Home Page Photo Quiz - June 2010

Started by Admin, May 05, 2010, 10:25:01 PM

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I think the guy with the green shirt, is Jon Leak. I don't recognized the rest of the riders.


joe novak

Dane,  I will second that; I agree that the young man with the green PENTON jersey is Jon Leak.   Can others recognize any other racers in the photo?  The green FORD pick-up truck looks like an early 1970's F-100 or F-150.  Where are all the trailers and motorcoaches???  I can remember stuffing 4 motorcycles into a FORD van, 4 riders, and also a few spectators, and heading out to the races.

rob w

L to R
Mark Weidner (not positive)
Clint Fannin
Jon Leak (with possibly a little Leak brother)
Jeff Greenberg

Smith Road Raceway

I bought a brand new 1975 Ford F-150 that was that same color green, $ 3150 out the door.

Dave Mitchell

Definitley Leak and Greenberg,allthough if the picture were from their backsides a lot more poeple would recognize them.

rob w

Okay, I've been informed that it is not Mark Weidner - but anyways....
This is from 1974.

jeff greenberg

The kid on the left is Rick Mack and I think youngster is Rick's little brother Joe. Hey, it was no easy task fitting that "afro" into the helmet!  This was my mid-70's "Q"-tip look, Ha!
I am wearing a Mid-Ohio wind breaker that I still have to this day.
Also the green Piasecki Jersey.
Great stuff!!

jeff greenberg

Joe Novak:  If you still want to verify that your cousin (?) has Jon Leak's Berkie, I found the motor # on one of his old AMA race registration forms in a scrap book! It's- 7333242. No idea if this is a "real" number. Can't even believe I found it. It would be very cool if it's the one.

joe novak

Jeff, We were just talking about the photo at the POG meeting this evening.  I mentioned the fact that I knew where Jon's old Berkshire was parked in a barn, and that two farmers were unwilling at this point to depart with it.  Some have suggested that cash has a way of gentle persuation.  I may try that.  Oh, yes, my cousin did indeed purchase the Berkshire from Jon Leak.   No doubt about that...  You have a good memory.  I think a special bike raced by a special person should have a place in the POG collection.  Joe

jeff greenberg

Joe: Thanks for that info. Think I will run it past the Leak family to see if they have interest. Might be a pretty emotional thing for them to see the Berkie.

...and more on the '73 Medina memories: Smith Road was quite the MX event back in the day and a great location. I'm sure that I remember Dane as well as the Penton boys racing there. Bob Taylor and the Piasecki's and so many of us from the Toledo area. We never knew which direction that George would be running the track. Loved those nice bathrooms with showers too!!


  I have a Manufactures' Statement of Origin for a Monark purchased in Dallas Texas by a David Leak in April of 1973.  Do you think that he was any kin to Jon?  I do not remember racing against this person in Texas?

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

jeff greenberg

Hey Ron, Thanks for that post! David isn't a relative but nice coincidence. I am writing this from Las Vegas.  Went to the Supercross last night.  It was a load of fun!  I wore my new Penton T-shirt too! We are staying at the home of Mark Tracy, a long time pal from Toledo that rode with me out of the Piasecki shop. Mark is mentioned above in the article below Jon Leak's picture. I was 3rd in that race and remember it well. Mark fell on the last lap an Jon got by on his Penton.


Thanks Jeff as if they were kin I was going to give you the MSO to give to their Family.  I have been ask by several people if I knew Jon and I told them I did not.  Maybe you could fill some of the people in on the great riding ability of Jon.  I know Victor thought the world of him.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

jeff greenberg

Ron, Sorry for the delay. Just got back from the Supercross.
Many of you know about Norwalk, Ohio's Jon Leak, one of Ohio's all time best MX racers. For those of you who don't, I will layout the "Reader's Digest" version.
As young teens Jon and I became best friends after battling each other in the 100 class on our Pentons. I was basically grafted into their very gracious family. After having an arguably unmatched amateur career in Ohio(MX)Jon became pro along with me at 16, competing on our 125 Pentons. After 3 or 4 top ten finishes in the 125 nationals, Jon earned AMA national #28 in 1976 and caught some interest from the Yamaha factory. Jon also had an 11th place moto finish in the '76 U.S. Grand Prix @ Mid-Ohio. Speaking of Mid- Ohio, Jon was, in my opinion, the uncrowned king of Mid-Ohio having won an amazing 5 State Championships from '73-'77!! Looking back now, I consider having been able to come out on top of Jon in a hand full of races (early on) as one of my biggest accomplishments and the memories that I am most proud of in my career. Unfortunately, Jon left us way too early in a Ultra-Lite accident 14 years ago. Flying was Jon's other passion and he was just as good a pilot as he was a MX racer.
Godspeed Jon.



Thank you Jeff.  The Yamaha connection was where I knew his name from other than of course Pentons.  I appreciate you taking time to share your story.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh