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  I think you had your hands full with being Chief Mechanic and Head Baby Setter keeping some fun loving guys from another country out of trouble.  There are some Great Stories here.....[:0].

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

rob w

I was just sorta wondering....?
...if this was taken at a '68/'69 Inter-Am race, in which the premier class were 250cc machines, and the support class were 500's.
Why would Penton Imports attempt to compete on a 125. (even with Lars aboard) ?  That's just no match against Torsten Hallman, and Dave Bickers.

Bob W

Paul Danik


In the message from Lars that contained the photo, Lars made mention that it was probably taken at Carlsbad 1968, is that the race that your speaking of?  


I hope Doug tells a few...what an era that was.



Paul & Rob,
  They did race against the bigger bikes.  I think Doug Wilford actually won one Moto at a National Support Race on a 125 against the 500?  I do not think they let him race the second Moto.  Doug is a walking Wikipedia on this era.  Hopefully he will help with my memory.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Paul Danik

To me the best part of Doug's story is having his tell of the Euro riders cheering him on as he kicked butt on his Penton, " go Duggie go" they shouted as Doug would just miss the snow fence by inches to allow him to ride on the undisturbed section of the track on his Penton!!!

"Go Duggie Go"



Good one Paul....not sure how good their english was either.  Have we got Uncle Doug's attention yet???[:p]

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


rob w

Check out the third to last paragraph.
By reading this, it sounds like there were all three classes at these first Inter-Am races. 250, 500 & 125 ?
Is that true ? If so - that's something I never knew. 125's ? really ?
And Gary Bailey on a Penton - really ? Cool stuff.


Hmmm, He's riding with the swedish flag on his chest and back. Is he a swede? That would be strange since I have never heard of him. Lars Larsen is a danish sounding name but there are swedes as well with that name. In sweden is would have been, Lars Larsson.

Can someone help me out. Who is he? Can't find anything about him.


Oh, sorry. Missed this second page and just found out that I've been involved in this discussion before back in 2004. Lars Larsson it is, and he is very much a swede. I got fooled with this Larsen spelling.
